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Everything posted by simon

  1. I think this kind of library is meant as a complete solution - so probably not so useful to access the individual samples ? There are some keys allocated to individual hits though. Basically thee are lots of preset grooves that you can layer and mix, add FX well worth the money (NEEDS FULL KONTAKT)
  2. Damn you larry..... I'm in !
  3. it's First World problems - NI Komplete is much more $$ IIRC
  4. @Zo (saw you posted on GS) - didn't you think Wires was a nice 'character' delay ?
  5. I have both and yes 100% agree ST4 feels like it's from the last century - I'm not even sure how good the sounds are as I don't spend time with it.... the interface is so bad
  6. https://www.perfectsurround.com/ upmix/downmix plugin Handles a bewildering amount of formats including atmos etc. down to $349 (actually pretty cheap for this kind of thing - and cheapest it's been I think)
  7. testing it out on some vocals, working my way through the presets. I have to say it sounds pretty good
  8. yes - the new code is BFD2-2999 but the same exclusions apply
  9. that would make sense - give the first one away for free.....
  10. I agree - but I suppose they have to make it simple - his setup is too many faders for their 'dumbed down' CLA series. It would be fairly simple to copy his setup, if you wanted ?, on most DAWs I'm sure waves won't try to spin anything....at least the price is right (FWIW I really like waves plugins and the CLA effects one gets a lot of use here) edit a quick listen to that production expert video - it does sound nice on that 'terrible' demo track that they are using it on
  11. (link is to the BS search page ?) am I (we?) getting greedy ? - 30% off the bundle doesn't seem great for BF. They often have better sales throughout the year .
  12. tried to buy this via paypal but didn't work - gave random errors... (edit - known issue - email him direct)
  13. sounds good (like claps!) - would be nice to have more control over the stereo field - rather than centre or random.
  14. beware that PA have been doing some of this cheaper - there was some (expired?) codes for DearVR monitor for example
  15. I used AD code Holideal for 15% off - and had some deluxebucks that I'd forgotten about..... another 'deals' win
  16. tempted...anybody have feedback enough to push me over the edge ?
  17. it does say "up to" - I've won "up to" 3 Grammys
  18. picked up the two I didn't have at timeandspace and used some points too ! win
  19. let's not forget the groove3 subscribers 'perk' of 15% off IKM
  20. plus you get Quadravox, Drumazon or ANIMATE as a freebie
  21. I think SL7 an C11 weren't on there to 'encourage' people to use the Steinberg Download Assistant ....but that was causing more problems alongside the elicencer shambles that happened.....so they posted them. SDA has got better but it's still clumsy - especially as it doesn't recognise if an update is available.....(like plugin alliance!)
  22. total bargain at that price - I can't remember what I paid but it was much much much (etc) more than that
  23. basically the older ones - which you can kinda understand
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