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Everything posted by simon

  1. having SD opens a whole new world of expensive SDX drum packs therefore they want as many people as possible to upgrade
  2. Any Plug $29.99 1st CODE: BFD1-2999 Your 2nd code will be sent out November 27 This code will be expired then! Use it or lose it... This voucher code is only valid 1x (once) Choose ONE of our plugins and get it for $29.99, except for the subscription bundles and the products below. Please share this code with your friends! * Products NOT included in this promotion: ADPTR AUDIO Streamliner, bx_console SSL 9000 J, AMEK EQ200, Bettermaker EQ232D, Gig Performer 3, Unfiltered Audio Bass-Mint, Shadow Hills Class A, KNIFONIUM, dearVR PRO, dearVR MONITOR
  3. yes - confirmed here https://www.steinberg.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=305&t=203725&p=1073625& FWIW the .21 update only has one fix "Using the ARA extension for audio clips with no name assigned no longer renders the application unresponsive." maybe that doesn't apply to SL One ?
  4. https://www.steinberg.net/index.php?id=downloads_spectralayers_7&L=1 says 7.0.21 for me ? no mention of it on the forum though (they keep their updates fairly secret ?) The install is the same for all version IIRC - it's the licence on the elicencer that 'unlocks' the features
  5. sorry - forgot the link https://www.steinberg.net/en/support/downloads.html (better than using the rather poor steinberg downloader)
  6. There has been a few updates to SB software in the last few days, they tend not to be very active about letting anybody know These include: VST connect pro v5 to v5.0.10 Wavelab v10 to v10.0.50 Spectralayers 7 to v7.0.21 There was also some Groove Agent / SE updates when I checked but I don't think they are that recent ALSO Nuendo 11 was announced - released 9th December with a 20% discount on upgrades and new purchases until Dec 31st. Prices don't seem to clear at the minute but it seem like they will be the same as previously. i.e. 199euro for the upgrade (minus 20%) Headline is Dolby Atmos in the box - and some other stuff from Cubase 11
  7. I think that was Rock Warehouse ? (Which is down the road from the Rock Foundry - and across the street from Rock Workshop (etc etc etc)) That one is still on sale - haven't seen Foundry discounted by much as yet. if not then.....drat - missed it....I'll pick that up next time.
  8. It's around this time of the evening I say......"isn't it time for an updated version of EZkeys...based on the EZbass GUI ?" I also say .... why isn't Rock Foundry SDX on sale ?.....it's the last one on my hit list - too new I suppose.
  9. really enjoying these - I'm not convinced that he's not just throwing masses and masses of reverb on everything but hey, as long as he's happy. next (last?) episode next monday - cyber monday Hopefully we'll have his new, free plugin by then.
  10. https://download.steinberg.net/downloads_software/SpectraLayers_7/help/Pro/_spectralayers_editions_comparison.html
  11. just pointing out the new Voxengo plug looks like it's aiming for the Gullfoss market...might be worth demoing before pulling the trigger on anything https://www.voxengo.com/product/teote/
  12. it would be good if somebody (not inmusic) did Let's see....
  13. yes - maybe worth an email direct to eventide if anybody is keen to use the voucher. Eventide are normally fairly friendly
  14. if you log into your groove3 account there is something called "groove perks" it has various vouchers including an eventide one I hadn't known about them either
  15. I'm still concerned about the long term viability of fxp - or more specifically BFD they seem to have gone radio silent after the sale to inMusic - which many were predicting
  16. long discussion on this here
  17. I'm waiting until next year until the Komplete upgrades are on sale before spending more on NI ..... BUT I did buy Electric Sunburst Deluxe a few months ago when it was released - it's superb......so is the picked acoustic...if you like that kind of thing.
  18. .....one other thing.... Line6 "Buy v1 of Helix - and here's a load more NEW amps and FX and 'celebrity' presets - and here's a totally new version . Have all this for free" IKM "well it's complicated - we have several product lines, and we're not sure yet what product does what...but don't worry our MAX product has most of the stuff...for a bit...but not the new good stuff. Maybe your old amps might work - or be updated.....nobody is really sure.......you're a longstanding customer ? who cares...either way it's gonna cost you big time ..... give us more $$$$$$$$$$" (sorry for the rant!)
  19. yes - I'm really pleased this has been added. With a strobe option as well. I've been using ircam labs The Snail as my 'strobe' tuner but it's not ideal. Still prefer my ancient Peterson of course. Good work on the testing ?
  20. Not had any issues here - fingers crossed. It's my go-to amp sim.
  21. Hi Mesh - sorry thought I'd replied yes picked it up a few months ago - during one of their sales. I'm still using a very very old Pod as my guitar input so I feel some odd company loyalty
  22. When you install it doesn't install the new presets (factory 1 and factory 2). You have to do restore-type thing to get the new presets. Something mentioned about it in the release note. of course now I've said that i don't want to be responsible for you losing any presets so definitely back them up
  23. Don't want to be two negative ....but.... I thought the demos sound a bit ....lame ? Stiff sounding ? Especially considering vintage mics in expensive studio. 300mb too If you have vastly more money to spend (!) InSessionAudio's shimmer shake strike (with expansion) is good and includes a good selection of claps. https://insessionaudio.com/products/shimmer-shake-strike/ if not then I would have thought about 10 minutes with a mic and a reasonably working pair of hands would give you enough clap sounds to last several lifetimes. EDIT - and you'd be silly not to pick up the FREE fruit shake from insessionaudio, whilst it still available.
  24. I have zero intention of buying but that does sound good. The video says over 2,000 samples per note. I've been playing guitar for over 40 years and I still don't think I've played C# 2,000 times ? (ps - full kontakt NOT required!)
  25. thanks Fleer - glad you're here to help us
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