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Everything posted by simon

  1. run the Arturia Software Center to update Bugfixes: White frames at the first opening of the GUI is now fixed in Bitwig on MacOS10.15 Session crash and GUI issues with the DAW "Harrison MixBus" are now fixed for Audio Units Cubase session crashing at reopening is now fixed Compatibility issue with the DAW "Renoise" is now fixed We had issues with OFFLINE activation process, all seems to be back to normal
  2. audiodeluxe - $34.98 with code FALL2020 everyplugin - $34.79 JRRshop - $32.76 with code GROUP
  3. Eventide really need an installation manager
  4. thanks ZincT - I'll give that a go upgrade for that is actually fairly reasonable (all things are relative)
  5. loving the frequent updates but would be even nicer if you didn't have to download over 700MB every time
  6. I'm interested in this...GR5 was looking a bit long in the tooth. And I've lots of better amp sims now. Lots of the amps are the same IIRC so I wonder if they've gone back and remodelled them ? I'm cynical enough to think that it's mainly a new skin. They are using the "machine learning" buzzword so that makes me suspicous
  7. simon

    iZotope MPS 4

    I emailed them to ask - they've done deals in the past...but yeah nothing like $199 worth of upgrade for me (same with Komplete )
  8. simon

    iZotope MPS 4

    doesn't seem quite enough in it for me ? I've got rx8 and SE2 so really it's just nectar > plus and the new reverb.
  9. I didn't get a portal update when I ran it early this morning....but I did get a RX8 update
  10. for those not looking to spend a cent...you can use this code on the $19.99 plugs and not pay anything
  11. Zo, I'm a bit underwhelmed by this - especially at the price. What do you like about it ?
  12. what does this give you over what you get in the Legacy SDX ? I assumed this was a subset of that ?
  13. simon

    Crowd HYPE

    emailed him direct. As suspected bandcamp doesn't have the surround/ambisonic stuff as it can only host stereo - he's obvious running this on a budget so it's impossible for him to offer 1tb downloads at full speed, which is fair enough I think.
  14. simon

    Crowd HYPE

    thanks - I can't see them on bandcamp though. Just trying to work out the difference in buying direct..apart from the updates.
  15. simon

    Crowd HYPE

    I can't see the VR/ambisonic stuff on bandcamp ? but I noticed this on his website "Want to skip the download time? We frequently send out hard drives by request & have all sounds available for Dropbox Pro user too ! If you prefer this option then please message us at hello@freetousesounds.com"
  16. simon

    Crowd HYPE

    looks like the bandcamp collection is $16 with code "summersale" are you saying that buying direct isn't worth bothering with as the download is too painful ? I might do the bandcamp one...which also looks painful as you have to do it 'album' by 'album'.
  17. SD3 to 3.2.1 https://www.toontrack.com/release-notes/superior-drummer-3/ (fixes an annoy preset loading bug I was having ) run the updater thing to update....obviously
  18. for those curious ...... https://www.krotosaudio.com/free-krotos-sound-effects/
  19. I take your izotope/melodyne @ $19.99 and raise you ....(drum roll) ......autotune @ $24.99 https://www.antarestech.com/product/auto-tune-unlimited/
  20. I'm a dinosaur* and prefer to 'own' (licence ?) software but at some point we are probably not going to have a choice but to rent/subscribe...adobe I'm looking at you *one of the nondescript ones that never feature in any of the movies - essentially one of the 'red shirts' of the Jurassic era.
  21. I wouldn't want to be a member of any club that would have me......
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