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Everything posted by Technostica

  1. It costs them money to sell via a 3rd party, so if you want the in-house benefits, buy in-house. A lot of companies do something similar and it generally seems fair to me.
  2. Also on offer at Plugin Boutique with virtual cash and a choice of freebie at £45. The better deal from them is the full version at £100: https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/57-Complete-Collection/6076-MSoundFactory These offers may well be ending in the next four hours or so as possibly part of their anniversary sale which ends today I think. I hope that's vague enough!
  3. People have been saying that since the days of 44MB drives. If you have a lot of important data, you need a good backup plan, regardless of how much data you have.
  4. Do you remember what colour socks you were wearing at the time, in case that was the key to unlocking the discount?
  5. 36 Programs / 66 Parts 13.7K Real-Time Samples™ /20.31 Trillion Terabytes.
  6. I own this but can't even remember the name of the developer! It probably came as part of a bundle and maybe via NI. I have a lot of stuff that I have not used via these bundles. The Sound Iron NI bundles are one example.
  7. Thanks Larry and Abacab. I have ordered both the upgrades as I like these and the nett price is too tempting.
  8. I have the original version of Chromaphone and am tempted to Upgrade at this price with the freebie included. Any thoughts on how much difference there will be between 1 and 3? I'm on Window, so compatibility shouldn't be a reason to upgrade. The String Studio VS-3 Upgrade is £31 and includes the Asymmetric Sound Bank. I have VS-2 so imagine the difference is much less here.
  9. I was expecting: https://nadelectronics.com/
  10. Most of them are Apple Silicon native I believe, so that's a lot of updates.
  11. It shows as €199 for me and says "Upgrade from single product". This is automatically done, no vouchers involved. I don't own a previous version.
  12. Based on my experience of buying IKM hardware that came with Amplitube bundled, it was NFR and couldn’t even be transferred when you sold the hardware.
  13. Get an extra $15 off with code: LOYAL15-MRPD2EK5. Source: VI-C Forums.
  14. Ah, so rather than a Player Piano, this is a Player Organ. Well, this will certainly improve my organ recordings. ?
  15. I read it as "Clutch Free, tonewheel organ", which got me wondering how many gears a normal tonewheel organ has.
  16. SP talk a lot about using a different sampling paradigm, so the larger file sizes aren't necessarily due to not using a decent compression format. Those who follow them on Discord might have more info and here is the basic info from their site: "Soundpaint™ is uses a proprietary audio format (Real-Time Samples™) which render instruments in real-time. All instruments can have 127 discrete dynamic velocity layers."
  17. It fits with the tone of his walkthroughs, which I find a bit too self congratulatory. Others have commented about Troels listing that he has an Academy Award, without mentioning which academy awarded it. They felt that it gave the impression that he has an Oscar, which he doesn’t. He likes to blow his own trumpet as well as sampling them.
  18. They do according to their list: https://8dioproductions.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/8916942071835-Soundpaint-8Dio-Crossgrade-List
  19. Some people aren't seeing the lower price. I suggest trying a phone if changing browser on a PC doesn't sort it out.
  20. Phew, the disturbance in the force has been resolved.
  21. There appears to be a glitch for this one depending on which browser you use! Showing as £25.81 reduced from £89.00. https://www.native-instruments.com/en/pri£25.81£89.00cing/scoring-acoustic-guitars/ As reported by one of the devil's disciples over at the burning cesspool called VIC.
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