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Everything posted by audioschmaudio

  1. Nice. The demo sounds good, the file size is small, UI looks okay, no installer needed, just copy the vst3 or clap file. ?
  2. Never ever trust influencers. But I like to read the comments on their videos because sometimes you'll find an honest opinion there.
  3. Why ridiculous? Ridiculously cheap?
  4. I just noticed, it says Virtual Bassist Royal, though Royal 2 is already available. Are they selling an old version with the bundle? ?
  5. https://www.ujam.com/blog/empowering-tunes-womens-history-month-at-ujam/ Songwriter Essential Bundle for €49: Virtual Bassist ROYAL, Guitarist AMBER 2, Pianist VOGUE, and Drummer HOT Songwriters Advanced Bundle for €89: Essential plus Usynth GLAM, UFX REVERB, Beatmaker KANDY and Finisher NEO
  6. With a bit of luck one can get it cheap second-hand on KVR Forum or Knobcloud though.
  7. Oh. I missed it. What's the regular price? I can't find that information on their website. Update: I think I found it. $149.99 per year. ? $29 was a really good deal then. Those who've used it, would you say it's a better/faster way to learn playing guitar than with books and YouTube?
  8. Yes, I could open a chart drawing software and recreate it all. But that's not a deal either.
  9. Is that a deal? To me it seems that she's just trying to sell us her courses and get us to sign up at her Patreon. You need to become a Patreon member to download that chart, if I'm not mistaken.
  10. What is Waya? They want me to install their software to get the freebies. I'm way too paranoid to do that. Especially because it makes no sense to me that they go that route rather than hand out license keys, unless the software installs some adware, spyware, malware, whatever.
  11. Synthwave Bundle, Synthwave Shout:
  12. https://sounds.smokeyloops.com/release/retro-synthwave-bundle-2023/ 33€
  13. Yo, chill. No need to shout ?
  14. I hate how the screenshots for the tutorials are always way too small ?
  15. The English issue isn't out yet, but will be coming soon too. With the latest issue of Beat you get two AAS soundbanks of your choice. They give you a voucher which you can redeem on the AAS site where you can then select two soundbanks for free. Also, if you missed the last Beat issue, you can still get Bitwig 8-Track with this issue. And of course, as usual, there's another free Zampler Expansion, FXPlosion II, which offers ambient and FX sounds. Subscribers can download the latest issue at https://www.plugins-samples.com, you get the serials at https://www.serialcenter.de/ It doesn't seem to be available at the Falkemedia shop yet, but certainly won't take long.
  16. OMG, you're right. I just realized that my MIDI controller is also directly connected to the PC. Only mic and guitar are connected to my audio interface.
  17. That's not a deal ☹️ The only way I know is to use an audio interface and a MIDI cable.
  18. As an Ableton Live user I don't need that. I can do the same with Ableton racks.
  19. The release date for Ableton Live 12 has been anounced today. It will be released on the 5th of March
  20. Do people who own a lot of Waves plugins like to use the StudioVerse effect chains for StudioRack? Like, do you think that they're good and useful? Time-savers? And: Does it really use up 16GB disk space when you install all the plugins inside of the Horizon bundle? Like, what is using so much space? It's mostly just effects, not huge sample libraries.
  21. I feel that way with Oblivion Sound Labs. In fact, it's more like close to 100%. Even their free soundbanks are amazing. They really shouldn't be free. Diva owners have to check out their free soundbanks: https://oblivionsoundlab.com/product/radio-waves/ https://oblivionsoundlab.com/product/diva-oblivion/
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