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mark skinner

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Everything posted by mark skinner

  1. Great job on this one ! It's a rocker for sure. You did a Fantastic job on All of the guitars , I especially liked the bass and the different treatment on the guitar breaks. No crits . The drums sounded live , but I also thought there were a few places that need a little TLC. Very powerful chorus sections and Great job on All of the vocals. Very impressive song with your "signature" sound. Enjoyed it .. mark
  2. Very good video with Amazing results. Why would anyone even think to try that ? For sure going to check out his channel. Maybe this should also be in the tutorials section .. Thanks for posting this .. mark
  3. Tim , I thought this was a Cool song and Loved the title. I agree with Tom about the drums , sounds like you already know what the main problems are with the mix. 2 seconds of silence and a fade in from 0 to just past the start of the audio works wonders for abrupt starts. I've found on the endings , it's much better to watch the "master" vu meter and let it drop all the way past silent before letting the song end. I (now) do the final fades outside of the main project . I can then adjust them further if needed. I've messed up a Lot of songs with the outro , especially bad where I've lost the project or no longer have access to it but only have a single stereo mix. Looking forward to hearing a remix. Enjoyed it .. mark
  4. Nice synth work , I thought it had just the right amount of guitar work. I really liked the panning backing vox and especially the powerful drum track. Another Great production .. mark
  5. Wow , some Great comments and suggestions . Thanks to Everyone for your input. The link now reflects a remix per your suggestions. @DeeringAmps @garybrun The vocals have been boosted by1.5 db. I think they're standing out a lot better. @PhonoBrainer I did some additional automation (mainly on the lead guitar) getting it away from the vocals a little more. Carving a hole for the vocals has been a job on this one. @David Sprouse There is an additional kick on the 1 beat that got turned up a little before the last mix. I re EQd it and lowered it. I don't think it's conflicting now. I "try" to be conservative on remixes , please let me know if I over or underdid it. All further suggestions are welcomed. Get as picky as you want. Thank You .. mark
  6. Great guitar work Tom ! I Knew I was going to like it the first 3 seconds in. Very catchy lyrics. Nice rowdy party song. I think the "never enough" line could be boosted a little. Great job to Both of you. Really enjoyed it .. mark
  7. Happy New Year ! I'm starting it out with a collaboration with @noynekker Bruce did a Great job writing and singing lyrics to the instrumental "Winding Down" that I recently posted. I also had some additional help from Gary Brun . Any comments , mix and master suggestions are welcomed. Thanks .. Us
  8. Beautiful chilly way to start the new year. Awesome .. Great job on the video , the opening set up and credits was Very impressive.. Loved it , Thanks .. mark
  9. mark skinner

    A Dead Star

    Wookie , this composition sounded "alive". NASA TV could use your expertise. They seem to be using music written for "Get smart" or "Batman" with 808 drums mixed in .. Nice .. mark
  10. mark skinner

    Ocean Blvd.

    I agree with Paul , you did an Excellent job of capturing the Yamaha. This is a Very nice relaxing instrumental. The only thing I would do it is , fade the very last guitar part out a Lot longer. It goes out a little too abruptly to let it exhale and rest. Great Job ! mark
  11. Make sure your Master track isn't set to mono. First try going to "file" / Export /Audio /Mp3 as file type. Make sure "mono" is not chosen in the export dialogue.
  12. All around Fantastic production ! I Loved the violin parts. The video had a Lot of cool stuff in it. I believe I could watch the solitary tree with the flowing grass and clouds "all day". If I ever figure out audio I would like to try some video work. Looks fun .. mark
  13. Very nice clean mix. The repeating dissident chord change was cool. Great song .. mark
  14. Powerful and immersive synth work. I also loved the percussive elements. Very nice ! mark
  15. Great recording job and mix ! I Loved the video ! I think Buster would have had fun on TikTok. mark
  16. Asato, that was quite a journey! There' s a Tremendous amount of cool stuff going on thru out the entire song. If I would have done anything different it would be letting the low throat singing bleed into all of the next passages. I thought some of the stops were a little abrupt. Fantastic production ! I Really enjoyed this .. mark
  17. @Lynn Wilson Thanks for that reply. I'll try that. Like Vincent , this has always bothered me when I'm just Hunting the right bpm. I always record about 12 bars of Nothing just to get the metronome working. Thanks Vincent for the post.
  18. Where is your send going ? Are you adjusting your send level after turning it on ?
  19. Congratulations ! I hope it does well. Another labor of love finished .. mark
  20. I always had a tuner in front of me for the drones. Plugged them then did the chanter. These were the days before melodyne. Running them from an air tank was not successful ..
  21. I have a set of bagpipes hanging on my wall. These were By Far the Hardest instrument I've ever tried to learn. The drones always sound nice , the chanter can get piercing. I did use them once on Copperhead road, but had to re pitch them . Still Love them . mark
  22. Marcel , I think a single guitar can sound Very nice using a pair of mics. A "matched" pair is even better. Each going to its own panned track. Way more control over everything this way. Then bus them how you like. As far as recording and fixing sections , Sound on Sound is the "only" way I'll record. If I don't like a performance "undo" . Putting an "undo" button in the control bar was the first thing I did in CbB. Want to redo a section later , cut "them" and slip edit it out. Back up and re-record the tracks (like you did the first time) , then slip edit the dead space out . I always mark my mic stands and chair position with tape , just for retakes sometimes done days apart. Everyone has their own process , this is the only one for me .. mark
  23. @Fred's Gratis Scores @jack c. @noynekker @David Sprouse and @Wookiee Thanks so much for listening and the comments. As "usual" this one started off as a vocal song that turned into an instrumental. Thus the reason for the flat tuning. I just dropped the guitars down a half step. Not as many white keys to worry about either on my controller for the organ parts. David the drums are MT Power kit 2. A free and unusual drum synth. All the preprogrammed stuff included is 3 bars long then you can choose what fills you want for the 4th bar or cut it up how you like. Lots to choose from. Wookie , I think I bought that bass about 12 years ago at a pawn shop. The strings were pretty dead at that time , I thought it was supposed to sound that way. My other bass wants new string now.. Be careful , and you'll make it to February.. mark
  24. @DeeringAmps @Tim Smith Thanks for the listen , comments and the birthday comments. I'm glad to have made it this long. @PhonoBrainer Thanks for your time and suggestion. My first Real time using the drums. It seems they're either simple or wide a** open. I'll look at it. @KurtS I Really appreciate the comment. The bass was direct in , with some pro channel EQ , minor hall reverb from Breverb and comp. from "Kotelnikov" (free Fantastic mastering compressor) I thought the hall reverb was an unusual choice but made it really come alive . Later .. mark
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