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Everything posted by Leadfoot

  1. She's looking right at home with all those other beautiful guitars!
  2. Glad everything went well! Hope you get out of there soon!
  3. Hey congrats on the delivery of your new baby! Let us know how she plays!
  4. I totally understand. The only reason I could afford it is because my dad died. I would MUCH rather have my dad back. So that guitar is very bittersweet to me.
  5. Awesome guitar Bill! Love the color! Have fun playing it!
  6. So I have a chance to get one of these Tascam TM-D8000pretty cheap. I want to know if anyone has gotten it to work as a control surface. I know Sonar Platinum/CbB has very deep MTC/MMC capabilities. I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with it before I fork over any money. Thanks for any advice!
  7. I make and use drum maps in bfd3. It's helpful for me.
  8. I used to love watching the Monkees show as a kid. I enjoyed the music too. RIP
  9. I dropped a couple floating icons in the toilet just this morning.
  10. Leadfoot

    Using SD card

    You should just be able to use the export feature. It should list the SD card as removable media drive or something. It shouldn't be any problem.
  11. Wow! Thanks Larry! That's a good deal! I remember in 1998 when I spent $200.00 for a 20Gb hard drive, and was the envy of all my friends...?
  12. I always loved the sound of Pentagon I.
  13. Are you using effect sends on the individual tracks, and routing the sends to dedicated fx busses, or are you just grouping guitars, vox etc, and sending them to their own busses that have fx on them? If you use effect sends on the individual tracks, they should show up on the bounced tracks.
  14. Stem mixdown normally means exporting the busses. I would suggest doing it like that instead of exporting every track.
  15. Well, we had the funeral today. Yesterday the fire dept. honor guard was there for the entire 4 hour visitation. There was a man standing at attention next to my dad at all times. Then at the end of the visitation, they all lined up in front of him, and slowly saluted him. It was pretty awesome. Today, at the funeral, the Navy honor guard was there. They did the 21 gun salute, played Taps, and folded the flag to present to his wife. Very awesome, and not a dry eye in the place. So great to see him honored like this. Rest in peace, Dad.
  16. Thank you Mudgel. Starise, you're right. I'm very happy that he's no longer suffering, but there have already been several times when I've had the urge to call him and then realize that I can't.
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