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Everything posted by MrFigg

  1. And there it is. There is the reason we are constantly watching this forum...watching every 5 minutes in case something like this comes up. And we the faithful were succesful. Another plugin for free that we'll never use. Wayhay!!! Long live the new flesh!!!
  2. That's the spirit!!! Well done. Glad it wasn't a reverb though.
  3. Says this.. ."To celebrate the launch, V Collection X will be available at a special intro price for registered users until january 7th, 2024. Login to unlock your exclusive price." but nothing shown up in my account either. I'm not bothered either way.
  4. And there we all were buying V9 just a week or two ago. Oooooooh the humanity!!! Hahahahaha fcku!!
  5. Tried jr this evening (finally). Absolutely brilliant in my Jazzmaster. I have a lot of spring verbs already, with PSP Springbox as my favourite. Tens sounds brilliant though so that’s now in the cart
  6. I generally just use it standalone. Export from my DAW and then into the console. Bang bang finished
  7. MGuitarArchitect my friend. That’s the one you want.
  8. Hmmm...allows the use of third party VSTs...but only VST2s. No VST3s...that's weird right?
  9. This is great. I already have a million amp sims inc.everything Kuassa, AmpliTube5, load of Softube, Audio Assault Amp Locker, HoRNetGuitarKit, Melda Guitar Architect, Hotone VStomp Amp, Klevgrand Stark, Muramasa Electrum and even Guitar Rig 6 Le. Question is...do I n**d it? We all know the answer right?
  10. That NI installer really spreads out a whole load of crap all over your HD.
  11. I myself have three and it was surprisingly easy to get them used to porridge for every meal.
  12. Is Antares Mutator also a freebie or do you mean DAWLove?
  13. I always feel "wrong" about these plugins as I'm a guitarist and can most likely play all the stuff contained in the box myself. Same time...a tenner plus a freebie in to the bargain. Hmm
  14. Logged in to take a look and thought about taking a month then cancelling straight away. Decided I couldn’t be bothered. Then they sent me a code for a free month. What you reckon? Take the free month, get the serial and then cancel? (Like I did the last freebie they had).
  15. ...I'll be back in another two minutes to check if there's any answers or updates.
  16. I'm just wondering if I need to check myself in to rehab. I really feel as if I'm on this forum for hours every day. Pick up phone, check what's happening, put down phone, pick up phone a minute later and repeat ad nauseam. I know also that it's pretty much the same gang here every day, day in day out. I just wanted to know...how are you doing it? Same as me? Page open at work? Same as me but without putting your phone down or leaving your computer screen? I know I'm not alone. I'm just having serious difficulty breaking free.
  17. I got Nepheton for free a while ago with something or other. The upgrade in the user area is €29.
  18. Yeah. That VAT at checkout thing really does my head in.
  19. Seem to remember that these are all 32bit. Might be wrong.
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