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Everything posted by simon

  1. Yes, seems to be working for non-legacy products. It's also good for doing the downloads but not the installs (for some !).
  2. it's not all bad news..........you get to download all their demos for free ......wether you want them or not
  3. I think you can download them again but they make you pay !!
  4. from 4.1.2 to 4.1.3 What’s new in SampleTank 4.1.3: -Fixed a crash on launch on latest Windows 10 versions -Fixed a bug regarding fonts not being properly loaded on Windows. Run the IK product manager to update - and if your system is anything like mine (and many many others) it will fail - so then find the downloaded file and unzip/run it manually as the Product Manager is broken... And, NO, this isn't the problem OR the solution - there is something else broken. https://www.ikmultimedia.com/faq/index.php?id=1304&bu=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaWttdWx0aW1lZGlhLmNvbS9mYXEvaW5kZXgucGhw and asking users to turn of virus/malware protection for download folders seems a little crazy IMO - other software vendors can make this work just fine....mostly better ! it will also install the, now redundant, authorization manager because it's important that IK install as much junk on your computer as possible /RANTOFF
  5. picked acoustic ? (which is excellent BTW) not a huge amount to chose from if they are going to do their normal upgrade prices ?
  6. FWIW this is the same voucher/survey from earlier this year - so I've you've used it already then you can't use it again
  7. Ouch ! - not happy about it at all. In fact sloppy coding and buggy software makes me particularly unhappy - especially when you have paid $100s for software. What makes me more frustrated is that when you report it and people say "you're holding it wrong" or "well it works for other people" - even though it seems others have exactly the same problems I reported. As I say it's FYI - up to IK if they wanna fix/improve it. (edit) - i see this isn't getting much love over on GS ! https://www.gearslutz.com/board/new-product-alert/1321822-ik-multimedia-enhances-user-software-experience-new-free-ik-product-manager.html
  8. the MODO drum installer is broken and says that whatever version you have installed. There is another bug in the installer too - if you choose to install just the plugin and not the drum data it warns you that it WON'T delete the drum data...then goes ahead and deletes it. You HAVE to install the drum data even if you don't want/need to. They don't have the developer smartscreen licence (!?) and I wonder if that's why the Product Manager autoinstall falls over - it doesn't have permission to run (for some people)
  9. interesting - they are moving over to a "Supervisory Board" whatever that means ?
  10. be great to get it working properly before you pull the manual downloads
  11. I installed it to try because I thought it would work .....and it didn't ! (not trying to argue with you Peter) (edit) and now no way to redownload software. Just bought the amplitude max bundle but don't have the standalone installed. No reinstall option and the website says I need to use product manager to download....
  12. to be fair Peter - I'm not really going to waste any time getting this working - more of a FYI
  13. don't think so - it does replace the authorization manager though edit and yet another way for IK to push more demos on you !!! edit 2 and doesn't seem to work properly - there's an update to ST4 in the last couple of days (4.1.2) - it downloads it - unzips it - says it's installed it but doesn't actually install it (message in the notifications saying "sampletank 4 installed correctly) sigh also doesn't clean up the files after itself. edit 3 if you install manually - from the file that the Product Manager downloaded it installs correctly as you might imagine...it also reinstalls the authorization manager that the Product Manager has just replaced. sorry Peter - not hugely impressive even for a first effort.
  14. here: https://www.steinberg.net/en/support/downloads/downloads_spectralayers_7.html
  15. it's been delayed (rather predictably !) - should be out in the next few days Not the Devs fault - Steinberg have a slow release/approval/publication pipeline. Not the first time I've heard of finished patches and releases being delayed, sometimes for quite a while. The irony is that a lot of SB stuff is pretty buggy so they don't actually seem to do much Q/A during these delays.
  16. true - but any updates mean you have to do the whole thing again. I haven't got a lot of IK stuff (mainly because of this pain) but I might take the time to weed out the T-racks stuff I don't have.
  17. thanks Chris - doesn't hide the million plugins from appearing in your plugin list does it ?
  18. exactly this - I'd be delighted to use them and I'd (probably) buy more if I didn't have to wade through loads and loads and loads of stuff I don't have. Actually I don't have to wade through loads and loads and loads of stuff I don't have...I just don't bother. Sunset Sound and the Space Delay look really interesting but there's no way I'm buying as they will be just lost in the massive IK plugin list.
  19. I think it's only me complaining (they don't sign their installers properly - and the installers are broken for Modo Drum (in more than one way) - and they make you download/install the entire 7gig just to update the .vst3 file) not disputing the quality - it's just they are so fustrating to actually use
  20. The main thing that stops me using Amplitude is that you can't hide products you don't own - same with t-racks. It's so frustrating wading through masses of presets or amps trying to find out what it is you have....Doesn't encourage me to spend more money - just makes me not use it ! Obviously doesn't affect you if you have MAX but for the rest of us Can imagine if all plugin vendors did this...You buy one Waves product but it installs the LOT....it would soon be total chaos. Or Plugin Alliance. Also you no simple way to check for updates although they are not alone in this. Just noticed there was a MODO drum update - no way of knowing without logging in and checking version numbers against one's you have installed. Painful Still great value for money at £0
  21. anybody have a discount code that they aren't going to use for this ?
  22. I prefer the AR Plates - but more importantly there is a 20% discount at JRR if you decide to use it: https://www.jrrshop.com/features/the-great-crash
  23. fixing "ALL" the issues ? and Hi Robin, welcome to the forum
  24. https://www.straightaheadsamples.com/freekyfreeclav it's Kontakt (and no it won't work in the free player !)
  25. this review is a bit over the top it's not quite as good as he claims but gives you the idea https://soundbytesmag.net/bozdigitallabsimperialdelay/
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