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Everything posted by audioschmaudio

  1. Apparently they're working on a preset browser. I got this email in April this year when I asked if there's a chance of having an improved preset browser in the future: It's also a very requested feature on their KVR Forum, so I trust they'll give it a high priority. I love how the design/user interface doesn't feel outdated at all. Timeless synth. Highly recommended preset bundle for Sylenth1: Sylenth1 Bundle by Cartel Loops, currently only $9.95 at Producer Spot. It contains 17 soundbanks with a total of 826 presets. I've got it and I like quite a lot of the presets.
  2. Even uses the same product names. Their lack of imagination makes me not want to buy from them. That's not Cymatics vibe, that's Cymatics from Wish.
  3. Now is a good time to buy soundbanks at the Patchbay https://thepatchbay.io/ Until the 7th of January they have lots of products on sale with up to 50% discount.
  4. I have the everything bundle and I regret buying it, even though I got it for only 34€. The thing is, none of it offers the type of sounds that I'd actually use. But that might depend on the genre you're doing. Me, I like synthwave, trap, pop, rock. The Rigid Audio instruments are mostly soundscapes or somewhat experimental.
  5. Would be a no-brainer for me, if I didn't already have the everything bundle. I believe there are currently 52 soundbanks in total. That's like half a dollar per soundbank. But I'm a preset guy and am not good at sound design. That's why I love to collect presets. I'm really surprised though that the release comes so soon. It feels like he went straight from Alpha to release, skipping the beta phase. I hope he didn't rush it just to release it on time for Christmas. Update: I guess I misunderstood the announcement. I guess it will be available for pre-order this month but the actual release date is around March.
  6. Wow. Direct download. No sign up, no "give us your email address". Just click the button, that's it.
  7. Maybe you need to update Analog Lab first. If you're using an older version it might not yet be compatible with the new free soundbanks, for example if the Minifreak engine isn't included yet.
  8. Why would you want to know which freebies he hadn't installed yet? ? To find out which ones you don't have yet, just go to "Store" inside Analog Lab and click on "free". It will show all free soundbanks that are available.
  9. New sheet for Winter deals: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e7k0UgS8YCmcJw7cOxpBqoNQ2C2TrFGGgtdWaefibLQ/edit#gid=0
  10. I haven't had any response yet, but meanwhile I've checked the "USER INFO.txt" in some of the sample packs that I have from them. They don't say anything about placements and splitting. It says: and in the "License Agreement.pdf": Seems legit. Maybe the ones you have are older and they've changed their conditions since then?
  11. Sounds more like 50% royalty-free to me then. With 100% there are no exceptions, like "yes, but placements don't count". I contacted them to ask for an explanation. I'm curious what they answer, if they answer.
  12. I have some of their plugins. Vybz, Tape Piano 2, and Tawus. They're okay. If you like to make Lo-Fi or Trap type of genres, they might be just right. They're better than you'd expect at those prices, in my opinion.
  13. Cool, I'll head right to their website, now that I have the URL ?
  14. Seriously, I need more people in my life that tell me: That product really isn't that great. Don't believe the hype. You have enough of this. You don't need it. Spend more time on your skills and less money on software.
  15. Ah, thanks. I thought it was an acronym like FOMO ?
  16. Them too?! Only certain products though, I guess? For example, on the page for their bundle it says: They currently have sales with 50% off everything, including the bundles, btw.
  17. Omg, I didn't realise ? It's so common for soundbanks and sample packs to be 100% royalty free that I take it for granted.
  18. A user on YouTube gave detailled feedback on what should be improved. It's a long list and it makes me question if it's worth upgrading: I'm surprised that it only offers 16 pads. reMidi 2 has more. And with reMidi 2 you can also see which pads are empty and which aren't. @John Maar you seem to have bought the upgrade. What's your first impression?
  19. Nope. It only works if you have bought reMidi 2 from their shop.
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