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Everything posted by simon

  1. I can only speak for Terrie - but how many songs call for a sample of "Amazing Grace" sung with full on improv in one specific key ? There are lots of examples like that. I noticed that one of the other libraries has them singing the full version of "She Moves Through the Fair" - which is handy if you are doing a cover of that specific song ? The more generic stuff might see some use though.
  2. I bought Terrie - great voice, but I'm not sure how usable 99% of this actually is. But the price is about right
  3. Run the UVI portal to update. it's 35.70GB - and you have to download the entire thing to update - no idea what the changes are but it's probably about 3 bytes different. There has to be a better way
  4. I assume it was the number of mic that was different ? on the Free version 2 of them are greyed out. That would account for the xtra size (more or less)
  5. the upgrades for the V7 are the same updates in v8 - they showed in both the V7 AND V8 section of the ASC. And everything 'seems' to be working just fine. The Stage 73 mk 2 is a totally new plug so it keeps the V1 there for legacy reasons...and sounds great
  6. my ASC auot-updated itself when I booted it up to download v8 - plus it showed a load of V7 updates. I'd actually checked yesterday morning and they weren't there then.
  7. store is still blank for me in AL4 and ALV
  8. hi Greg - yep that's the issue - Native Access doesn't like the serial number from the website
  9. yes - I'm having registration issues too
  10. not in front of my PC at the moment but my AL5 said around 11,000 presets and I haven't bought any extra from the store - I just grabbed the free ones when they were available. (probably can put those pitchforks and flaming torches back in the cupboard for a bit?)
  11. I don't have all those packs but Dark ambient Past to the future are both showing in my ALV plus (I think?) all my other AL4 packs.... The store is showing as blank and non of my packs have 'icon's in ALV so I think there are still some server issues....licencing worked ok though, early this a.m.
  12. well we don't know that yet - if you judge the quality of a plugin solely by the number of presets, and assuming that those numbers are accurate, then yes...it's not an upgrade. ....it might even ben a 'considerable downgrade' . I suspect that isn't the full story. Have you taken a look at the videos and previews ? If I could ever get this stuff licenced then I could find out Incidentally I find AL to be the least useful of the collection .....just my opinion but I never really bother with it much. Prefer the actual emulations. EDIT abacab replied as I was typing and said the exact opposite about AL....just shows you there are as many opinons as there are people
  13. ahh sorry - you said 'upgrade' in your post
  14. you can still use AL 4 - so you haven't lost anything are the 2000 presets new ?
  15. I'm just about ready to give up for today. Did you check all the great videos on the arturia site - with tutorials etc. Looks/sounds amazing https://www.arturia.com/products/v-collection-8/resources
  16. have you managed to get through to the licence server ?
  17. you get about 30 really high quality synths/keyboards so price per synth is a bargain......
  18. yes to the Jupiter 8 but no to the Rhodes still trying to work out what Patchworks is ? it's not an executable file edit - no to the jupiter 8 - that's gone to V4 and it's new
  19. I can't log in to licence anything .....this happens every time so no real suprise
  20. I also have the ob-xa v, which isn't in V7 (and pigments - and the FX etc) (edit - tony beat me to it !)
  21. I've never had a problem with usabilty/cpu with v7* - in fact they are my go-to synths. It's the extra synths I'm after....can't have to many ? (don't answer that!) *disclaimer - I did get hit by a bug in cubase when V7 first came out.
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