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Everything posted by Kirean

  1. Yeah. Wasn't really planning on spending but just wondered if there's some absolute no-brainer to think about. Tai Chi and Lustrous Plates are the only ones I know by name.
  2. So if you had money just for one at ~$99 (before coupons), which one would it be? Tai Chi?
  3. Yeah. I had the 12 Days newsletter activated when I registered and logged into my account today. However, no sign of the voucher anywhere.
  4. My googling-fu says that there was no repeat last year.
  5. It should appear during checkout supposedly. But doesn't for me.
  6. https://www.softube.com/tape-echoes If you own Dirty Tape from Softube, you can get Tape Echoes for €/$ 15 Log in to your account, find Tape Echoes and click the purple upgrade button. Use code TAPEYOURECHOES on checkout to bring the price down to fifteen currency. I think there's also a crossgrade to Dirty Tape if you own something (couldn't find the requirement/pricing for it, since I already own the plugin.) You can get Dirty Tape for $10 if you have Tape Echoes. Apparently a similar deal happened a bit over a year ago and Dirty Tape has been free a few times here and there.
  7. Well, I suppose at the end of the day the performance will be free to you, since you get to charge your neighbors for the entertainment.
  8. With how the economy is going, you could probably find a full horns section and give them 200 bucks total to perform whatever you need.
  9. I'd pay 800 bucks just for this advertisement video straight from a 1993 multimedia cd-rom (luckily it's free on YT):
  10. No idea, but here's the first influencer video (not sure if it covers it):
  11. That's why I went to Gear4Music first ?
  12. $46.70 @ https://www.gear4music.com/us/en/Recording-and-Computers/D16-Group-Nepheton-2/3XVZ
  13. Kirean

    Luftrum Winter Sale

    I received my code in late October and it still works.
  14. So I found that I had backed up the previous 1.0.7 versions and installed them in place of the new ones. When you load up the (old) plugin in the DAW, you get notified of an upgrade being available but can still continue using the old version. Old version works through iLok. So hold onto those old versions if you want to keep using iLok.
  15. I'd assume it'll work with iLok unless you update to the 1.20 versions
  16. Guess common courtesy is hard and even harder not to be a pos. Usually one tends to get better service when being somewhat polite (naturally, there are exceptions but doesn't seem like the Tone2 guy has been toxic from the few threads I browsed on KVR where he participated in.) Hope the guy gets to a healthier state of mind.
  17. So I bit the bullet and installed one of the plugins. When you open the plugin, it asks you to activate which opens up the browser and you need to log in to your account. Then you need to press activate a few times more. Doesn't seem like there's any method to authenticate offline. Can't remember if it was there before, but now in the settings for the plugin there's a spot to de-authorize it. There doesn't appear to be a way to do it via your Moog account nor is there list of activations either. So yeah. Might want to stick to the older versions as the experience didn't really improve by getting rid of the iLok stuff. Guess I'll need to find out whether or not I've got those old versions backed up somewhere.
  18. I mean, it could be less of a hassle and less restrictive than the original iLok authorization. Maybe it's just a serial with no internet connection required? Maybe...
  19. Yeah. When I began my journey in this corner of creation, everyone seemed to be nagging about iLok, but to me (the cloud activation) seems like the most safest authorization system at the moment. Maybe I'd feel different if I ran a studio but I'd probably be more pissed off by some of the other DRMs out there. Like the ones where you need to contact the plugin publisher/dev are the stupidest ones. At least let me manage the licences without going through extra hoops and/or having to wait a reply. Stop asking for DNA samples to prove that I'm trying to reactivate on a computer I own, especially when it's probably the same one it was already activated on. Then there's the thing where you can't even check your activations. I also like to lose an activation and having to reactivate because maybe I added a new SSD to the system (not even replacing one) or updated/upgraded the OS or switched my mouse (when 99% of the system has stayed the same), etc... (Looking at you Atlas2.) While non-intrusive serials/offline activation is the best (after no-DRM), I really don't understand how in the music world there seems to be no one doing a heavy push to become the Steam of music plugins/software. Make it convenient for devs, make it convenient for the users and reduce the bloat, reduce the rootkits, reduce the attack vectors and reduce the hassle. I'm still pissed off I spent money on Virharmonic instrument (despite the actual instrument part being good) since the DRM starts and runs a local server and god-knows how many other processes that you need to specifically shutdown after. Even the simulator I got to use in the military had simpler authentication going on. Anyway. Stop treating your paying customers like criminals, is all I'm saying.
  20. I kinda like iLok more than some in-house activations.
  21. In the history of the Internet, has anyone ever recorded someone winning something from the Spitfire spinning wheel?
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