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Everything posted by AndyB01

  1. Wow - stellar vocal performance! Some of the panning is quite hard - not unpleasantly so - it certainly has width, if that's what you were after. I really enjoyed this. Great job. Andy
  2. AndyB01

    "Remember" _Colab

    All round great groove - very enjoyable listen. Andy
  3. AndyB01

    Spanish Guitar

    Same here, I share your taste. Bay Of Kings would be another one I forgot to mention.
  4. AndyB01


    Lovely work as always - have to agree on the Rhodes solo, didn't really work for me. Perhaps a more sustained EP tone would have worked better or if it was a bit busier - IDK, these things are always a question of taste and it's your song at the end of the day. You still did a great job and I'm still a fan. ? Andy
  5. OBS Studio is free and might be worth a look: https://obsproject.com/
  6. AndyB01

    Spanish Guitar

    Nice job Bjorn - those strums would benefit from being more 'flamenco' in style (i.e. more staccato with a stronger attack) but incredibly difficult - if not impossible - to achieve with a guitar VST I would have thought. I wouldn't really know as I don't really use guitar VSTs. Nice expressive melody though and a nice balance across the mix - you did a great job and I enjoyed the listen. Andy P.s. If you like classical guitar stuff, you should check out Steve Hackett's classical albums - they really are quite exceptional. The following come to mind: Tribute Momentum A Midsummer Night's Dream Metamorpheus
  7. Several years back, I converted an obsolescent old Dell laptop I bought as surplus from work for thirty quid to run on Linux Mint. It actually ran really well and I used it as a music server for a while. Then I heard about a local charity looking for computers and they were keen to make use of it, so I happily handed it over. They're probably still using it! ?
  8. Very stripped back, which I like. Highest compliments on the vocals - as the singer is very exposed - there are absolutely no hiding places in that backing track. Fortunately, the talented Mrs Daryl1968 didn't seem to need any. ? Great stuff as always Andy
  9. That's very odd Steve - I don't tend to follow posts or people, I mainly use the unread filter to track new stuff. You've exhausted my ideas bank on this one I'm afraid - hope you get it sorted as this stuff can be irritating. Andy
  10. Top right in a browser, bottom centre in the mobile version. If you are not subscribed to a thread it says 'follow' and if you are it should say 'unfollow' Alternatively, click on your Account Name (top right) and select Manage Followed Content Any of that work? Andy
  11. AndyB01

    Sad Day

    This is tough to hear Wookiee - my best to you both. If the music works for you - and helps - keep doing it. Treat this as a safe space any time you need to use it. And don't forget to take good care of yourself. Andy
  12. Had a listen, think I'll pass and keep saving for EzKeys 2.0 ?
  13. Very on point that Nigel - superbly performed and illustrated in video - as always. You just keep knocking 'em out of the park - well done. Andy
  14. Lovely textures Mark - great song - I really enjoyed this. Great work ? Andy
  15. Dark stuff indeed Jesse - sounds like some AI doll from Hell has got a hold of the nukes and is calling to us from some post-apocalyptic nuclear wasteland. Great stuff - I feel suitably weirded out for a Monday. ? Andy
  16. Having been schooled in the dark art of classical guitar (so many years ago I can barely remember), I still struggle to play anything without a footstool. ? For anyone in any doubt, this is neither a 'cool' nor a 'down with the kids' look.
  17. This is a great song - hooked me right from the off - terrific stuff (oh, and the voice sounds like it's holding up pretty well to me). ? Andy
  18. AndyB01

    El Guerrero

    Nice tone on the lead nylon acoustic - cuts through nicely - sax brings a slightly different feel, really nice groove Well played Andy
  19. Great rock chops - I can hear the bass but seems a little lost in the mix - not much I can add to what others have said above. All the makings of a great track but - if I'd done this - I'd be pretty pleased with where it's already at. Great job and enjoyed the listen. Andy
  20. Loving this - great start to my day - bass is a great groove - everything is just soooooo tight. Awesome - congrats all round Andy
  21. Sounds great and well-earned. Hope you have a wonderful time. Andy
  22. Will have a listen to the previews before I commit but sounds like it's in my zone ? Thanks @cclarry I may have missed this otherwise. Andy
  23. AndyB01

    9 Dreams

    I like how the piano follows the drums in places - weirdly hypnotic. I don't know why but I kept expecting a guard's whistle despatching a train at some point - perhaps this is your 'Supper's Ready' Jesse ?? Only another ten minutes to go... ? A truly remarkable piece of instrumentation. Andy
  24. At least you have the option to refuse, those of us stuck on perfectly good i7700 processors are deemed unworthy by the Microsoft CPU Police. Not that I mind staying on W10 for now, I just object to being forced into an upgrade earlier than I might have because those CPUs don't happen to be fitted to Surface Pros - funny coincidence that...
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