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Everything posted by MrFigg

  1. Absolutely. But does it offer anything more than all the other millions of amp sims?
  2. Where are we with Guitar Rig? I have nearly every amp sim available already. Do I “need” it? I do dislike how much crap NI puts all over my HD.
  3. Having the Complete Melda Bundle had taken all the joy out of getting free with purchase Melda plugins :(. Oh well.
  4. MrFigg


    Solvent is the solution.
  5. Not necessary. I already got it free three times.
  6. My library doesn't think music is important. Apparently horses and furniture restoration are more up there.
  7. No way. Took 5 years to get him to stop sending emails. I’d also like if I could get €2000 a month free.
  8. Nah. There isn’t. That’s why I got excited about it. I’m more of a tonebender mk2 man myself. Just bought a Blues Driver pedal (not a bluesbreaker) and it’s got a really great tone.
  9. I really like Audiority stuff. Especially their Echorec and their Electric Mistress. Was disappointed with the Bluesbreaker pedal in this bundle though.
  10. Me too. I wrote to him last week to see if he still has the Reason refill format but no go. I posted a 40% off link for the Loop Loft that still works in another thread.
  11. https://www.thelooploft.com All the Yurt Rock talk made me revisit the Loop Loft. The Reason Refill format didn’t go with him. Anyway, just for fun I tried an old code at checkout and it still works. HOLIDAY40. 6 or 7 years ago at new year they had 90% off everything. I tried and tried to get a sale through but eventually gave up as folk were getting annoyed at me for not joining in the party.
  12. Or Loom II, Vacuum Pro and Riser for €9.90 https://www.thomann.de/de/air_music_technology_air_essential_synths_pack.htm?shp=eyJjb3VudHJ5IjoiZGUiLCJjdXJyZW5jeSI6MiwibGFuZ3VhZ2UiOjF9&reload=1&glp=1&gad_source=1 Or $9.99 for all three at Audio Deluxe and get Dirty Tape Free. https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/air-essential-synths-pack
  13. In this case I looked at the bundle and thought wow!!! Speaker Shaper and Eden are in there plus a bunch of amps all for €99. €25 each. Bargain!!! But then I broke it down. I don’t need speaker shaper as I’ve already got a whole load of stuff which does the job most probably better. Would maybe pay €20 for it. Eden is nice but I passed when it was €35. Would buy it for €25. Which meant vintage amp room plus an extra amp for €54. Wouldn’t pay that if it was a separate bundle. That in addition to the fact that I’m already covered for all of the included amps. Those sneaky Softube folk nearly got me. But not this time. Oh no, not this time.
  14. Just talked myself out of GAS buying the Softube Guitar Bundle...
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