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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. At the moment, Articulations aren't applied to real-time MIDI input. This is something we can look at for the new Sonar, but even if we did, it would only apply to Transforms (i.e. the "Transform Existing MIDI Events" section), and not Triggers (the "Generate New MIDI Events" section). It would apply to any "active" articulations at the Now Time. This shouldn't be a huge issue, as clicking the articulation will fire off any triggers in any case. It's likely this would have to be an "opt-in" for each track via Track Properties.
  2. C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Cakewalk Core\TungstenTheme.fth is essentially a resource dll. It contains all of the graphics used by CbB.
  3. If you don't want to separate out your tracks, another way of doing this, is to put all of your processing in separate sets of verse/chorus buses. You can then automate the bus sends for each track to send to the appropriate bus for when it's a verse or chorus.
  4. We changed sign-in to launch the browser, as too many people were having issues with the WebView2 component at the time. I can't recall exactly when this was, but I think it was some time mid 2022.
  5. I'm pretty sure this is not the case. WebView2 isn't used for testing the internet connection, nor is it used for activation. It's also not used for authentication - hence why it launches a browser. The only time WebView2 is used is when a web-page is shown inside the application - if it's not there, it'll fall back to IE... the content may not display properly, but at least in CbB it shouldn't cause any major issues. Cakewalk uses sockets to connect to bandlab.com behind the scenes for both testing the connection and activation. If Cakewalk can't connect to bandlab.com or establish a session to the BandLab authentication API, you'll get the "Unable to connect. Check internet connection" message. At this point, it'll not even launch a browser for you to login. The issue is almost certainly one or more of these issues: 1. Something is blocking Cakewalk from connecting to the internet 2. Something is blocking access to bandlab.com 3. Particularly slow access to bandlab.com is causing it to time-out and fail the connection 4. Security updates are missing from Windows 7 (e.g. at the SSL/TLS/Certificate authentication level), which is preventing a BandLab API session from being initiated. It may be the case that having Edge installed will solve issue 4, but I'm pretty sure there were other security updates that were pushed out just before Windows 7's EOL, that updated some of these.
  6. No, that isn't possible. Neither hardware MIDI devices nor plugins report what they respond to.
  7. MT PowerDrum Kit doesn't respond to CC #7 - this is a plugin limitation, not an issue with CbB automation.
  8. @pulsewalk - if you're using all the default options, it should be as simple as selecting the tracks, opening the Bounce to Track(s) dialog, and clicking OK. There might be some additional checks you need to do if you've got more than one hardware output, but here's an overview:
  9. Velocity is a property of the note events themselves - there is no way to automate them. Expression ( MIDI CC#11 ) is probably the closest thing to it, assuming it's been implemented by the VSTi as it was originally intended. What CC11 should do is scale what the velocity comes out as - so at 127, a note with velocity 127 will sound at full volume. If expression is at 64, then a note with a velocity of 127 should sound as if it was played with velocity 64; notes with a velocity of 64 should sound as if they were played at 32 etc.
  10. My recommendations: 1. Try to identify chapters etc with Arranger Sections. You can have more than one arranger track, so you could have one track for broader sections, then another arranger track with more granular sections. You can use the Arranger Inspector for navigation to jump directly to the section within the timeline. 2. Use the scrub tool to audition at a more granular level. To do this, hold down the "J" key, then click on the waveform. While holding down both the left mouse button and the J key, moving the mouse to the left will play forwards through the clip; moving to the right will play backwards.
  11. @RexRed, @Noel Borthwick may be able to correct me here, but I'm not sure a complete fix is possible with Melodyne's current ARA interface. As I see it there are two things we could do here: Automatically bypass the Region FX for that clip when it's muted - you'll still see the blobs, but they'll be shown as muted within Melodyne (they'll have a gray fill); or Remove the Region FX for that clip when it's muted. The blobs will not be shown, but you'll also lose any edits. My gut feel tells me option 1 is the correct solution, however I can't find any way in Melodyne to get it to hide bypassed regions within the editor. Without that, you'll still get blobs overlaid on top of each other when you add the new take - although at least you'll kind of be able to see which ones are muted. So whilst we could go some way to solving the issue, Celemony would need to implement a "hide bypassed notes/regions" option within Melodyne for it to work how you want.
  12. First of all, BandLab assistant will not work with the new authentication servers. The only thing you can do is try to work out why Cakewalk can't see the internet. Something must be blocking it. Ensure there are no 3rd party firewalls or virus checkers, anti-malware etc blocking Cakewalk. Double check your firewall rules (even if the firewall is switched off).
