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Everything posted by audioschmaudio

  1. Oh. Didn't read that either.
  2. I added two items that were 39 each, so the total was 78. It still didn't accept the voucher. ? Anyway, I didn't want to buy anything, was just testing. Their products are on sale so often, you might get a better price without a voucher at a different time.
  3. Well, officially it was free with any order, but actually you didn't have to order anything. See
  4. Nothing brings paid customers like a sale right after giving it away for free.
  5. Maybe Ujam asked them to in order to prevent people from hoarding multiple licenses with multiple accounts to resell them later.
  6. It's awkward that Plugin Boutique's search won't find it ?
  7. Last day to get it. I wonder, is it any good? By my understanding it seems to be something like Soothe, is that right? Certainly not in the same league at that price. But maybe good enough for an amateur like me who doesn't make music for a living?
  8. https://www.ujam.com/campaigns/drive4free/ So, kinda not a deal, but then again they say that there are 50+ new presets. And: If you sign up for their newsletter you get a 20% voucher.
  9. The mailing list is joy and party. Lots of future freebies getting sent right to you. I don't mind.
  10. I got the Arturia FX Collection 3 for €49 on Black Friday 2022. Of course you can never know if they'll have that price again and if you'll get that offer too since it always depends on which products you already own from them. But still, there's a chance. Personally I only had Tape MELLO-FI at that point, which I got for free.
  11. https://midiklowd.com/instrument-audio-sample-packs You only have to give your email address. Apart from that, it's free. If you don't know MIDI Klowd yet, you should check all their freebies. They have tons. MIDI Klowd is from Juan Sanchez, the man behind Equinox Sound. I once bought his Total Synthwave Bundle at Producer Loops. Only to later find out that I could have gotten all the MIDI files from that bundle for free at MIDI Klowd. Apart from the freebies they sometimes also have great offers and bundles on their paid products.
  12. https://abletonremakes.com/products/vintage-culture-free-ableton-remake-tech-house Free with code VINTAGEFREE Requires Xfer's Serum v1.334 (or above) and Nicky Romero's Kickstart VST Plugins
  13. If you just want these two synths (like I did too), sell the licenses for the other software. I was able to sell Mercury-4, Mixcraft and Stardust 201 for a total of 12.50€ (after PayPal fees). So I basically got Quadra and Dreamsynth for 3€ each. Even if they don't become your favourite synths, 1550 presets for 6€ isn't bad. I've played around with them a little and I really liked some of the sounds from Dreamsynth. Quadra didn't impress me that much though. But then again, I haven't spent enough time with it yet to make a fair judgment. Anyway, Cherry offer demo versions that run for 30 days.
  14. It's been that low before, but never lower, as far as I know.
  15. I bought it but I hardly use it. I find it easier to get good sounding chord progressions with Phil Speiser's THE_INSTRUMENT, InstaChord, Scaler or Klimper than with ChordJam. ?
  16. So you can sell it on KVR Forum for 20€ again? Not cool. Leave the free serials for those who actually want the software. ?
  17. There's a new update. Some bugs were fixed and it now has tutorial videos embedded in the synth. See https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=8903176#p8903176
  18. https://glitchedtones.com/products/ultimate-serum-bundle 1317 Serum presets. For £2.99. Crazy. Not the first time it's on sale, but always worth mentioning because it's a great offer.
  19. https://vstalarm.com/product/outrun-retrowave-by-ost-audio-limited-time-free/ Samples, MIDI, Spire presets for retrowave fans Pack Contents: 45 One Shots 45 Synth Loops & Shots 10 Drum Fills 27 Drum Loops 10 FX 15 MIDI 10 Spire Presets
  20. Upgrade for owners of ImpOSCar 2 is £29.99 plus VAT.
  21. Producersdiary 2 - Divine Sounds doesn't seem to be part of the freebies on the website though. Producersdiary Exclusives 2 is a different one.
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