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T Boog

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Everything posted by T Boog

  1. Oh my bad man. I'm using a Dell 790 i5 2nd gen, 3.10 Ghz processor, 16 GB RAM with a single SS drive(1 TB), Windows 10 Pro, Audiobox usb96 & Rokit 5 monitors. All the VSTs & plugins are those that came with Cakewalk except the Slate Drums. Note, I've recently been told that a 2 drive minimum computer is best for DAW recording. I wonder if just having the single drive could be causing this issue(?) If so, I'll just try to work around it's limitations until I can upgrade.
  2. Btw Scook, you mentioned the Realtek/internal sound chip. I'm using the ASIO driver with my interface. Does the internal sound chip still come into play in this case? (Forgive my ignorance. I'm still trying to learn how these things work)
  3. I think I follow. So even if the perf tab & task manager show I have plenty of CPU & memory, it could still be my weak computer or a configuration issue at fault(?). Well, for now it's working well at 1024 but if it starts acting up again, I'll def start freezing tracks. Btw, I once read that although Cakewalk accepts outside VSTs, they can sometimes cause problems. I may try the onboard SI drums in place of the Slate kit to see if that helps too. Either way, I know ur right... It's time to start freezing some tracks. Thanks again Scook ?
  4. Thanks Chuck. I actually had done that. FWIW, the CA-2A Leveler on the master bus seemed to be the worst for crackling at 2048 esp when combined with the SS5 drum vst. But so far, they both work fine at 1024. It seems to be more about the overall load than one specific plug though. I'm thinking Scook was right that the extremely safe buffer setting just doesn't play well with my sofware(esp outside drum VSTs) . Btw, even the visual graphics were starting to lag at the end on 2048 but so far on 1024, the graphics are working fine/fast. I think I'm just gonna keep it at 1024 for playback and pray snap, crackle & pop don't show up to join the session again. ?
  5. Ah, Thanks Scook! That's what I was trying to get my head around was the "look ahead" concept of driver buffer size. So I guess my system is not disfuctional after all. That's awesome! I'll just stick with 1024. Thanks a lot guys!
  6. Thanks. Well, I'm at least glad to know that this prob is not unheard of. Esp since it seems to go against common DAW understanding. And maybe ur right that, for whatever reason, 1024 is more optimal for my particular system/setup than 2048. Oh well, if I can't figure it out I'll just stick with what works. Cheers my friend!
  7. Hi. Is there a reason why playback gives no probs at 1024 buffer size but crackles/clicks at 2048? (I have 7 audio tracks with effects and 3 VSTs with effects. Nothing is frozen yet). Anyway, I thought the safer buffer size is supposed to cause less probs on playback cause it has more time to look ahead.
  8. I'm just glad that's never happened to you personally Glenn ?. Well, my saving grace is making lots of backup copies. Esp since I'm new to DAW recording. It's not hard for me to screw stuff up. Thanks to u guys here on the forum though, that's happening to me less & less. I can now say with confidence that I'm no longer a complete idiot ?
  9. Awesome, it worked perfect. And I made sure to turn it off after(I see how that could cause lots of probs). Thanks Tim!
  10. Hi. If I nudge forward a whole section of a song in track view, that has both midi & audio tracks, will the tempo track edits nudge forward along with the section? (Isn't there a setting for this?). Thanks
  11. Definitely. Btw, thanks again Terry. I been cramming hard to record a song I wrote for my daughter about her best friend who died in a car wreck a year ago. I can't wait to surprise her with it. So I'm super thankful for all u guys here on the forum. Every small step forward gives me that much more confidence in myself. God Bless!
  12. Hi guys. For some reason when I click on a dot on the tempo map automation line, it's one column out of sync with the tempo values view on the left of screen. IOWs, when I click on a tempo dot and look to the left column, it's highlighted one column below where it should be. So in order to type in a new tempo value in the column, I have to always click one column above where the highlight is showing. When I first downloaded Cakewalk it worked correctly but after a few months this problem started. Is this a bug, or is there some setting I have set wrong? Thanks!
