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Everything posted by GTsongwriter

  1. After that fixed my issue, I did some research. It appears that AMD chips are awesome for gaming, but for creating music and videos Intel has specific instructions baked into their chips that give them a upper edge when performance is needed for specific tasks dealing with music and video creation. It's been 15 years since, so I'm not sure if that's still the case? Does Intel still have the upper hand for creation of music and video? I didn't take any chances and kept buying Intel after it solved my issues. The way I see it... If you have the fastest guy in the world talking, yet you take a few key words out of his vocabulary. You might be able to understand him, but not as clearly as you would someone with a full vocabulary talking normal. AMD chips maybe still be missing those few key words, but doesn't affect games like it does music/video creation. Playing back music/video uses different instructions compared to encoding music/video.
  2. Your specs are much better than mine, except your not running a Intel chip. Cakewalk is pretty picky in that matter. 15 years ago, I emailed support, they recommended I buy a Intel chip based computer because I had a AMD and was trying to run Cakewalk for which I was having issues running Cakewalk. I bought a Intel based computer with an Intel processor which solved my issues. The other issue I've had in the past was trying to use on board WASAPI drivers. Those drivers would constantly lag pretty horribly. So, I bought a 1010LT Delta and that fixed the issue. Right now, I have a Focusrite Scarlett Solo 3rd Gen. You can check my specs, software, hardware in my profile. Finally, I totally agree that Cakewalk sucks at video play back.
  3. R.I.P. Creative Sauce. This was his last post. You can definitely say 10/12/2022 .. almost 3 years ago was his last post on Cakewalk Forums. Rest In Peace Creative Sauce! I don't know what I was thinking.. I'm wrong here.
  4. I've found it's usually a plug-in that causes this issue. Have you tried exporting with all your plugins turned off?
  5. Have you tried ASIO compatible hardware?
  6. It's truly a hidden feature unless you are looking for a way to do it. This feature should be in the Views menu as Step Record View!
  7. Hi, Original Question: How to get Cakewalk to record midi strokes from keyboard while waiting between beats? I remember back in the day I stumbled on this feature long ago, but I can't remember how I got it to do that. How it worked? It waits for your input, you press the keyboard chord, when you release it moves to the next beat and waits. Then you can press another chord, when you release, it moves to the next beat and waits. Does anyone know how to set this up or was this feature removed? Please help.
  8. Did Cakewalk by Bandlabs ever release "Adaptive Limiter" or anyone know how to get your hands on it? Also, was "Adaptive Limiter" VST3 or ??
  9. Can someone please move this to General Discussion, I accidentally put this in the wrong category. Thanks. Yeah Cakewalk owns both products, but oh well... Technicality. I still own a copy of Project 5, but they stopped updating it at version 2. They moved it into Sonar in Sonar version 8.5 as a new feature. What I think really happened to Project 5 is that Sonar merged Project 5 into itself as the new Matrix View. Did anyone else own or use Project 5 and what are your thoughts on the outcome of Project 5?
  10. I'm considering that Antre may in fact be a Troll on these forms because of the amount of posts he has total, putting everyone into a defensive position by saying "all other DAWS out perform Cakewalk", and in the beginning was taking his time to give us a answer on what computer systems he has ... The amount of stress put of this form is giving this Troll plenty of enjoyment as we try to defend Cakewalk. I think we should just close this topic.
  11. As of Cakewalk 2022.06 build 34: Cakewalk needs to allow me to turn off for it to "listen" to the VST3 plugins telling it to save changes per plug-in or all plugins. To ignore the plug-in to request Cakewalk to save changes. Two of the waves plugins I've got makes Cakewalk freeze by constantly requesting Cakewalk to save every other second. It would be great to tell Cakewalk to ignore those requests and give control back to the user. The current solution is to go in preferences and tell Cakewalk "save every 0 changes", but that now sucks. I can't have Cakewalk save every 15 changes, because of Waves Audio plug-in spamming Cakewalk to save... Which makes Cakewalk FREEZE.
  12. Let me just say this.... Cakewalk DOES have minimum requirements: OP = Antre https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk?lang=en Windows 8.1 or higher (64-bit only) >> OP says he has Windows 8.1 Multi-core Intel or AMD CPU >> OP doesn't know if his system is Multi-core because he hasn't told us the CHIP yet 8GB RAM >> OP hasn't said how much RAM he has 3GB free disk space >> OP has not disclosed his HD free space 1280x800 screen resolution >> OP hasn't mentioned this ASIO compatible hardware is recommended >> OP says he uses WASAPI onboard audio AND not the recommended ASIO compatible hardware Windows 8.1 can run on a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentium_III The Pentium 3 is also a single core processor which doesn't meet the Multi-core requirement. My old Atari 130 XE is a gaming PC also from the 1980s, do you think it can run Cakewalk?
