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Heath Row

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Everything posted by Heath Row

  1. If my presumption is correct, and I'm just going on what has been discussed previously, I believe so to all your situations, I'm thinking it would be similar to the SONAR Platinum Membership/Subscription whatever, as has been discussed by the powers that be in various threads earlier. But of course it's all in the future yet, so in the words of Doris Day Qué será, será Whatever will be, will be The future's not ours to see Qué será, será What will be, will be
  2. Insta buy for me, although my Metal days are behind me and I likely wont use it that much, although . . . it does sound very good and they can be tamed, regardless, you got to keep the collection together. ? They do sound and feel very good. ?
  3. I could be wrong, but from what I understood you would still keep whatever version you were up to on your last completed 12 month payment cycle, be that Monthly payments or Yearly payments.
  4. Seems to be somewhat better than the others I have seen/heard, you know much Kenny ?, (it might be Kenny Rogers after you get into this?) can't seem to find anything without signing away my life. Also would like to be sure that it doesn't require uploading to a website or whatever like another one did, in other words its self contained and therefore able to be used offline? If it's self contained and has voices suitable for Rock I'd snap it up.
  5. but, but, but, but, it doesn't say SSL ?
  6. https://www.magix.com/us/music-editing/sound-forge/sound-forge-pro/new-features/#c1827680 that any good to ya?
  7. I purchased DIFIX a month or so ago, didn't seem to do much of anything for me, guess I might spend a few minutes on it again and see what gives, I think I even read some documentation on it, didn't seem to help. I have found that with United Plugins and W.A. and the like, cheap sort of interesting kinda plugs, some work real well, others although they appear to work, just seem to, well I don't know what. I just put them aside and have a look again sometime in the future, might have been just having an off day . . .
  8. Free updates/upgrades are nice, I haven't even used the previous version, wonder if I'll use this one ?
  9. You must have been accidentally trying another plugin, I found the CPU to be fine and the plugin itself to be very nice ? The only Softube plugs I don't have are the Synthy stuff, I don't know why, have never tried them, how is that one in this egg thing? and how are the others in general?
  10. Why would I want to get a membership when I haven't even got a boat license ?
  11. Oh how I wish it continued on with Lady Evil ? Once again an exceptional job imo, all these songs you are doing are something to be proud of ?, I hope you keep going ?
  12. I don't know, if you are talking about the 'How much will it cost' video, I seen that yesterday, if that's it I think you got to lighten up dude, if that's not the video, give us the link. As to being 'positive' surely everything doesn't have to be positive? Cakewalk/Sonar aren't perfect you know, and have never been, and never will be, and therefore you will get things that aren't positive. Surely you don't only except positive here? FFS losen up dude.
  13. I'd give it a go, it's just placing a .dll, doesn't work, no problem. If you want to try earlier version I've got 5 versions in storage if needed.
  14. Good plugin, and if you use Studio One you get the MixFX engine usage which is cool. Good Price as well, you could get it for cheaper if you are prepared to wait, it was $29 in Feb so it will come, but hey, 10 bucks? go for it if interested.
  15. You have tried vst 2 and a different, earlier version if you are on the latest? I don't use Cakewalk so I can't check.
  16. If anyone knows where it's stashed, spill the beans . . .
  17. FREE Willy there's some strange sh!t going on here ?
  18. all are entitled to their own opinion. I will have to watch that video when time permits. Peace ☮️
  19. Something seems to have seriously gone off the rails here, it might be a phase of the moon thing? Wookie, you surely must know John from all those years back on the old forums right through to present time on these new forums? I would find it hard to believe if it was not so. He has had a few issues with the way things have gone with Cakewalk Sonar and Cakewalk Next, which it seems have given him a different perspective lets say. But he has been for as long as I have 'known' him, as much as one can know someone by just observing them on a forum, been one of the most helpful, Cakewalk/SONAR/Sonar/Next, (well not Next so much due to issues he has come across) pro people on Cakewalk forums, and that's been a long time, years before these forums and CbB. When I read some of this it was like entering some alternate reality, I thought surely you must know this, and by some of your comments it seems you don't. He has just hit a little speed bump, and not to use to strong a language, become a little despondent, disheartened, He is most certainly one of the good guys, just having a down moment. [Edit] and as it seems you are misunderstanding what he has said and is doing, he hasn't been demoing all these DAW's for years, it's just basically now he is speaking of I believe, his feet have been and are completely, firmly planted in the Cakewalk universe, I find it difficult to grasp you aren't aware of this. Apologies to anyone if it is myself who has misunderstood, I am on some heavy pain relief meds, so I accept my wrong doing if so.
  20. Cakewalk Sonar and Cakewalk Next, the release you have when you're not having a release. https://www.cakewalk.com/sonar "NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH BACK STAGE PASS" https://www.cakewalk.com/next "NOW AVAILABLE THROUGH BACK STAGE PASS" I believe it is $14.95 Monthly or $149.00 Yearly, includes access yo Cakewalk Sonar and Cakewalk Next NOW
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