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Everything posted by audioschmaudio

  1. I like Unfiltered Audio too. But gone are the days where you could get them super-cheap. The most that I spent on their plugins was 18.04€ for Byome. And I don't regret it. But for another 16.22€ I got Lo-fi-af, SpecOps, G8, Zip, Fault, Dent 2, Indent 2, Sandman Pro, and Instant Delay. That's an average of 1.80€ per plugin. I understand why they don't do that anymore. Their generosity was crazy.
  2. Oh. I don't know if mine does. I don't even know what AVX2 is. What happens if my processor doesn't support it? Are there certain things that will make Live crash if it doesn't? ?
  3. https://philspeiser.com/product/the_compressor/ Phil Speiser offers us a free compressor, and it has a "Magic Mode". You tell it what you want to achieve and it dials in the right settings for you.
  4. I see. I guess you created folders for each category, like EQ, compressor, and so on. But the downside of this is that sometimes it's difficult to decide in which folder a plugin belongs. Like when something is both, a compressor and a limiter, do you put it in the compressor folder or limiter? With the tagging system it's better because I can give plugins multiple tags, so a compressor+limiter plugin shows up when I filter by compressor but also when I filter by limiter.
  5. Sometimes I think I should've. I saw this TikToker who uses no plugins, just Ableton Live stock instruments and effects and he makes much better music than me. Maybe because he spent more time actually making music rather than chasing plugin deals, and downloading and installing plugins. From all the plugins that I got I only really need and use around 5%.
  6. Why is that? I find the new one much better. What exactly is it that you found better in the old explorer?
  7. My new hobby is tagging all my plugins. I have way too many ? As I go through them all, I see some that I don't even recognise by name. Often I have to look up on the internet to find out what it actually does. That's the downside of hunting deals and freebies.
  8. Yes, I also have Live 11 installed. In Live 12 they show up normally, as expected:
  9. Strange. They show up here. I've got 12.0 for Windows (Build 2024-02-19_5094b92fa5) installed.
  10. Ah. Then maybe it's the other way around? The "1" in "$148" on the shop shouldn't be there?
  11. Oh, I see. That list is a little reduced. The Falke Media Shop delivers to all of Europe, including UK, but I tested the subscription form and it says that for outside of Germany only digital gifts are available, so no Arturia Minilab 3 outside of Germany. But the virtual guitars and whatever else was missing on Plugins-Samples should be available too.
  12. $148 here too. Same in cart. They probably made a mistake in the newsletter and forgot the "1" in "$148".
  13. You mean the subscription gift, I suppose? That's not just software. You can also choose an Artura MiniLab 3, if you like. And they have some nice software to choose from, so it's totally worth paying that extra money if you see something you like. They used to have Phase Plant as a subscription gift, for example. The selection of gifts changes every now and then. https://www.falkemedia-shop.de/sound/beat/dauerbezug/jahresbezug?#premiums Not to be confused with the monthly free software (currently Bitwig + 2 AAS Soundbanks). Everyone gets that.
  14. I have no idea what it does and why I need it. So basically they just want to feed their database with the information which plugins are installed on how many computers and which user has what? How do I benefit from that?
  15. Not free for people who already have Komplete 14 Standard? ?
  16. Nice. I didn't even know about Stream Deck. Looks awesome. But pricey. I love Live 12's new tagging system that allows me to tag everything (except for folders, unfortunately, but I can use the old color tags for that). Now I can also categorize and filter my plugins by type. I totally can't remember all my reverbs or delays or saturators or channel strips or eqs, etc. This comes in so handy. ?
  17. KVR useless? That's harsh. Why so negative? I find it quite useful. Sometimes people give away licenses for free. You can buy and sell licenses. You can communicate with Uncle E from JRR shop to ask questions about deals. Some deals get posted there first and sometimes only there. Software developers keep you informed about their products and answer questions.
  18. I was about to give it a try, but when I wanted to add the chrome extension, it said this: "Read and change all your data on all websites" That's a BIG nope!
  19. I assume that's for the Standard version? That's crazy. The upgrade for Suite is 159€ though Standard users actually get more new stuff than Suite users. Standard users get four new instruments, Suite users get two new instruments. Standard users get seven new packs, Suite users get four new packs. Standard users get one new effect, Suite users get one new effect. The upgrade for Suite users should be cheaper than for Standard users.
  20. Nice. The demo sounds good, the file size is small, UI looks okay, no installer needed, just copy the vst3 or clap file. ?
  21. Never ever trust influencers. But I like to read the comments on their videos because sometimes you'll find an honest opinion there.
  22. Why ridiculous? Ridiculously cheap?
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