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Everything posted by razor7music

  1. "bow out of the choir" That would be a good title for...
  2. Ah gotcha. I'm very familiar with using regions with Melodyne--done it many times for quite a while, but when I searched for methods of using Melodyne to create harmonies, that's when I saw the transfer option while inserted as an audio FX. If there's no benefit with the insert method, I'll just go back to the region method. Thanks!
  3. Thanks. That's the process I use for pitch and timing corrections and then I bounce to clips and Melodyne closes--all done. Nice and tidy. When I read up (watched vids) on harmonies, they recommended the FX transfer method. Are there any pros or cons?
  4. I don't want to take this post too OT (but it is the Coffee House), but I have to ask...you spent a lot on your DAW components--and forgive me if I've confused you with someone else, but don't you get a new rig once a year? Anyway, I'm reading your post while wiping the drool off my chin and then I read "Behringer" and I wake up out of my dream state and scratch my head. Behringer? Really? Aren't they the low-end cost savings brand? Years ago when I worked at GC in pro audio, Behringer everything were the cheapies the kids would buy that couldn't afford the high-end, more expensive stuff. I realize that was a long time ago, and most manufacturers have their high and low-end models--but at least that time (18-ish) years ago, Behringer didn't sell a high-end model of anything that GC stocked--and that was a lot. Please enlighten me.
  5. Hah! Good to know if I ever want to get in a band again. I read years ago that the average length of time that a band stays together in L.A. was 2 and a half weeks. If you think about it, marriage is hard--to make it work. Now take 4 or 5 dudes and try to make that work! Not so much.
  6. Hello-- I started using Melodyne to help compose vocal harmonies and there seems to be one step missing in my process--or is there? 1) I duplicate the vocal melody I want to create a harmony for onto a new track. 2) I insert Melodyne as an audio FX onto the track copy. 3) I hit Transfer in Melodyne and hit play in CW. 4) I manipulate the blobs in Melodyne to taste. 5) [Now is where I seem to be missing something] I don't want to leave Melodyne active as a plug-in because of the DAW resources is draws, but there is no "print" or bounce option, so I just freeze the track and turn off the FX on that track. Is that the best way? It seems a little hokey. Thanks!
  7. For a fun to watch, all out monster drummer, I like Mike Mangini. Starting out as a drummer myself, my idols were Neil Peart, Stewart Copeland, Bill Bruford.
  8. I've looked at the Scarlett line and I was equally impressed. So much so that when my Layla 3G dies, I'll probably end up buying the 4i4. I can't seem to mentally get it out of my head that I'm going to be increasing my round-trip latency going from a PCI connection to a USB--but I'm sure I'll get over it.
  9. I went through a Waves phase when they were having a major sale. I bought a bunch of Lord Algae ? stuff for drums, vocals, and a loud plug in. I used them on a few projects and might use them again, but since I've purchased other plug-ins that do that same thing, but have more granular control, I don't really use the Waves plug-ins all that much. I did have an issue if I did a VST scan in CW that Waves would always prompt me that it couldn't find a file. All the plug ins seemed to work, so I just added the complaining plug-in to my exclusion list and the annoying prompt went away.
  10. Typical that MS would still make the 'safely remove hardware and eject media' feature an option in the 1809 version when it's no longer necessary. Hopefully their OS isn't going to turn back into bloatware like past versions.
  11. Wow! So, if I've had SONAR for many past versions, I might have all of these plug-ins and instruments! That's a lot of stuff!
  12. Here's a good tutorial I found helpful. The only thing missing is how to print the track when you're all done. I just froze it, personally.
  13. Garage Band, oh wait... Never mind... ? (had to)
  14. I used to have to deal with synth polyphony. When the maximum number of notes was met, the first note played would drop out. Not the same--but reminded me of that.
  15. Thanks. I just tried it and it does take a little work, but it definitely helps when you're stuck like I was. I have one or two actual layers singing in unison over the melody, so the added single harmony doesn't sound too bad. When I get closer to the mix stage, if it stands out as sounding too synthetic, I can just sing over the Melodyne harmony. Great tool. Worked exactly as designed.
  16. I'd say use both. Rx is great for clicks. I'd use SF for detailed audio edits.
  17. Hey There I have SF and an older version of RX, I believe v2. I don't think they're the same thing. RX is for restoration and SF is an audio editor. What's in Elements that you use where you'd need to choose between it and SF?
  18. One of my favorite audio software companies, Native Instruments (NI) has a bunch of free stuff. Mostly players and foundational plug-ins, but they have a few other good items for free too.
  19. Hey @scook Do these instructions still work for CW? I went back to the ancient archives of the former CW forum (7 years ago!) and saw that you'd helped me with this same thing in adding SoundForge to my tools menu--but that was for an older version of Sonar. I wouldn't want to mess with my registry if I wasn't 100% sure it was accurate.
  20. Hey All-- Maybe you don't struggle with finding good vocal harmonies like I do, but typically if I can't sing a good harmony over my melody after a couple sessions, I get frustrated and then I know it's not going to end well. I remembered seeing a training video on creating melodies with Melodyne, and I watched a good one last night, and so I'm going to give it a try. If it sounds good, I'll keep it in the mix. If it sounds like a robot, then I'll just sing over the part and it served its purpose of helping me create a good harmony line. Anyone used Melodyne this way? What are your thoughts/advice? Thanks!
  21. I'm going to be very transparent in my reply. It may cross some people here, but we're all entitled to our opinions, right? I love Apple products. I hate Apple as a company. IMO they are snobs and try to "convert" all their customers into being snobs as well. What do I mean by snobs? "Apple is great. Everyone else (PC) sucks." No, everyone else doesn't suck. Gratefully there are more choices than one so people can choose what kind of computer they want. PC's always have poor performance and Apple's never fail? That is blatantly false. If you believe that you are living in Disneyland. I have many examples from running both PC's and Mac's in a pro studio to know better. They both have their pluses and minuses. -Rant over- Now then, Cakewalk is PC only. You will need to have some way to boot into Windows from your Mac if you want to run Cakewalk. Many people do that--and even some from this forum. They can let you know which tool works best, but it's done all the time. Good luck! ?
  22. I'm not in studio right now, and I've never done this myself, but can't you customize a PC? I mean, can't you add your own modules? Am I way off?
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