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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. Freddy and Lynn , That was utterly Fantastic! That was quite an intro .. I always liked playing with someone who could work a crowd and this sounds like a Real "live" bar performance. My wife was a managing partner at a boat harbor restaurant/bar that had live music on the weekends. Closing my eyes and listening I almost felt like I was in the room. I think if you Really want to go with the "live" feel , the guitar panning should be a little more conservative. There's just not that much separation on a stage. I think some high mids on the vocals would also be helpful and a few timing tweeks on the left guitar. I hope you don't think I'm getting too picky , but I think you can get a Stellar song out of this . Very impressive ! I believe you guys Really got it together on this one.. mark
  2. Thank You Douglas. I'm a big jazz fan and it's about All I listen to in my car. I've always liked the way jazz drummers do circles around the main beat , so this comment really hit home for me . Thanks .. mark
  3. mark skinner

    My New Song

    Very nice light and airy "feel good" song and mix. You hit the spot with this one. Enjoyed it , Thanks .. mark
  4. Thanks Tom. I never feel like I'm done with one until You've weighed in on it. I enjoyed playing the drum and learned some things about recording it that I'll change next time. As far as the cello , I've had it probably 3 or 4 years. The only time I play it is when I'm recording a song. I still can't hold it like a real cello player and have to look at the markers I've painted on the side of the neck , but it is an instrument I can truly "feel" while playing it. I tried my best on a violin for about a year before giving up. Maybe a viola someday .. mark
  5. Thank You to "everyone" I'm having a hard time absorbing the great comments on this one Without hearing the suggestions on how to fix it. @Johnbee58 I didn't know anything about a cajon in the Santana era. The first time I saw one was watching a guy play one in a Caribbean band in Cancun. He actually had big metal tines on the side of it and played bass at the same time ! and it sounded Fantastic. @emeraldsoul I can honestly say "Nothing" is thought out. I record as I write , and Never know where it's going . I couldn't play it again if I had to . @noynekker All I can say is "Thank You" for your appreciated comment. This has to be the greatest and most helpful recording forum on this planet . mark
  6. L.A. , Wow that was a Great production. I love the airy quality of your voice. It especially came thru on the chorus. This was Very enjoyable from the first note to the fade .. mark
  7. I got bored and built a cajon box drum. I've been intrigued by their sound , but have only heard cheezy performances with them. With the exception of piano rolled kettle drum and cymbals all percussive drums were done on the cajon . (with and without the snares engaged). I figured it would be a strange mix with a cello , so this was done as an experiment. I'm getting tired of programming drums and using loops .. I think this drum will be useful in the future somewhere.. All comments and suggestions will be great. mark
  8. Very creative treatment on the vocals . I thought it all came together well around the 1:18 mark. Very nice . That is one of the flattest waveforms I think I've ever seen without sounding too over compressed. Good job ... mark
  9. Bought a really nice t-shirt today with the Fender logo on it ( thrift store). My wife said "It was So cheap because the "F" was backwards .. Am I the only person in the world that has never noticed this .. WTF ms
  10. Excellent . I believe all the work put into this production was Well worth it. Very much enjoyed .. mark
  11. If I had this guys talent , I would be sitting there until I starved to death ..
  12. Very clean ! I love the treatment of the instrument coming in at 1:38 , it sounds like it starts singing. I think the section coming in at 2:50 needs punched Harder.. Loved the ambient crowd coming in near the end , very creative. Waiting on the dance video of you showing off your moves .. mark
  13. Jack , great job on the vocals. You're timing was perfect. You should try some deep drawn out Bowie type backing vocals behind the main vox sometime .. Enjoyed it mark
  14. Lots of cool sounds here and a Very nice mix. Every new sound and instrument came in and out Smooth. Sounded like a pretty big project. Enjoyed it .. mark
  15. Bjorn , Very cool . The song had some Very nice sounds evoking different feelings. There were also some great visuals on the video. I really liked the white outlined effect. After I get a better grasp on audio I'd like to learn a little about video. I'm sure there's a Lot more to it than "meets the eye" Great job .. mark
  16. Good video. I thought the blended strings section worked very well. mark
  17. Fantastic guitar work and panning. My only suggestion would be to change the name of the rapid ! mark
  18. Super nice well balanced pro mix. Great vocals and harmony. I Really enjoyed this one .. mark
  19. I Liked It. Very good job on the keys and vocals. Loved the melody of the choruses. That was also a very creative ending .. mark
  20. Are you leaving enough empty space after all the instruments stop playing ? Is this happening during export (with FX checked) or are you bouncing inside the project..
  21. OK , I'm calling this one done and moving on. @noynekkerThanks for the extra time evaluating this one. You must have a better car stereo than I do. I wasn't very impressed with mine. @emeraldsoulThanks for getting picky. I found a low piano part conflicting with the nylon guitar in the intro. I corrected it but probably won't repost . Thanks to "everyone" for the help and comments. mark
  22. I thought that was a Very nice and clear mix. The chorus and treatment of it was Fantastic! You still captured a great hip hop vibe. I've often wondered where you are from , but could never put my finger on your accent after listening to your older songs . Great job .. mark
  23. Bert , The guitar work was Great and really enhanced the jazz feel a lot of players put into this song. I once played in an acoustic trio and this song was always requested in a piano type bar we used to play in. It was Real nice to hear it again. Nice version. Enjoyed it .. Good luck with the pc. Looking forward to the next mix. mark
  24. Andrew , I actually thought it needed to come up a little and try to EQ a little more "crack" in it. It's not bad at all where it is , but I think it could be improved giving the drums a little more power and presence. mark
  25. HARD hitting vibe , Loved it ! With a little different vocal treatment I think you could get a great Byrne/Bowie feel out of this one. mark
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