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Everything posted by GTsongwriter

  1. It's the only product !!! If I update to Native Access 2... can I still access my old Komplete 8 stuff??? OMG... none of the products show up on Native Access 1.5!!
  2. do you see Ozone 10 in Native Access or did you need to register it with Izotope? Cause I have Izotope Portal too. Edit: ^^ last question
  3. did you register in the native access app or on their website? I already have the app installed... Also.... are you able to choose what to install or does it require you to install everything?
  4. which store did you buy this from to get vouchers? Edit: P.S. If I had the 29.99 EUR "Buy any plug-in" vouchers right now, I'd get Metric A/B if it would allow.
  5. Have you gotten your serial number yet?
  6. Are they the only ones giving two vouchers? "Includes 25.00 EUR voucher for the Native Instruments online shop as well as a "Buy any plug-in" voucher worth 29.99 EUR for use in the Plugin Alliance online shop"
  7. I plan to update once everyone can confirm that Best Service is working better or if I should choose to just cough up the extra $9 I would be saving and just buy it from Native themselves?
  8. Probably best to wait till tomorrow to buy..lol
  9. JRRShop says "Coupon codes are not available for this product (Native Instruments Komplete 14 Update)" So yeah .. That sucks.
  10. A couple of people. Here's one of them: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/57937-native-instruments-summer-of-sound-sale/&do=findComment&comment=438365
  11. I wonder if I must install all of Komplete 14 or can I just install the stuff that I want, cause I'm getting really low on NVMe space!
  12. I could get Komplete 14 Update for $90 or Reaktor 6 update for $50. Uhmm... I know it's not on y'all's list for Reaktor,but from what I gather, I can recreate Shaperbox effects using Reaktor and a bunch of other plugin effects that I would normally buy, but could build using Reaktor. There only thing that's halting me is that Reaktor isn't multicore and it doesn't report PDC.
  13. I'm sick and tired of trying to find a VST3 shop that has what I'm looking for, they are always segmented and I didn't save them to any bookmarks. You'll have certain VST3 shops only host certain brands of products, while others host other brands... it's becoming a hassle to find them, so I'd like us to create a list if we could. Let's create a list of VST3 shops so everyone can just go there whenever they want. The ones I know off hand right now (I'll add to them as more is added to the list): https://www.jrrshop.com/ https://www.pluginboutique.com/ https://audioplugin.deals/ If I mistyped any of these or they are wrong, let me know. If someone posts a wrong website or malicious website let me know, as I'll let others know by editing this first page with that information so they could be better informed!
  14. It was the last purchase I made for Sonar. It's the version just before they made drastic changes to Sonar. I do like how Cakewalk by BandLab has support for VST3, my old Sonar Producer only supports VST2.
  15. Funny thing....that another YouTuber, Venus Theory, did a similar video with the near identical concept: Why make music when nobody cares? https://youtu.be/8pMAo_qzpO8 It's odd how they came out at the same time!
  16. Isn't that true? Most plugins that have the best deals are plugins that have been around for more than 2 years.
  17. I hope the trick for 5% abandoned cart works still like in this post: https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/28819-united-plugins-2nd-anniversary-sale/&tab=comments#comment-235561
  18. Urban Puncher has been a free plugin in the past multiple times and comes in this bundle.
  19. Too bad we can't sign up for certain plugins we are waiting a sale for, what if we aren't looking at deals everyday and miss your post?
  20. Hi. First off, I've been finding some threads to just get out right deleted. So, I'll be more careful. And is reason this isn't in the deals area. Looks like I've got till the end of this month to make a decision. I'm a hobbist studio producer whom makes negative money. I really want Transmutator, Mirror, and Expanse 3d, but the other plugins in that bundle I have no use for. I only need Transmutator, but it's not on the $20 sale and I can only find it in the bundle for sale. Any known better sales on either Transmutator alone or has the bundle been any less than it is now? Or should I splurge and get this bundle?
  21. Hi, Out of curiosity, I'm wondering if www.lootaudio.com is a trustworthy website? I'm seeing Pluralis for $16.42.
  22. It's getting close to a year... Is this going back on sale again? Have you seen it for less?
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