  13. Hey Terry & Gregy, I just wanted to tell yall I got it. The kick drum is now routed to a diff track. Man it's amazing how I had built it in my head to be a difficult procedure and it turned out to be a snap. A cakewalk even ?. Sincere Thanks Guys!
  14. Wow, it routes to an audio track. That actually makes sense to me. I'm still pretty green to the routing stuff but I'll give it a try tomorrow. Thanks so much guys!
  15. Hi guys. I'm using the Slate Drum vst. Can yall please refer me to a video that teaches how to assign the diff kit pieces to diff tracks? I really just need to send the kick drum to a separate track as the rest of the kit. Im also wondering, once the kick is routed to a diff track, will I still see the kick drum midi notes on the same track as the rest of the kit in piano roll view? IOWs, will I have to keep switching between the two tracks to move notes around between the kick and the rest of the drum kit or will the whole kit still show on one track? Thanks a lot!
  16. That makes sense Promidi. After all, the performance tab showed I had plenty of CPU & memory to spare with Modo Drum yet I still got pops & clicks on ASIO (regardless of buffer setting). But with WASAPI it worked perfect. Well I don't have access to another interface but I'll def start looking online for a good deal. I know the Focusrites also have a lower noise floor than my Audiobox. However, this means I have to start sucking up to the ol lady again ?. Unfortunately, she pops & clicks too.
  17. Thanks John. Btw, I did find this info in a Modo Drum ad saying it requires high CPU. It really does feel like it bogs down my little computer. I'm thinking for now, I'll just stick with these Slate drums. At least they give me no problems(at all) and they don't sound half bad. Hopefully I can upgrade my system sooner than later and give MODO Drum another go. Thanks again John & all you guys for the kind help. I've learned a lot. Cheers!
  18. Thanks Tim, I got it. It was already set according to the directions.
  19. Thanks HIBI but when I launch Cakewalk, I don't see anything that says "Options". Can someone please explain how I get to that?
  20. Yeah John, In Registry Edit> ASIO>Audiobox ASIO Driver is listed. But again, that's good to know.
  21. Wow, thanks for the extra effort John. Alright, I just ran that latency mon and it says, "Concl: Your system appears to be suitable for handling... without dropouts". So that's great to know. Btw John, Have u given any thought as to why Modo Drum worked perfect for me on WASAPI but is having problems with ASIO? Keep in mind, I'm still pretty green with Cakewalk(despite watching all ur videos ?). So for all I know, it's a setting on Cakewalk or the computer that I'm overlooking/ unaware of. Like a format setting or something...(?)
  22. Cheers John! Yeah, aside from MODO Drum, ASIO works great for my VSTs and audio. I'm really starting think Promidi is right that my computer just isn't quite up to snuff.
  23. Thanks. I know ur right that I could use an upgrade and Im glad to know about the graphics card thing. (Still weird that it worked fine on WASAPI though). Yeah, the buffer size is usually on 46.4 msec, 2048 Samples. For tracking though, I speed it up to 11.6 msec 512 samples so there's not much latency.
  24. Thanks Andres. Just to make sure we're on the same page, it popped worse the further to the right/safe I set it. But it basically acted up regardless of where I set the buffer size. Man, I don't understand why Modo Drum worked perfectly when I had the driver set to WASAPI. I only switched it to ASIO because WASAPI wouldn't let me record audio. Just midi.
  25. Interface is an Audiobox 96. "Graphics adapter" is a bit over my head but it says under Device Manager> Display Adapters> Intel(R) HD Graphics. It says it's the "best driver" and is up to date. (Is that open GL2 compatible?) Fwiw, I think u may have something with the graphics issue cause MODO Drum is much higher detailed visually compared to the SS5 drums. Btw it was odd, with the MODO drums, the clicking and popping got worse the slower I set the buffer size. Like it had the opposite effect. Don't know if that helps shed some light.
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