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Everything posted by simon
I disengaged the brain and pressed buy the whole collection is showing updates - there are about 20 of them and I'm 5% through the first one after 10 minutes.....sigh
download is crawling.....as per usual with Arturia
149 euro here but I already have the ob-xa I'm not sure there is enough............although that's never stopped me before also nuendo 11 out tomorrow
https://www.arturia.com/products/analog-classics/v-collection/overview#en New: juno 6 emulator II Vocoder Ob-xa (first time in the bundle but not new) jupiter 8 v4 rhodes 73 v2 analog lab V and Patchworks
I think that's an apple and oranges (and pears) comparison The Chuck Berry guitar had no real history "This guitar came out of Berry’s personal collection, and used for a private performance in Seattle April 13th, 2002. Berry then gave the guitar to business mogul Mike Malone, and Berry signed the guitar in black felt pen, adding a drawing beneath the signature." (thanks Mike !) The Clapton guitar was a bit of a classic - lots of history ....same with the Ry Cooder one but Ry doesn't sell as many albums. I'd love that Coodercaster though .....wonder if it's the same one on the cover of Bop Til You Drop, pre major customization. Think that had the matching blue headstock and bound fingerboard too. edit - yes it's the one from the BtyD cover
WHAT !!!!! I've heard about people like you FWIW last time I took part in one of those 'pick a free plugin' things after buying from everyplugin I had to jump through some hoops to get them - or at least had to send some increasingly annoyed emails. They did the same 'extend the sale' thing then....but they sorted it eventually.
it's the same with just installing a new one when they add one to the bundle - it's an all or nothing experience ! They even attempt to install all the sample sets for the instruments again (unless you just deselect the lot)
don't be dishearted - I'd gladly have your money
yes - but if you have virtual cash and want one of the freebies then $4.99 might be a better option
no need to choose - get both
yep - wupping won't get you this plugin
it's cheaper to 'upgrade' to the bundle if you already have AR collection - the WUP is a bonus (!?) - and means IF v13 comes out you get that ....... if that makes any sense
if you already have the abbey road bundle then I think you can re-upgrade to it for $29 plus you can use the yny23 code bringing it down to $26.10 this also WUPs your bundle for another year - but WUP doesn't really mean much in the abbey road bundle as it doesn't add new plugs when they appear.
just popped up at everyplugin http://everyplugin.com/abbey-road-rs124-compressor.html down to $34.53 with the same code (Edit - as always Larry beat me to it !)
VAT for the EU I suspect
generate is amazing (was gonna say "generate is great" but it sounded like the opening to a bad poem)
^^^^^ another amazing price
it's ok but - at this price ......
I think that must have been a mistake - it's only been out a couple of months. Think I paid $100 intro price and that was an 'upgrade' price too
snooze - lose etc
Bear in mind those prices are not amazing or unusual. Last week you could have had more or less anything for $29. Not saying they are bad plugins (they are good) but don't panic that you'll miss the deal. They are almost like HorNET having constant offers........ FWIW I paid $80 for SSL 9000 J a while back - and that's a plug that is gonna start to be in the $29 range sooner rather than later I think.
^^^^^ that's a great price