  13. This is what activation should look like in Windows 7. I've got Firefox set as my default browser. Cakewalk was upgraded to 2023.09 from 2022.11:
  14. Being logged into BandLab in a browser is completely separate from Cakewalk being logged in to BandLab. Cakewalk uses a browser to perform the login, then the browser calls back to cakewalk to tell it whether it was successful or not. In order for Cakewalk to use a browser to sign in, you must have a default browser set up ( here's how you do it in Windows 7: https://youtu.be/fpT6e3CmdAI?si=0R-UE4ixKK0SH9Jl ) Cakewalk tests for internet by pinging the BandLab website. It doesn't use a browser for this, just standard Windows sockets. If it doesn't get a reply, you'll get the "No Internet Connection" error message. Firewalls, Anti-virus software etc can interfere with this, so it might be worth switching these off temporarily if you're having issues. You might also want to ensure that TLS 1.2 is enabled. This is not enabled in Windows 7 by default. You can enable it yourself by following these instructions: https://manage.accuwebhosting.com/knowledgebase/3008/How-do-you-enable-TLS-1-2-on-Windows-7.html
  15. @Kevin Roberts - I'm not sure if this will help or not, but I've got Firefox set as my default browser on Windows 7. This is one of the few browsers which is still receiving security updates. When I went to re-activate, it fired up Firefox for me to login to my BandLab account, and once logged in, CbB re-authorised.
  16. I've not looked into this in any detail, but in theory, you should be able to use this to use Atmos in CbB: https://fiedler-audio.com/ You may even be able to use CbB's surround panner (assuming the software presents itself as a hardware audio device), but I suspect you'll be limited to using WASAPI Shared or WDM to facilitate this.
  17. It did occur to me that this might be the underlying cause of the issue, especially seeing as it's an older project with (most likely) and older version of Omnisphere. The symptoms of the issue would be that anything after Omnisphere in the synth rack would have it's outputs knocked off by one. Has anyone seeing this issue happen with a newer project?
  18. Append Instrument Track only works if: 1. The synth has multiple audio outputs; and 2. The existing tracks are set to unique MIDI channel outputs/ Synth Audio inputs. If you've inserted the instrument as a "Per-Output Instrument Track", this is done automatically for you. If you've not, you need to go through all tracks using that synth making sure they have a unique MIDI output channel, and an audio input from unique audio synth output. Ideally, these should be in order, e.g.: Midi Channel 1 / Synth Audio Output 1 Midi Channel 2 / Synth Audio Output 2 etc.. Don't forget you also have to set up the routing within the VSTi itself, ensuring MIDI Channel 1 goes to Audio 1, MIDI Channel 2 goes to Audio 2 etc. Simple Instrument Tracks have a MIDI output channel of "none" (meaning all), so at the very least you'll need to change this to Channel 1.
  19. While workspaces / screensets can work to a certain extent, they're a bit of a heavy handed approach. The Track Manager ( "H" is the keyboard shortcut ) can store/recall presets, so you can have as many sets of hidden / shown tracks or buses as you want. The new Sonar actually has a new button in the top left corner of both the tracks and console views, so you can quickly apply any preset you want without opening any dialogs.
  20. When the name is highlighted, it means it's the Active Track or Bus. When the track number or bus is highlighted, it means the track or bus is selected. Any commands you run act on the track and/or bus selection - in other words, the selection is the source for commands. The Active Track can be seen as a target for certain commands - for example, if you've copied some tracks or clips, pasting will start on the Active Track. While the focused track is almost always the Active Track, being active doesn't mean it's actually focussed in the true sense ( i.e. a control on a different view or even a separate program could have focus).
  21. The new setup file is a "bootstrap" installer - i.e. it automatically detects the latest version available, downloads it, and installs it. You should be able to safely run the 2023.09 update from any previous version of CbB, although if you're installing on Windows 7, it is technically not supported. None of your existing settings will be altered.
  22. IIRC the last time this happened to me was due to a default algorithm not being set within Melodyne. I can't remember if I had to open Melodyne as a standalone and pick it there, or create a region FX on an audio file to pick it. Once the default had been set, everything was fine. I only had to do this in Melodyne 4 however. AFAIK if you're using Melodyne 5, Cakewalk will prompt you as to which algorithm to use.
  23. I had no issues updating / installing / authenticating CbB 2023.09 on Windows 7, although I did get the usual "not supported" warning dialog when installing the update. My Windows 7 install has the all the latest Windows 7 updates. I didn't experience any issues running CbB 2023.09 on Windows 7 either, although to be fair it was a very quick smoke-test. The new Sonar will NOT install on Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1. The new High Dpi / scalable UI support relies on features only available in Windows 10 and above.
  24. To a certain extent, I'm in the same boat. I have a lot of older software (mainly hardware synth patch editors) that have 16-bit components, so I have to run them on Windows 7 32 bit; I also have some software that only works on Windows 7 64 bit. The way I got around this was to have a dual (actually quad) boot. On the same machine, I've got: SSD #1: Windows 10 64 bit - DAW boot, Windows 7 64 bit, Data partition SSD #2: Windows 10 64 bit - Development boot SSD #3: Windows 7 32 bit SSD #4: Projects When I start my PC, I get a boot menu to choose which operating system to boot with. My Data Partition holds any sample libraries that things VST's like Kontakt use. The drive letter is the same for all of my OS's, so there's only one copy of the samples that is used by all OS's. So the easiest way to solve your issue is to install Windows 10 on a new drive, leave your Windows 7 drive as is, and edit your boot menu so you can choose between them when you boot up. The only downside to this approach is licensing. Some plugins may see your different boots as separate machines, so you'll be using an additional license for them; others are clever enough to realise you're actually using the same machine.
  25. It sounds like you've not got both the MIDI inputs and outputs checked for those. If this isn't the case, also check your Control Surface preferences to verify it's not "stolen" one of them because your MIDI device order has changed.
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