  13. I understand I might be able to edit the title and write in it Solved, but I want to know before doing that if there's a feature that does this for you?
  14. no blame to son... neither of you know how picky cakewalk is and nobody wanted to admit it. Like I promised... My test video: Cakewalk 50, 100, 150, 200. 400 Track Speed Test https://youtu.be/wnVLcP-rEkU I don't know how to embed it.
  15. Then it's your computer setup. I've heard 15 years ago that Cakewalk runs much better on Intel processors than AMD. Cakewalk just runs better on certain processors and graphic cards like NVIDIA. I've been running Cakewalk since the 90s. Calkwalk tends to like certain aspects of computers and is picky on what you are using. If you buy the exact laptop I have, set it up just like I have, you'll have no issues.
  16. I'm going to have to agree with hockeyjx. Any PC can be considered gaming PC. You need to tell us SPECS. What kind of CHIP is in your PC, GHZ your PC is running, RAM, what kind of Storage are you running ?? Hard drive is SATA HDD, SSD, M.2 SSD, or NVMe ?? ETC To find your system specs... Windows 7, 8, or 10: Use the Run Box Hit Windows+R to open the Run box. Type “msinfo32” into the “Open” field, and then hit Enter. You should immediately see the System Information panel. you can ctrl + c to copy from them and ctrl + v to past them in your response. we need Processor, System Manufacture, System Model, OS Name, Installed Physical Memory (RAM), Available Physical Memory to better understand if your situation.
  17. Computer: ASUS Gaming Laptop - G752VL, Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz, 2592 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s), 32 GB RAM, M.2 2TB At 400 tracks, only 10% of the CPU used and about 7 GB of RAM. 400 tracks with no delay and I'm going to post a video to prove it. I bet cakewalk to easily handle 1000 tracks with no delay.
  18. Hold on a minute... I'll create a video of me duplicating 50 audio only tracks, no plugins or anything and i'll upload it to my Youtube channel and repost here.
  19. If your serious, I have an idea you can do. Go to your preferences > Sync and Caching > File System > and uncheck Enable Read Caching and Enable Write Caching so that you don't use your hard drive to play read and write to... This should force Cakewalk to use RAM only. In Preferences > Midi > Playback and Recording > Playback ... please tell us what your Buffers are set to for Millisecond Buffers.
  20. I know this sounds stupid, but I've been zoomed out so far that I didn't place the tracks right at 01:01:000 and there was a delay. Did you double check to make sure all the music starts at 01:01:000 M:B:T? AND you not showing the picture of your tracks, I could replicate that issue just by doing that.
  21. I'm curious, are you running any VST2 and VST3 plugins mixed? If I run VST2 and VST3 plugins mixed together I end up getting delays and crashes. I started only using VST3 .... I'll only use VST2 plugins in my projects IF I Freeze them right after as long as they are not the original cakewalk plugins. The only plugins I can't freeze without crashing cakewalk is Dimension Pro, Beatscape, and Rapture Pro which are old VST2 software from Sonar Producer 8.5.3. SSOOOOO... Try NOT to mix VST2 and VST3 ... then see if that fixes your delay issues. Try not to use ANY old Sonar bundled plugins. Dimension Pro, Beatscape, and Rapture Pro has no issues running in Sonar Producer 8.5.3 and will freeze just fine, but if they run in Cakewalk 2022.06 build 34, they will crash Cakewalk on freeze. So maybe Cakewalk has a memory leak in the Freeze area of the software?
  22. Waves Version 14. VST3. Windows Version 10.0.19044 Build 19044 / Cakewalk by Bandlabs 2022.06 (Build 034, 64 bit) Another plug that has this issue is F6 Floating-Band Dynamic EQ while you move your mouse around the graph area where the EQ and line adjustments are located. ^^ That was my problem. I had auto-save every X changes. I know there is TWO auto save options. Save every X minutes AND Save every X changes. I had it set save every 5 minutes and save every 5 changes. When I set it to save every 5 minutes and save every 0 changes, the plugin stopped freezing the DAW.
  23. I have heard about "Youlean" but when I go to his original website, he uses Let's Encrypt for his HTTPS and that makes me worry a bit. A lot of scammers and bad actors use Let's Encrypt because it's free SSL.
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