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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. Very nice playing. I really liked the build up in the beginning and the overall mix. I thought some of the vocal doubling gave it a little Ozzy feel. I also liked the way the chorus punched. Great job. mark
  2. A lot of Great sections . Sounds like about 10 songs rolled into 1. Loved the bass. mark
  3. Steve , nice version of Blackbird. I don't think I've ever known a guitarist that didn't learn the song as soon as they were capable of playing it. Good job on the video . I've gotten all the animals , critters , birds etc. used to seeing my trail cam I set up nightly. I've caught foxes , coons , possums and deer all eating together. Even the coyotes and possums get along. Only one racoon is a trouble maker (I think he's a republican) Enjoyed it .. mark
  4. Very cool ! The reverb/delay on the vocals was awesome. Loved the video , always like the "eye" . mark
  5. That was Very inspiring. It would have been awesome with the fireworks. You could always do your own video .. Enjoyed it . mark
  6. mark skinner


    Thanks Bjorn , I really like 808's in the right context. The loops were "smart" and changed key without me resetting the default groove pitch. By time I got to the guitar tracks I didn't even know what key I was in , but I liked the way it sounded. Tuned my guitar up a half step to be comfortable with it. My hat's off to all the synth players. I'll be back asap , no deleting this afternoon. I'm 4 bars in ! Later .. mark
  7. Barry , Your playing skills and especially the vocals and lyrics "really" shined thru on this one. I hope you recover quickly. It sure hasn't effected your musical talent. Enjoyed it .. mark
  8. mark skinner


    Thanks to all of you for the Great comments! I've been deleting vocal tracks for a week now just trying to get the right feel and to get it to sit in the mix. I finally made some progress this morning. Hopefully I won't have to start deleting this afternoon. I can't sing like Bowie but I think I can get close to his feel. Later .. mark
  9. Until you figure it out .. you should be able to grab and realign the frozen track .
  10. Nice "vintage" feel. The sax tone was very nice and warm. I Loved the title. Great job .. mark
  11. Vert nice and plenty of power. I really liked the slowdown and holding the vocals longer at the chorus. Great job on the vocals .. mark
  12. mark skinner


    Yeah , David , I thought the lyrics would be easier than it's been. I'm glad you confirmed it could go with a Bowie feel. I was wondering if it was just me. Thanks Jack. I spent a good bit of time on the 808 kick this morning. It wasn't lining up well enough. Amazing how it got louder when it got lined up perfectly. I'll repost later .. Thanks mark
  13. mark skinner


    I took a little different approach on this one and it's still in it's beginning stages. A few loops from Sonar 7 , Roland synth from 8.5 for 808 stuff , bounced and finished in CbB. TTS , Tyrell synth and dirty guitars (unusual for me) I've been toying with vocals , but not there yet , looking for a deep Bowie feel. It's a little short but this is the main body. Looking for crits and suggestions before I take it further. Thank You .. mark https://soundcloud.com/user-810058643/mars
  14. Paul , this version seemed to have Way more power , especially on the chorus. I agree with Bjorn it could have ended a little quicker , I was listening while he posted and felt it before hand. I also thought the keys track (other than piano) could be lowered a little. You've got quite a "wide" vocal range and used it all Very well. Nice improvement from the last mix that I also enjoyed ... mark
  15. Keith , Wonderfully haunting. You did a fantastic job on the piano and vocals. The intro does feel Long. You did a great job of keeping it flowing with such a minimally tracked song. I Really liked it .. mark
  16. Steve , I just listened on a better system. It's much more balanced than I thought. I think it's mainly the voice that really cuts thru on the word "Blue" that is prominent thru out. Again .. Great job , You sure pick some great songs to do .. mark
  17. Fantastic Job! I do think the low voices could come up a little as some of the highs are a bit prominent. Extremely nice vocals . mark
  18. Great song and performance. I'm going to have to look up the documentary. I'm actually from Flint. I recently downloaded a free plugin for DeEssing called "lisp". Seems to work pretty well for me . mark
  19. Great guitar and e piano tones. I liked the way you carried the Great vocal harmony to the guitar tracks. Very enjoyable . mark
  20. How about a decent bass envelope filter for jazz ??
  21. Cool ! I Very much enjoyed it. Maybe the addition of an 60's old style keyboard track would be my only suggestion . mark
  22. mark skinner

    kissin up

    Really good one. I like it. That was some "unusual" panning , putting the kick on the far right and the bass on the far left , but it sure carved out a big hole for the great vocals . mark
  23. God , I hope our Alabama governor doesn't see this. She'll never sign the new medical marijuana bill. Great one .. mark
  24. @bjornpdx I Appreciate the comment about the extras in the background. I did a remix to bring them forward some but lost something in the process , so I deleted and didn't use it. I also love a mournful sound of a low cello. Maybe I'll find a better one some day. @Bajan Blue Great violin story. I traded mine for something .. Also gave up on bagpipes but they look cool on the wall. I've been wondering if I could extract midi from a cello audio track , pitch it up and send it to a violin virtual instrument ?? Thanks .. mark
  25. Bob , Very nice and relaxing song , I really Enjoyed it . Personally I wouldn't "release" one without sending it here first . I've made some pretty drastic improvements from the comments and suggestions from the pros here on the forum. mark
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