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Everything posted by Kirean

  1. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/traktion-biotek
  2. Did you buy straight from Sonible? Wondering if buying smart:eq3 now from 3rd party vendor upgrades it to 4 when registered at Sonible...
  3. UVI Select Bundle shows up with download links to the different products.
  4. I'm happy with coupons like this. They really remove impulse buying from the equation and thus, you'll save money for something else.
  5. Download & installation went without an issue, but activation via Uvi Portal did not. Simply doesn't seem to work (as if there's no handshake between iLok and Portal). However, I activated the bundle manually via iLok and they all seem to load just fine in DAW (even if the 'activate' button still persists in the Portal.)
  6. That's how I got it. Had I known what I'd get myself into, I would have gone with something different (even if Virharmonic's stuff is great quality.) It's basically one of the few purchases I've truly been bummed about (even more bummed than buying some plugins twice by accident, since at least those didn't try to chokehold your computer.)
  7. Virharmonic's Bohemian Violin (and other instruments I'd assume) also use CodeMeter and I don't think I've ever hated a piece of software more. If someone thinks iLok is bad, they need to give CodeMeter a try to calibrate their perspective. So many background processes, local servers and other shady things going on that it really feels like actual malware opening attack vectors to your computer. I've gone through my computer with a mine detector and still feel like I've missed something. Like, I get that devs want to protect their creations, but at least make ethical choices and keep your customers in mind when you pick a DRM. CodeMeter is not it. So thanks for the heads up! If you can, avoid anything that has CodeMeter. Whatever requires it, is not worth it.
  8. You get a single code to redeem on UVI and can use UVI Portal to install things.
  9. Bought. You get $20 voucher (works until Feb 29th 2024) from UVI when you register the bundle.
  10. Maybe back in 1998 when Beastie Boys had Intergalactic...
  11. From the response they gave me, they basically said you can't extend a sub and that when you sub, it will start from the moment you sub. So if stacking would be possible, it would mean that you could sub now and get 12 months, sub again tomorrow and end up being subbed for 24 months. Instead, with how they explained it, I assume that if you sub twice, you'll run two subs that will both expire in the next 12 months.
  12. I'd wager you get the items you listed in your first post.
  13. I asked them about it some time ago and you can't stack/extend your existing sub. So to my understanding, if you sub again, it's gonna run parallel to the current one as @Moon OverSea mentioned.
  14. Kirean


    I've tried to love Mixcraft so much, but something just feels slightly off for me to commit fully. Same with Waveform. As for FOMO. I haven't been able to escape it and spent a bit too much to my liking. Basically buying something at a 'great price' that I most definitely do not need (but is still 'nice to have'). With some sales, and especially with glitched sales, the mental gymnastics can really hit full force: "If I don't spend now, I'll have to spend more in the future! I'm doing this for tomorrow's sake!" But here's hoping I'll be less impulsive next year. Especially with string libraries. Oh, string libraries...
  15. Is it a voucher? If it is and f someone doesn't plan to use theirs, there's a voucher size hole in my inbox ?️
  16. They're doing a bad job at it since it's not 29.99.
  17. I learned that years back when buying fonts, brush packs and such for creative software etc. There's so many stupid licence agreements out there and sometimes they even vary depending on where you buy the product from. There's plenty of cases that if you buy from an official reseller, you get better licence to use the product than when you do from buying the dev itself. For example, devs could have limits on earnings ("If you make something for a company that has revenue of X") or print/product amounts ("Need to buy a different licence if life time product amount exceeds Y copies".) Needless to say, stopped buying certain things as it began to feel like more extra-curriculum work to figure out what was allowed in the end. Easier to just use things that didn't have that kind of limitations since the product you did for a clients might be resold/relicenced later on, and there's no need to put tripwires in place yourself with how much armwrestling there is with licencing your own work to begin with. Then again, I suppose a lot of people do end up in the "hope for the best" category where they ignore the fine prints and wing it until a possible litigation. Me? I like peace of mind and not let worry get in between creativity.
  18. So I got an email from Native about a survey they're conducting and how one could win amazing big prices by responding, yada yada. Most of you have probably gotten the same thing. Anyway, figured I'd check the questions since they are sometimes indicative of what's to come. Basically all of it was geared towards 'how convenient subscriptions are' and 'aren't they a great deal' compared to buying perpetual. At the end of the questionnaire, they directly started asking price points for a three different subscription packages. It really seems like that's gonna be their big push for next year. While I understand that in a production studio setting, subs might make more sense as a business expense, I'm still gonna hug my physical copy of Adobe CS5, blurt out and say "screw subs".
  19. What's up with the necromancer replies Bridget? Why dig up two year old posts?
  20. https://www.hornetplugins.com/plugins/hornet-mbc/
  21. https://www.sonible.com/smartEQ4-teaser/
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