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Everything posted by simon

  1. It's DearVR_monitor that does the downmix to two channels - so there is nowhere to put in an additional 2 channel EQ - hence I don't think it's possible. They need to build it in. Would probably work for stereo though. cubase works beautifully up to 5.1 - and nuendo for anything bigger. It's pretty transparent.
  2. does sonarworks work on a surround bus though ? might be ok in stereo but prob not a solution to 'virtual' surround monitoring. I'll probably pick this up with a monthly voucher at some stage - but without correction for headphone response I really can't see how it realistically model spaces.
  3. not in front of that computer at the moment - their website says 20gig but that includes downloading/installing etc - think it's less than 10gig from memory - most of that is cymbals - much smaller than most of the competition.
  4. worth watching this thread - and take a look at the deals from the last couple of years - this is a good guide to what might happen
  5. there are loads of examples of both apps on youtube. what you can't always tell from the examples are the nuances in the triggering of the sounds. I trigger via v-drums and SD3 feels far more real. Hihats have the ability to be very subtle for example - and the transmuting between open/close is far better than the competition. Even if you play via a keyboard it just feels more 'real'. It's a bit like playing a guitar - it's not all about the final sound (although SD3 sounds better than MODO IMO) it's how it plays.... how it responds. even more off topic - that's why I never feel amp sims are as good as a real amp. They sound good but they don't quite feel the same as a 100w stack on full volume. The way the guitar becomes alive at that volume - and it sings and resonates - the way the cabinet buzzes and the room vibrates - impossible to reproduce that in a sim.
  6. bumping as 1.2.2 is released - although you all probably got the email
  7. will that work with the surround plugins ? Assume that you have to put in the plug on the surround bus of the DAW ?
  8. I'm not saying it's terrible - I bought it (but never use it) - and yes you can get realistic drum sounds out of it - but TT and BFD have pushed the goalposts so far that it's really not in the big league. As Larry pointed out - it does have a small data footprint, although as many have pointed out, getting IKM stuff to install where you want isn't as simple as you might hope. Also has a lot of midi grooves if that's important to you. I defy anybody to fire up SD3 with legacy of rock SDX and not say WOW. obviously everybody has an opinion - although I'm not employed by TT or IKM
  9. off topic - are you putting together the BF list again..... that one cost me a small fortune last year
  10. I still can't understand why they don't - and I'm sure you wouldn't be influenced or if you are I wouldn't actually care - but you probably sell more product than most sales teams.
  11. agreed - can't see how they can compensate for the headphones ?
  12. I'm gonna slightly (and very respectfully and politely) disagree a little bit and not trying to argue !!! I don't have a problem with affiliate links at all but I would feel better about it if the poster just mentioned it - We all know who Reid is and that's great and everybody values his input, especially his Black Friday lists.....hopefully same this year ? - but I didn't recognise Kal_S or notice that those links were affiliate. I'd be more than happy for Reid or anybody to get a kickback for posting a deal but I'd just like to know about it. I feel transparency is always better - especially when people are selling stuff. It's not quite the same but I've definitely seen vendors on here pretending to be punters, pointing out sales and saying how great stuff is. It should be the same rules for everyone - probably even larry too !!!! (although I think vendors should supply larry with free licences for all he does !) just my 2c obviously. ?️
  13. I'm guessing that EZkeys is a big earner for TT - with all those midi pack addons - so I suspect we'll see a new v2 GUI for that next year.
  14. I know - you have to factor in an extra SSD just for the expansions. $$$$ they seem to be coming at nearly 200gig nowadays. They are still actively developing SD3 and I find the GUI the best of the lot....just wish they'd update EZkeys to the EZbass/SD3 style interface. I'd happily pay for that upgrade even if there was nothing else included. FWIW I've tried emailing the new (old?) BFD3 team (skott/angus/etc) - on their new, improved support email address. Zero response..and I see lots of people on the old, derelict and spam filled fxpansion forum saying the same thing. Not good news and a real shame.
  15. DearVR specialise in VR technology (clue is in the name ) - this seems to be the only one geared to the more advanced surround formats, atmos etc. ARS3 and NX can do 7.1 but I think Slate is stereo only ?
  16. it's an interesting idea - 'modelled' drums...and sampled cymbals. Not many velocity layers, despite IKM saying 'infinite' - and the modelling doesn't give better results than sampling, actually worse. obviously just my opinion - spend the money on Superior Drummer 3 and one of the recent expansion (legacy or rock / decades / hansa) - probably costs more but MILES better Some will chime in and say get BFD3 - and that sounds good (not as good as SD3 IMO) but fxpansion future seems really really shakey at the moment....and Toontrack are on fire with their recent releases
  17. that deal is on until the end of December. I'm gonna sit an wait on that one. At least you can use your PA voucher @Piotr I love the idea of these kind of plugins...the abbey road one etc...in reality I'm not sure they really live up to the promise. At least the waves one support specific brands of headphones which makes me feel more like they are 'optimised'....this one seems to work with anything...and any ear shape etc etc.
  18. also available at PA - $149 if you have any of the qualifying products dearVR PRO, dearVR MUSIC, bx_rooms, Metric AB, Streamliner or HawkEye or $169 with code MONITOR-INTRO-16999
  19. https://download.steinberg.net/downloads_software/SpectraLayers_7/help/Pro/_spectralayers_editions_comparison.html
  20. Depends on the discount but I think the upgrade price from 10.5 won’t have enough margin for a discount that reflects the cost of SL7. either way I think there is zero chance that a full version will be in C11pro - it’s not Steinbergs style - ie Halton or groove agent. They consider that stuff valuable extra revenue.
  21. I strongly suspect not - I bet it will have the same 'taster' edition. There will be lots of users (like myself) who have just bought v7 and would be annoyed if they give it away as part of the upgrade.
  22. fyi NEW IN CUBASE ARTIST 11: Famous Steinberg 64-bit floating point audio engine with versatile routing and automatic latency compensation - NEW: Unlimited number of audio, instrument and MIDI tracks, up to 32 physical inputs and outputs - Suite containing over 70 high-quality VST audio and MIDI effects, including Pitch Correct for correcting vocals, VST Amp Rack and VST Bass Amp, Quadrafuzz and many more - Complete set of 8 leading instruments - over 2,600 sounds - including HALion Sonic SE 3, Groove Agent SE 5, Padshop 2 and Retrologue 2 - Huge library with thousands of instrument sounds, sound loops MIDI and audio sample construction - Compiler tool to create the perfect version of a recording from multiple takes - NEW: SpectraLayers One to visualize and clean up your sound or separate vocals from any types of audio data - NEW: Tone assistant, chord track and chord pads to compose with scales and chords in a creative and playful way - Powerful sample editor for all common audio work - NEW: VariAudio to edit mono audio tracks like notes on a MIDI track, generate automatic harmonization and create auto-tuning effects https://www.woodbrass.com/en-gb/studio-softwares-sofware-updates-and-upgrades-steinberg-cubase-artist-11-upg-ai-p340793.html
  23. this a great little library - zero reason not to download it IIRC it also runs in the FREE kontakt player
  24. I tend to ignore your posts..........only kidding ???
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