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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. Great job on the song And the video. I agree with Jim about the guitar outro. Nice , the auto wah was just right. mark
  2. That was some Incredible writing on the lyrics. I especially liked the ending slide work. It really sounded like the juice was taking effect... Great song and well performed. mark
  3. You actually sing the word "You" one more time at the end of the chorus before rapping again. If you can't get the first one fixed It may be possible to use the last one in its place (even if you have to pitch shift it). I believe I would have a hard time fixing the bad one without just re singing the one word.
  4. You do better with English than a lot of people I know that were born here ! There are a couple of words that Really need fixing , and they're both in the chorus. The chorus is a real high spot in this song , and since it repeats , it really needs to be right. 1. You cannot hear the word "how" in the line "How are you gonna carry through" 2. It sounds almost like you're saying scarin' "Jew" in the line "and if its scarin' You". The "N" from scariN is getting included in the word Jew also. It's coming out something like "nJew". I'm only listening on a laptop with earbuds , but this is what I'm hearing. I hope this helps. Good song , Good luck .. mark
  5. I Loved the tone of the kick drum at the intro build up. If I had it , I would use it on nearly everything. Also a huge fan of tabla and they sounded Great here. Very nice composition all the way thru. Excellent production .. mark
  6. Old school never gets too old for people like me who were around when it wasn't old school. Great instrumentation in this , especially the fiddle. You painted a nice clear picture of this story. It could be polished up a little , It's hard to get a nice fade out using Soundcloud they'll boost back up then cut it off. Anyway , good job ! I am an Americana fan and really liked this one . mark
  7. I heard it 3x, I got it , I felt it. finally .. mark
  8. mark skinner


    Nice light fun sounding song. Kind of a David Byrne talking heads vibe. Loved it ... No crits ..mark
  9. Adam, that was very smooth and relaxing . I loved the emotion of the intro , I got a somewhat sad but very relaxed feeling there. The outro tied it all together. I don't think I could tell the difference between this , and a composition by a paid professional. Very impressive .. mark
  10. Great song ! You've got a U2 feel to it , especially near the end. I I can't wait to hear what else you come up with If this was your first CbB song. If you ask for suggestions or help with a mix when you post it , the people here are great about pointing out issues you song has , that you may not notice. Lots of people here remix a few times using suggestions , then add a video. Good job and hope to hear more ..
  11. This is a giant "Thank You" to everyone who has listened to and for all the Fantastic feedback you've given me. I've gone in a lot of different directions musically , but this is a genre I'm sure I'll revisit. I really like and Need the constructive criticism and suggestions when I post a song , but it was real nice to get one right (or close to right) the first time . Thanks again , you Cakewalkers are great .. mark
  12. I Loved "Your" vocals , and Hers except for the out of key Oh Oh. That was the only part too edgy for me. I really did like the song and the laid back but energetic way you sang it. Good song , Good job ... mark
  13. That was a very nice dance between the major and minor chords and very interesting directions this song traveled. I thought you played it "Very well". If it was midi I think I would soften the note attack a little (if possible). Great job . mark
  14. You brought back some good memories for me from Long ago , hitting the dance club with my friends after a long hectic week. I used to love that voodoo like trance you could get into where there was nothing in the world happening except the music. Enjoyed it .. mark P.S. Some of the best musicians I've ever known , ones with Perfect timing , were also the worst dancers I've ever known..
  15. mark skinner

    Happy Place

    Brilliant ! I loved the clean and airy sound of this and the wonderful build up to the ending choruses. The vocals were very polished and top notch. The female backing vox was Perfect. I think you've done a tremendous job on this and I think it would do good on contemporary Christian radio just as it sits now. I Really loved this , Fantastic job .. mark
  16. mark skinner

    The Blues

    Here's the last song in my "hold" file to finish up. It's time to turn my pc off and my pa on and start writing . Pretty laid back jazz blues style song . I like working in Maj 7. I'm not really sure about a lot of it though, any suggestions would be great. Thanks .. mark https://soundcloud.com/user-810058643/the-blues
  17. I thought the sax was too good to be true... I really couldn't understand how someone could achieve that using midi. I was just hoping it was possible. I have a sax but it tickles too much to learn it .. Great job mark
  18. That was quite a production! Sounds like you did a massive amount of work on the sax alone. I absolutely loved the drums (what did you use for these) Sounded like a live drummer from someone like Al Dimeola or Jean-Luc Ponty . Very impressed. mark
  19. Very nice Gary , It sounds Much more polished now. The added harmony was a nice boost. I do think a low octave vocal should be used to reinforce and thicken a lead vocal and not stand out so much on its own , unless you're specifically going for an Oak Ridge Boys type of gospel group song. Just my personal preference... I still loved it. mark
  20. mark skinner

    KC Strut

    Killer ! That was some Awesome guitar work . You've got a funkier than Steely Dan thing going on. I was wanting to hear a high screaming resolve everything note at the fade and hear more. Fantastic job everywhere. mark
  21. The same thing happened to a friend of mine. He was using 32bit Sonar 7 and 32bit Sonar LE 8.5 and lost SI drums. We couldn't get it resolved. Uninstalled CbB, reinstalled the Sonar versions then reinstalled CbB. Everything is fine now . Never got to the root of the problem.
  22. All I use is Windows 7 64 and have no intention of going to win 10 until I absolutely have to. Never had a problem with OS or with updates. mark
  23. Pretty smooth Gary. I'm not going to "rip it to bits" but I am having a little problem with the far left guitar. There are a couple of rough sliding squeaks around the 40 sec mark that could be tamed. They may also show up downstream but not as noticeable. The guitar also seems to be a little forward in the mix keeping my attention to the left side. I think it may interfere a little when the vocals are brought back in. The acoustic sounds real good but could be brought up some. mark
  24. John, sorry for not responding back. I lost track of this post but Nigel covered it. mark
  25. David , That was Great ! It sounded like it could be put on an old flickering cartoon. I couldn't help but laugh out loud at the ending. That was Very creative. Thanks for the mood boost .. mark
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