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Heath Row

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Everything posted by Heath Row

  1. You've refreshed the library contents I guess? In case you are unaware, and apologies if you are, while you have the plug(I think it's the same for them all, or at least most) you just hit the F5 key if memory servers correct, you may also have to have the library/browser open when you do this, worth a try if you haven't. It's been a long time since I've had to do it and I'm not at any of my DAW machines at the moment. I've got a sh!t load of libraries for Dim Pro, Rapture and Z3TA, and as I recall some of it could be a little tricky getting them to work, but once it's done it's done
  2. I was going to sign up for the demo and then cancel it before the 14 days, well tomorrow actually, and see what I get, probably some 'Flows' and that contraption, but it wont let me use PayPal, I always use PayPal, used it for the Clipper and Widener not so long ago, so anyway I backed out then. ?
  3. I think the answer is, 'not much really' ? So at this point in time that'll have to be a pass from me.?
  4. Ah Already own plug-ins included in Flow® Mastering Suite? Find out how this benefits you here. https://www.softube.com/support/faq-flow/faq_flow_mastering_suite
  5. What do you get for your $$$ if you already own all the plugins?
  6. Rapture Pro, yes I thought if you had that your troubles would be over.
  7. The full version works fine here in Studio One, all 5 of them, Dim Pro, Rapture, Rapture Pro, Z3TA+ 2 (Z3TA+ classic contained within) You haven't got Rapture Pro where you can/might access the Dim Pro stuff from?
  8. I'm pretty sure my 3 days has passed, maybe cutting it to fine though, but I looked in the help and it says it's 10 days so who knows. I'll keep an eye on it for you and let you know if anything gives. I'll not be going back. I've got my System Drive back up that I done prior to upgrading if anything should go south latter on, but I think it'll be ok.
  9. No. It's more like the Win7 of now, 'Farewell Win7, you served me well, I will always remember you, but Win10 is here and I must move on to greener pastures' Will do. I'm finding it snappier and much smoother than 10, haven't hit any issues thus far, I don't think I'll be making use of the 'Go Back' feature, it looks like for me it will be on wards and no looking back. I'm going to switch my other Laptop over this weekend, and I'm really getting the itch to upgrade my 2 main DAW machines, perhaps I will upgrade one and see how it goes, but only a few months before I build the 2 new ones, and as I said they will be Win11 from the get go. The wise and cautious me says 'leave it until then', the keen, excited and adventurous me says 'go for it, she'll be right mate' hmmm. [Edit] Forgot to say I let it update to the latest as of about earlier today, then shut the updates down until I feel I should update again.
  10. So did you give it a try? I just finished doing one of my old laptops I use for the net. The process went fairly smoothly, did have one false start when I didn't give it enough time to complete one part, then when I decided to give it another try I came to the same place and was about to forget about it when I notice this green movement, it was a process bar that I didn't notice the first time around, so I watched it and sure enough it was moving across, so I stuck with it. There was one other glitch with rufus, but I just done that part again and it worked fine. Other than those little glitches everything as I said went fairly smoothly. Haven't done any optimizing type stuff with it yet, that'll be tomorrow, just enjoying checking out what's what, doing a bit of surfing and checking out the few apps I have installed all work, no issues yet. She seems to like a first time 'feed' of things, after that she's away. I hope I don't come across anything in the next three days that makes me 'have' to go back, I'd like to stay here all things going well. I backed up my System Disk anyway, so I'm no real worried about Microsoft's built in time limit for rolling back. Not sure I will do it with my 2 main DAW machines though, although the are quite a bit more powerful than these laptops, there's a lot more at risk. I'm backed up pretty recently still. I'll be getting 2 new Machines before years end, they will be Windows 11 Pro, so not long to wait there. Really pleasing to my eyes, love the curviness as apposed to Win 10s hard edges. Thus far it's a thumbs up from me. ?
  11. I don't actually use it, I'm just a supporter in the way of $$$ I'm pretty much TONEX only. I was hoping Audio Assault would get on the Capture style of things, although they have a long ways to go, and certainly more and varied Packs to be released. I'm kinda hoping the same thing with Nembrini, I keep buying his stuff as it's released and never use it, maybe he will get into the Capturing as well someday, along with Kuassa and Softube, not that Softube needs any support but . . . , and OVERLOUD TH-U, they have got the speaker cab side of things pretty much sorted out, and some very good RIG packs, I just buy that which tickles my fancy there, though again never use it, although I do use the SuperCabinet part of it as an IR loader at times, and their Jensen's are excellent. Then you got ReValver and Positive Grid who were both on a very similar road very early on, but they both would need a lot of work, the new ReValver is somewhat disappointing and I haven't touched the BIA stuff in a good while, the Hendrix Pack was fairly good, but that new thing OMNYSS wasn't that good, at least IMO Don't get me wrong, it does all get used, certain people like and want certain things, that's just my personal choice, I get people coming through that want all kinds of stuff, so it all gets used, just not by me. anyway, enough jibber jabber from me, all the best to you ?
  12. Have you given the latest a shot?, they've been moving fast on the updates lately, the release notes are interesting, and seem like they are moving in the right direction, apart from including that NAM thing, I would rather they stayed alone.
  13. JRR - $251.16 - RX11 Advanced upgrade from RX10 Advanced (any Advanced I think) Code - GROUP
  14. Thank God for . . . Oh wait up, I thought this was 'The End of Humanity' thread, it's sure felt like it ?
  15. I told mum I was going to take her out this year, But I couldn't get the casket open, So I said she'll just have to stay in instead.
  16. I like how you can see ones self, and others in various entries, you should have a competition of sorts to attach users to entries, could be interesting ?
  17. ve have za power, and ve will use it!
  18. With the Quantum HD, the signal arrives before it's sent, so the actual numbers are negative. ?
  19. Very nice, well worth the $$$ $60.86 for me after conversion.
  20. Thank you Larry, I'll have me one of them. ? There is something else new(ish) that I wanted but I just can't recall, so I guess I'm in for some searching. ?
  21. Only if you're on the side of the earth in or entering winter ☺️
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