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Everything posted by GTsongwriter

  1. Nice, but I'm looking for a deal on Komplete 14 Standard update from Komplete 8. I've just realized, I could built any effects plugin I want using Reaktor via updating it in the Komplete series would be better as I would get many more updates to my Komplete system!
  2. Don't really care those plugins, but thank you anyhow. ? It's either SHAPE or Shaperbox.
  3. I wonder when it'll be around $9 again? There's sources of information that it's been that low.
  4. That's the only thing I didn't get .... So, it's less than what I bought it for right now!
  5. https://audioplugin.deals/product/sonible-true-bundle/ For as low as $63 with rewards (normally $105), get the Sonible Metering Bundle featuring true:balance and true:level. I bought it from them at that price. I couldn't find it anywhere else for less!
  6. A reason would be nice, cause I've never heard of them. Is that the reason?
  7. The only thing I don't like about Sonible True Balance is they don't let you "hear" the reference track.
  8. Pretty good deal, but Sonible beat Mastering to the Mix to it with thier Sonible True Bundle at Audio Deals plugins for $53 last week.
  9. I never could figure out a usefulness for this plugin. Reaper can do all this on it's own using groups.
  10. White looking thru YouTube videos on this plugin, I saw a video from last year in May they had the same sell! Buying anyhow, never know when I'll need it.
  11. Almost crapped myself, then found out this is just elements version. You should clarify this!
  12. LoL.. another EQ? I feel you, it is a hard sell on manual based EQs. I had several like these until I found a Smarter EQ that did everything for me can this EQ "talk" to other EQs that you use it on other tracks? Show the EQ from them other tracks without switching plugins? Make adjustments to other EQs on other tracks from any EQ like itself?
  13. I guess the only place you can get a discount for "Acoustica Post Production Suite" is on their main website for Acon for $119 https://acondigital.com/products/acoustica I can't seem to find that upgrade any less than that price. I've found that mixing RX Standard with Acon Acoustica Premium Edition is the best! You get two different algorithms from two different companies that give better results that just RX Advanced alone!
  14. Yeah, it could be the latest update of windows 10. I have a backup of versions before it. I could just restore it before windows forced me to update. The latest update worries me as when I ran Goldwave today, it didn't refresh windows desktop as quickly as it usually does. With this knowledge, the next time I run windows, I'll create another backup just in case. I am due to create a fresh windows install again. Windows always runs best on a fresh install. I've collected so many programs over the years, and more than half of them I don't use anymore.
  15. "Cakewalk by BandLab will continue to operate solely on the Windows operating system." https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002369733-Is-Cakewalk-by-BandLab-still-PC-only-Will-it-run-on-Mac- Windows of course. Edit: I own both Cakewalk and Reaper for windows. I've have been a loyal Cakewalk user since 2003. I still have Sonar Producer 8.5.3 which I feel is the best product they ever came out with!
  16. There's several great plugins I own from Cakewalk that I can't run without Cakewalk, so, you can't completely abandon Cakewalk if you've got so much invested into it like I have!
  17. We'll see if they respond tomorrow? The email from the automated system said they work Monday thru Friday. Other forums, other people said they have no answers nor any advice on how to fix the issues other than reinstalling the software?? I just installed it, it's not like it's been several days after install. These crashes happened within minutes after installing it... Any good software doesn't have crashes like these. They happened again and again. So, I searched online for others with the issues. I found several that have the same issue with both Cakewalk and Reaper. Sonible couldn't help them and others said they had no issue, but was using a different DAW. One of them supplied a file dump from Cakewalk's crash to Sonible in order to get help on it. They said they waited a month with no reply or answer. It's what I've read on other forums. So, if they don't answer my email, I'll email again. If they still don't answer, I'll reconsider changing my loyalty to elsewhere and I'll inform others, but until then... there's hope! FL Studio crashes - Reaper and Cakewalk (reinstall of all Sonible plugins fixed?) - https://vi-control.net/community/threads/sonible-smart-fx-crash-to-desktop.137312/ Anytime I reinstall something, that never fixes an issue for me .. It's usually a waste of time. Plus, why reinstall something and everything else works fine?
  18. I've bought Sonible Smart Reverb on a impulse buy (stupid me), and it crashes. Crash #1 - Press A, Press B, Press A, Press COPY, if it didn't crash, Press B, Press COPY, cause usually it crashes on COPY. Crash #2 - Setup profile for Speech. Learn. Play your track. After it learns, make adjustments to decay, spread, the wire mesh, move the square to the top left corner, and Press learn again. Crash! The crashes are repeatable. I wonder if they thought someone would use this for something other than music?? I own 4 other plugins from them and they are very stable, but this one needs to be fixed!
  19. I have tested Acon Acoustica Premium and I love it! RX Advanced (as far as I know) doesn't have de-bird. You might be able to manually do it with RX advanced. There's a lot more control over what gets denoised vs RX! In Acoustica You can actually shape the denoised to sound better than RX Advanced for the Dialogue! I've tested traffic & voice, Dessert winds & voice, shopping mall w/ background music and voice. Acoustica amazed me on how much better it was at doing this than RX ADVANCED! RX Advanced left unwanted fragments inside the voice itself that I couldn't get out with the tools Advanced provided. Priced at $149 at Plugin Boutique is within my price range while RX Advanced and Clarity VX Pro is outside what I can afford.
  20. Thank you so much for pointing me into this right direction! In going to download and test it against done issues I have. I am really hoping it works good enough. Plugin Boutique doesn't say how long that sell is for. At least I have RX Standard just in case RX Advanced goes on sell to a level of money I can afford.
  21. Wow! I didn't know about Acoustica Premium Edition. It's $50 less than RX Advanced and does more stuff! Plus it's even less on JRRshop.com! It's $149 at https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/3-Studio-Tools/48-Audio-Editor/3548-Acoustica-7-Premium-Edition
  22. I'm going thru all the coupons across the internet... Currently SAVE10 works on this and allows you to save $10, but I need to shave off $50 at least... Still looking...
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