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Colin Nicholls

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Everything posted by Colin Nicholls

  1. I can't agree with that. Runs like a sloth in comparison, and although I admit I'm used to switching tools in VV (V, S mostly), I still don't think Melodyne is any easier to use.
  2. In the past, this usually meant a big feature was being reworked or added and was taking longer to shake out. The results were always worth it. Let's post our guesses in The Coffee House...
  3. How did I miss this discussion? I would have contributed, but I see it has gone off the rails all by itself, without help. We're blessed to have the Theme Editor and "fix" things real good.
  4. I'm very curious as to which Reverb plugin was causing the problem.
  5. There's several lessons on this thread for all of us. Useful stuff.
  6. The most recent version I can download is 2.2.0. I suspect that is because I have "KORG Collection - Legacy Bundle" and didn't upgrade to the latest version (that included the Triton, I think?).
  7. Wow, 8.1? Brave choice. Whatever we might say in public about Windows 10, recent releases DEFINITELY improved app scaling and support, so I hate to say it but an upgrade in your case might be... an upgrade with respect to screen scaling.
  8. Another recommendation for Bandcamp, here. I've put my own music their, and also bought a ton of stuff from other artists. Excellent platform.
  9. This is tempting. But I have to ask myself, do I really need ALL the reverbs?
  10. Considering how simplistic my final mix was (even simpler than Stems, it was literally one clip per movement and some leveling, EQ, and multiband compression) I should totally try this. Or try it in Studio One, even.
  11. Hi Rick. I wish I could say the problem went away, but I have no data. I haven't worked on a major project since the one described above. (A full-time job will do that to you, sigh) I totally understand your frustration. No one should feel the need to apologize for using different DAWs, if they are able. I myself have Studio One although I've never attempted the complexity of projects that can achieve with Sonar. (I just don't need the hassle of becoming an expert in S1). If you do switch to Reaper for your next project, please do check back here and let us know how you fared. So often we see posts here about people switching but never any closure.
  12. Regards from a fellow Alesis D4 owner
  13. HERETIC! Someone stop this madman. He's gone too far. The Original Revised Standard Edition of Tungsten is the ONLY WAY
  14. Like sipping a well-aged Scotch
  15. That looks very usable. Well done.
  16. We will all be experiencing his aftertouch for many years to come
  17. Grok - to fully understand something completely, like drinking it in. Sounds like downing a full mug (grok grok grok....)
  18. I've been using this theme all weekend and I love it. Is it perfect? Well, that's subjective. It's really nice, and I like most of the aesthetic choices, very much. Recommended.
  19. What a mighty and influential legacy. We can only aspire. One of my personal favs:
  20. That won't keep them in sync, though, @John Vere
  21. And the drivers work perfectly with Windows 10 (I have the same unit, mine is green) Edit: Just saw Mark's comment - Mileage may differ, obvs
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