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Everything posted by simon

  1. https://www.arturia.com/products/software-effects/modulations-bundle/overview looks like it's $49 if you have anything other FX arturia (normally $199) or $99 if you have v-collection it's already in my cart Disclamer does not need kontakt full or otherwise this is not an affiliate link
  2. I think it a torrent/P2P downloader (by default) - worth trying switching this off
  3. you need to get up pretty early to beat Larry EDIT - Larry even beat me to that reply...I give up !
  4. and when will EZkeys be updated to look like EZBass ? (resizable would be a start !)
  5. simon

    XLN Sale

    yes - you can change more or less everything (including volume) from the kit view
  6. be interested to see the details/price of the ezbass expansion (and the drums will be a day 1 buy for me !)
  7. simon

    XLN Sale

    possibly - but the beauty of virtual drums is that you (we !) can cheat
  8. simon

    XLN Sale

    how are you triggering the samples ? nudge up the ride velocity ?
  9. simon

    XLN Sale

    never noticed that myself - is this a specific kit your noticed this on ? There is no right or wrong way to mic a kit (within reason !) - but usually/often the cymbals would just be on the overheads (hihat would have it's own) - plus room/ambient mic possibly. Relative balance of the cymbals can change depending on the exact placement of course When they record this they set up the mics then work round the kit hitting the drums/cymbals so the relative balance 'should' be as real life.
  10. I think it would be nice if people said they were affiliated links - just in the spirit of transparency
  11. simon

    XLN Sale

    don't agree 100% lots of EZD packs are 16bit unlike the SD3 24bit - and the SD3 specific kits are better quality (the orchestral percussion / hansa etc) so SD3 is still the better choice and you can still load EZD packs but not the other way round. Also the SD3 packs come with lots of processed presets just like EZD ...and you can load EZD presets too so nothing to lose going SD3 ?️
  12. simon

    XLN Sale

    I think they are slightly different products. I have most of the major drum libraries (apart from Steven Slate drums - which I have some kind of demo of but not impressed) . I'm mainly a finger drummer but also trigger via a Roland TD20X.....These next 'statements' are just my opinions obvs - and I know both products have people that love them MODO is supposed to be a drum 'modeller' - so the drums (not the cymbals) are modelled rather than sampled (although that's only partially true !). A limited number of kits and at this point no expansion. Cymbals, for example, don't have 'infinite velocity layers' as they claim - basically that's just nonsense - in fact there are very few velocity layers - lesson is ....it's marketing bullsh1t. AD2 is more of a straighforward sample based drum module. I think it's looking a bit long in the tooth nowadays. Lots of sound expansions and midi expansion packs. I think it's only 16bit (if that matters to you ?). It really doesn't have the detail and controllability of BFD3 or SD3. The GUI is prehistoric. I don't think MODO triggers as well from v-drums - AD2 is a bit 'snappier'. MODO feels a lot newer and is easier to use BUT despite the newer technology I don't actually think it sounds any better than AD2...actually AD2 is better - especially packs like the Fairfax 1 and 2. I was really interested to see what IK could do with 'modelling' which is why I bought it, but left feeling it has a long way to go. All the stuff like snare positional sensing and L/R hits, head type etc...well they don't make it sound better. Ignoring the price, as I don't know what the current price is for AD2/MODO - I'd go for AD2 and some nice expansions...even though it's old...and feels a bit abandonware. Both these products are MUCH inferior to SD3 (again just my opinion....but it's true !) - loads of expansion (including EZdrums) - 21st century GUI - lots of grooves - loads of options and triggers far and away the best with vdrums (hihat for example). BFD3 is 2nd best but requires a bit more work to get a nice sound...and still doesn't trigger as well with vdrums and has an uncertain future. MODO drums is part of the current IK group buy thing so that may swing it for you ? TLDR: buy SD3
  13. I've got the Exponental reverb bundle, including the surrounds, not a dud amongst them.....100% recommend. There not necessarily the most user friendly or most beautiful GUI (like arturia) but they sound amazing. It's the guy from lexicon so he knows what he's doing. My understanding is that he sold them to izotope and now isn't doing any more work on them (retired) so who knows what the future is for them - I suspect we'll see them fully rebranded and looking more 'izotope' but I also suspect we won't see significant improvements to them in the near future.
  14. Yes - they are obviously selling it on the “smart” part - still didn’t feel it did a great job — or rather what it ended up with wasn’t sounding as good as an izotope/exponential reverb preset - which has been available for less than $10 recently IIRC I’m just a sucker for believing that technology can do a better job at mixing (gullfoss - zynaptic etc) - Maybe the problem is the 2nd rate stuff i record - I’m always looking for something to polish my sh1t
  15. I picked this up direct when it was released a couple of months ago - was only $5 then - rigid audio stuff goes on sale pretty regularly and usually has 10% voucher too. all his stuff has great (discounted) prices so maybe not worth worrying about a few $$ I think I’ve bought all his stuff over the last few years and Acoutic Isolation has been one of the more dissapointing ones (sorry Dennis!) - maybe doesn’t quite fit the stuff I like ? Still worth buying though just to support a developer who has very realistic pricing ?
  16. I picked this up a few days ago - maybe I'm holding it wrong but I've been a bit underwhelmed ?
  17. just linking in the product page: http://www.jonmeyermusic.com/samples
  18. If you mean the magix one (?) saw some posts on various forums that people were getting them....
  19. another bump here - I'd hate to see BFD disappear. Just noticed this post https://fxpansion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=49&t=8575195&sid=79da8429b6ed659a1e9fe71e9a62250a so all is not dead just yet
  20. not me I have ordered from there since the crash though - all ok
  21. sorry, just my 2c - even though I don't respect EVERY opinion (Trump, I'm looking at you !) - I think it's fine to dislike software plugins, brands of software protection dongles, DAW software, plugin update policies - Macs or PC - country music (!) ....whatever. We're just musicians (in the main), looking to make some music. We don't need to start calling people names or upsetting people, it's not nice and unnecessary. This is the only forum I like - because the people on here are great (in the main!) probably because of Larry's benign leadership - so let's ALL try to keep it that way...... (anyway back to my IKM product manager hate postings !)
  22. simon

    NI updates

    that was a couple of weeks ago - Doug was late to the party
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