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Heath Row

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Everything posted by Heath Row

  1. Nooo, now come on, if it's anything like 'coming soon' there's a long ways to go ?
  2. Fear not, I have just invested in a mobile Popcorn Station and have it parked right out the front of this thread. Enough for all, cheap prices, no subscriptions here.?
  3. Now that's pretty cool, they are updating all the standard IR's and all the SuperCabinet Libraries are being updated. Maybe at long last TH-U might actually be useful for something more than a Cab/IR loader, maybe it will actually sound good, I'll believe it when I hear it though. Does that count?
  4. Just up the top there on the right.
  5. I don't know what is wrong with every company just offering both straight up, a Subscription and a Perpetual License and let the user buy what they choose, which is essentially what PreSonus has done, if you want a subscription you can buy it, if you want a Perpetual License you buy it. I would surely be pissed off if they took away the Perpetual license, don't know if i would be pissed off enough to leave, but . . . The only thing wrong, well one of with that Hybrid stuff from PreSonus is that you would have to pay again every year to keep your perpetual license up to date. With the 'real' Perpetual license I only have to pay ever 24 to 30 months (2 to 2 1/2 years) thus far, started 2015 on v3, its now 2024 on v6. Updates or upgrades whatever from 1 version to the next is only $149, which you can get much cheaper at dealers, I use Best Service, last one was $109, not bad for a couple of years+, not as good as REAPER though, but way better ?
  6. Thank you for your fine responses, now deviating a little but staying with the 'Soon' theme, what would you say would be the outer limit in time to the usage of the word 'soon'. For example 'Coming Soon' when would it be no longer 'soon', 1 month, 2 months, 8 months, a year, or is it open ended? A lot of folk seem to be unhappy with Cakewalks use and understanding of the term 'soon', what gives? I don't believe it would align with Promidi's post above, so what is it to be understood as. and are people right to be unhappy, angry even with the Cakewalk 'Soon'?
  7. Ah, you need no definition of 'jibba jabba', being a fine exponent of the art of 'jibber jabbery ' The label was a fine piece of work used quite humorously.
  8. Can someone define 'Soon' in musical terms? There are a lot of people who want to know ? and please, no jibba jabba.
  9. Ahhh yes, that's it, thank you, I know I had read it, as it is of no concern to me I would have just sped over it and not really taken it in, I have been on Perpetual license since I changed over to Studio One back in 2015 and no thought of changing my license arrangement. ?
  10. I don't pay Subscription, I'm on a perpetual license, if things go as they have done it's roughly 2 years give or take between major versions, like 5 to 6, 6 to 7 etc, so you are only paying every 2 or so years, give or take, all other updates between that are free. I'm happy with the cost, and for what I get for the money I pay.
  11. I could be wrong, but I think he's referring to the great Biro's snarky shots at people bringing to life old threads.
  12. Now that's pretty cool, they are updating all the standard IR's and all the SuperCabinet Libraries are being updated. Maybe at long last TH-U might actually be useful for something more than a Cab/IR loader, maybe it will actually sound good, I'll believe it when I hear it though.
  13. Just in case you are not aware, these Perpetual licenses with the hybrid thing are what they call 'non upgradable' perpetual licenses, whatever version Studio One is on when you complete your year/12 months subscription, is what your perpetual version will stay at, of course if you keep your subscription rolling your perpetual license will roll along with it. PreSonus/Studio One also has the regular perpetual license available for purchase, which is what I have had since I jumped ship from SONAR Platinum in 2015.
  14. https://www.softube.com/support/change-log/2-5-83 Then work your way down, that's all I know of.
  15. Just out of curiosity I checked out how many others there were like this in my VST3 folder, there were 73, well 72 I guess discounting TONEX. No issues at all.
  16. Just out of curiosity did you try just renaming the top level folder from 'IK-TONEX.vst3' to 'IK-TONEX' ? There was discussion about this somewhere here in the last month or so, I read it but didn't take much attention as I don't use SONAR/CbB/Sonar and the issue doesn't affect me, but the above would have been my first stumbling attempt to solve if it did.
  17. Did you upgrade stony? Does it overwrite the original?
  18. I may have done Snapshot Maker/Player an injustice, I went back and gave it a bit more time, I purchased the Player and the 2 packs, 1 is DI and the other Full Rigs. It has stuff missing like being able to disable the Cabs is my main one, I'm sure there is plenty more, but I just ignore them and take it for what it is for now. I'm going to hit the Devs with some feature requests and see how it goes. There only $5 each, bar the Maker which is $15, which I'm not interested in, same as I'm not for TONEX, so it's not exactly a big risk/spend. I hope they get a steady stream of addon packs, but I fear that might not be the case, time will tell. This might be the only Amp Sim I will actually use since TONEX came out, and I pretty much own everything. I can see this getting some use as is with the 2 addon packs and the core set, I already have some people liking it. TONEX will still be the most used, and certainly in my personal projects etc, but I will follow AA Snapshot along and see where it goes.
  19. Heath Row


    Joy, there will be no joy here, only brief moments of insanity that may mimic joy, but we are all stuck in a never ending hell with no hope of escape!
  20. TONEX is where its at, IMO nothings come close. I wasn't expecting much from this, but good to see them have a crack at it, and now I've run the demo my expectations came true. You can mess around tweaking and get something passable, but that will be my first and last outing with Snapshot Player just as I thought it would be unfortunately. Melda, well I'm not a Melda fan to put it mildly, although I did buy MGuitarArchitect, after giving it a look for a couple of days, never opened it again, I doubt they will come near TONEX, just that none of thier guitar stuff has really done anything to date, but if they do well good on them, it will be the second Melda plugin I own. ? Always up for something better.
  21. Well, you might be waiting a while, not long ago they added to MGuitarArchitect, in their own words "the third-party Neural Amp Modeller (available as a free amp profiler plug-in from Steven Atkinson)" . So they added a third party solution to their latest and greatest Guitar plugin, which was only recently-ish released, make of that what you will. Then again, who knows?
  22. With Snapshot Maker you get both Maker and Player, so purchasing both wouldn't be needed I believe.
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