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Everything posted by RobertWS

  1. This is weird, I went back to my post, put it in edit mode, copied the link there and re-pasted it in....voila...embedded video. Not sure what is going on... I guess I'm just...untrainable.
  2. You can see I did that and the link is just a link. (also using firefox on a win10 box).
  3. So, how do you embed videos?
  4. Prepare for shock and awe...
  5. RobertWS


    Brilliant! Oh oh, some delicate snowflake is going to get their panties all up in a wad and get this thread shut down!
  6. But...but...Amazon has Rogain too! https://www.amazon.com/Rogaine/s?k=Rogaine (I guess I'm one of those stream of consciousness comedians).
  7. And you have a heat-ex-changer fireplace....very efficient! When California and other states have huge forest fires...I just cringe. All that wood wasted because they can't manage their resources properly. It is the opposite of green.
  8. Sigh. Why do I read these threads? Sometimes I wonder.
  9. Me too! I've said completely innocent things, not even close to what is going on here, and some snowflake complains. I sent an official detailed complaint to Bandlab. They responded and will look into it. So they say.
  10. Here are my notes from when I was fooling with non-standard pitch bends. It allowed the joystick on my keyboard to bend different amounts. Pitch Bend: 8191 Max up bend. 0 No bend. -8192 Max down bend. 4096 = Semitone Full Range: 0 to 16383 Enter RPN 0 for pitch bend sensitivity For data, each semitone is 128 Octave: 1536 Hole note: 256 (default) 3 Semitones: 384
  11. Can we censor the people here who are advocating censorship? Perhaps when it is done to them, their eyes will be opened.
  12. Good for Spotify for not capitulating to someone who demanded censorship. Censorship is bad.
  13. There is a standalone software synthesizer that uses soundfonts: https://coolsoft.altervista.org/en/virtualmidisynth
  14. Shraig_B. craneb. Hmmm, lets get DNA samples and send them to a lab. But not Bandlab.
  15. RobertWS

    Audio drivers issue

    It looks like the file you are opening has tracks assigned to a hardware output doesn't exist. Re-assign the tracks to another (existing) output.
  16. What a great thread...for me to poop on! -Triumph the insult comic dog.
  17. I'm pretty sure you guys meant Chunkendales.
  18. I purchased a new replacement laptop for a my back up computer which died. Today, the new computer said it was ready for Windows 11! Why not? 2 Hours later I rolled back that turkey. What a miserable, lethargic piece of sheet. I had forgotten that you are suppose to skip every other version of Windows. Windows 12 will probably be good.
  19. What a great comment.....for me to poop on! Stolen from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triumph_the_Insult_Comic_Dog
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