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Everything posted by audioschmaudio

  1. Damn, maybe I should have waited. I just found out that they had a summer sale with up to 50% off last year that seems to have started on the 23rd of June ?. That'd be tomorrow, if they do that again this year. If they allow to apply the 80% coupon on top of those discounts, that'd be insanely cheap.
  2. So it is possible to combine the unsubscribe-coupon with other coupons then? ?
  3. Good to know. I've had an eye on SH-101 ever since I saw a video by Timecop1983 where he uses it. Now I have one less synth on my wishlist.
  4. That's one hell of a good tip/deal. Just when I decided not to buy any more plugins, but I couldn't resist. I never thought I'd be able to get Shreddage 3 Hydra for that little money. Thank you very much for posting this.
  5. A $10 off code won't help reduce the price further, since this coupon can't be used with other coupons:
  6. We'll see. If I do, I'm sure Google mail will quickly learn to classify them as spam after I've reported a few of them as such.
  7. Or with Lifeline Expanse Lite or with RC-20 or with Vybz or with Lo-Fi-Af. I have all these. But none of them have a meditating monk! ? I already unsubscribed from their newsletter right after getting this, so I don't think they can do much with my email address.
  8. I don't see the connection between that statement and Syntronik losing my favorites. Besides, you can actually tweak quite much! You can layer multiple oscillators, switch between dozens of different oscillators, you have envelopes, a modulation matrix. A preset isn't restricted to play a certain sample. And many of the samples are in fact being used by multiple presets. But I feel like we're hijacking the MixBox thread. By the way, the effects section of Syntronik is very similar to MixBox, many of the effects are actually taken from MixBox (and T-RackS).
  9. The presets do work. And why wouldn't they work anywhere? I can tell it the path, which doesn't just contain the samples but also lots of additional information. Syntronik must have its own database for all presets, it knows which patch has which attributes (like, is it a pluck, synth, brass, ..., is it a Syntronik 1 or 2 patch, which effects does it use, what are the settings for those effects), it remembered all that. Just not my favorites. Just tested with a cheap rompler like New Nation's Tetrad Guitars: That does remember my favorites if I move and relocate the samples to a different drive.
  10. You're the chosen one. Tell us your secrets. Just recently I had another "aha" moment. I decided to move all Syntronik files to a different drive. I then also changed the path in the plugin settings, everything was back in place and worked. BUT: All my favorites were no longer marked as such! And I've spent ages listening to them all and deciding which ones I want to mark. Luckily I had saved a clip in Ableton Live for every favorite, because each preset really only sounds great with the right notes/chords/melodies (yes, I know, sounds like a waste of time - my form of procrastinating, I guess). It took me quite a while to re-mark them as favorites.
  11. By the way, they try to get you to share the deal on social media by giving you points for every platform you share it with until you've reached 50 points to unlock their preset pack. First: You don't really need that preset pack, the plugin is simple enough to dial your own settings in to achieve the sound you want. Second: It's enough to click on some of the buttons, not really share it, then click on verify (it doesn't really do any verification).
  12. Most certainly. People hate them for their aggressive advertisement of something that is so overpriced since chords are easily available for free. Everytime I read "Unison", I have to think of this YouTube short:
  13. Yeah, maybe, but I must admit that I'm a sucker for that type of UI design, so I got it nevertheless. It's actually not bad for a free plugin. I guess I'll now get even more advertisements from them to ignore, but that's a small price that I'm ready to pay.
  14. So many "What, Mixcraft wasn't able to do that before?" moments in this video.
  15. Took them quite a while. I bet they improved a lot of things. Upgrade price is only $39. I'm not going back though, Live for life!
  16. I'll even save $450 on it by not buying it at all. Sometimes I feel like they really prey on our G.A.S. syndrome with those dramatic discount headlines.
  17. I was lucky, I didn't have to pay a fee at all because I kept complaining to the support that the dynamic discounts don't get applied until they said "you know what, you don't have to pay the transfer fee, we give it to you for free". That's how I got Focusrite SC for 0,95€ and bx_rockrack for 2,86€ (both via KnobCloud) and I could spend the 20$ vouchers on something else.
  18. Keep an eye on them though. End of May they gave us three 20$ vouchers with no minimum spend. I got Lindell Audio 6X-500, bx_metal2, bx_greenscreamer, bx_bluechorus2 and bx_bassdude for free. I like those types of games.
  19. Nice, thanks for the tip. I didn't know about the AVID coupons yet, nor can I recall seeing someone sell one. But I bought a Forver29 coupon once and got Kirchhoff EQ for 38€. People are also selling plenty of PA plugins for very little money on KnobCloud.com. The buyer has to pay a 20$ transfer fee, but you can use your loyalty vouchers for that too and if you buy multiple transfer fees you get dynamic discounts on the transfer fee. 20% for 2, 30% for 3, up to 60% for 6 or more. Doesn't seem to work most of the time though
  20. I understand that but how is the SOS-PA-2999-3 code Izotope's code and SOS-PA-2999-2 NI's code when they're all for PA only? You mean you got that code from Izotope's newsletter or something?
  21. Oh. I was confused. You wrote "So I assume NI's code is SOS-PA-2999-2". Does NI sell PA plugins? Where's the connection? I don't get it. The PA site itself already tells you that you can use the codes SOS-PA-2999-1, 2, and 3
  22. It depends on whether or not the product is listed at https://musicsoftwaredeals.com/
  23. I can't get SOS-PA-2999-2 to work on any product at NI. The voucher does seem to be valid though.
  24. A little off-topic: Is it just me or does the MIDI import (as arpeggiator pattern) not work in Synthmaster One?
  25. Btw. Synthmaster 3 is supposed to come out this year. He originally planned to publish it around July but it will probably be a few months later.
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