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Everything posted by razor7music

  1. I know the decision was made, but wanted to chime in that I did my homework with my ears years ago. We used the M-Audio BX5's at work and they were transparent, and clean and sounded great. I ended up buying a pair of the BX5 Carbons and still use them in my studio today. I hope your KRK's arrive in good condition. When I used to work in pro-audio at GC, we would get DOA KRK's with each shipment. It was their boxing we think. I do like the KRK's and would get a pair myself, but I think seeing so many arrive DOA put a bad taste in my mouth. Maybe now that KRK is owned by Gibson, they figured out how to ship them properly. Again, it was years ago when I was at GC.
  2. See that little emoticon at the end of my sentence? That means it was a joke. Get it? You posted about the wrong forums being used and I said your post was in the wrong forum. That's funny.
  3. Blue Cat Audio has multiple free fx plug-ins, but their entire bundle of free plug-ins can be found here.
  4. I think Bandlab's long-term business goal is to contribute to the creation of another major superstar and complete global music domination! (had to do it)
  5. Scoring is also a method of obtaining very sharply defined bends in metal sheets. The angle of the bend is determined mainly by the amount of material removed from the groove. (he he)
  6. Being a CA native and having been through enough earthquakes to just "shake them off" (See what I did there?), I actually got a little concerned when the thing kept going and then got a little stronger. I thought it was time to step into the doorway at that point. Interesting stats I read after the earthquake. Good news/bad news: The good news is there's only a 5% chance of a larger quake in the near future. The bad news, there's a 50% chance of another quake in the near future. Rock and roll!
  7. Hopefully this isn't taking the OP off track. You asked about chains for "stuff" and to me that includes mastering... I really found Craig's article on the tools included in CW for mastering very helpful. I used them on a previous track, and it made my mastering (in Wavelab) so much easier and "cleaner". I wanted to share.
  8. I agree with the comment that Meng was probably more involved with communicating to this forum and the FB group in the beginning, and now that things seem to be on track and maturing nicely, he's probably stepping back a little because his regular presence isn't really necessary. That's how I've seen other businesses "introduce" new products anyway. As far as the offering of Cakewalk for free, I'm going to agree that it's really looking a gift horse in the mouth to ask why, when someone gives you a free gift. Think about this: How easy would it be/have been for Bandlab to charge a small monthly fee? Would you pay it? I would. But they don't. Think about that. As a business decision, ever heard of a "loss leader"? That's what businesses do every day to get customers. They reduce the price of a product to get your interest in hopes of you becoming a customer and buying something more. I'm not saying that's what Bandlab is doing. What I'm saying is that people don't think twice when a company offers a special, coupon, etc. Then why wonder about CW being free? Last I checked, Meng was part of a billionaire family. I'm not worried. Peace!
  9. This may be a long shot, but in my previous DAW I only had 8 GBs of DDR2 RAM. I would have many performance issues when loading NI drum libraries. After troubleshooting, it was determined that I didn't have enough "fast" RAM to handle all those samples. My current DAW has 16 GB's of DDR3 RAM and I have no more issues with the exact same libraries. In case that helps...
  10. Beatles used to like to put lead vocals on one channel. I remember as a youth driving in my friends beat up old Fiat where one of his speakers was completely out. There were many Beatles songs where in parts you can't hear the lead vocal! I wonder if they did that because they had limited tracks or just a creative decision. Interesting stuff.
  11. Hello Group-- I thought I had seen someone else post on the Vocal Finalizer plug-in, but my search didn't return any results... There was an ad on Instagram, and the fact that it was only $30 US, caught my eye. I read up on the reviews in Gear Sluts, and watched the vids and tested the demo with a track I'm working on right now, and I liked it, so I bought it. (I don't think the demo has any of the presets, but I could be wrong). Anyway, check it out--it's been $30 for a while even though they say it's on sale. Nice interface too-IMO. It's a spacial enhancer, compressor/limiter, HPF mushed into one tool.
  12. You can, but it might take you a month to listen to it all! jk ?
  13. PS - I was referring to additional tracks (instruments, layers of instruments) versus comping different song parts on different tracks. So, if my arrangement has 4 parts, say verses, pre-hooks, choruses, bridge, then other than the drums, more times than not I'm going to have 4 tracks of each instrument. I do that so if I need to tweak anything on an instrument for a certain part of the song, I can easily do that on that respective track. Just clarifying--but I see most of you knew what I meant already.
  14. Hey All-- I debated on whether this post would be better here or in the Coffee House. I get the impression the Coffee House is just for messing around (correct me if I'm wrong) and I am interested in serious answers, so here it goes. If you've got a fairly powerful DAW, chances are you don't have the limit your number of tracks due to your rig not be able to handle more. My question is, does having a powerful DAW/rig ever cause you to have to mentally stop yourself from over-producing your music as far as the number of tracks go? I remember hearing an interview with Shirley Manson (Garbage) saying at one point when her band went over 100 tracks on one song, that she insisted (my word) to the band that the song was done and to stop! Lately, like over the past year or so, I've been listening to contemporary songs I like on the radio and have noticed a more minimalist production approach. Sort of letting the song carry the listener. More "indie" sounding, I guess. So, I've started adding less tracks to my songs. It makes mixing a whole lot easier--especially finding EQ balance, but I wondered if the fact that I can add a ridiculous number of tracks made me add a ridiculous number of tracks in the past instead of just being more creative with fewer tracks that actually contribute to the work. I like minimalist songs when that works for the song--but I do get that urge to add layers to existing tracks to make them more compelling (or is that just the old me??) What about you? Thoughts?
  15. Did you try switching the MIDI thru connection with the MIDI in connection on the RX-7? I seem to recall back in the dark recesses of my memory that was a factor when I had one (over 30 years ago!!)
  16. I know of someone on this forum that does this all the time without issues. What you might want to consider is the audio quality on your Surface.
  17. I see now. So you want to play during the cue part and not hear the live drums over the recoded drums until the punch-in point, and then you want to just hear the live drum part. Is that right?
  18. If I'm understanding your question, just go to search and type in 'Windows Update' It should take you to where (I think ) you want to go.
  19. Are you wanting to layer additional drums over the top of the already recorded MIDI drums? If not, of course you can just delete the recorded MIDI parts that you're punching over, then you won't hear them while you're recording the punch part(s).
  20. Interesting suggestion. Being a drummer, I know what you mean about realism. I'm actually really pleased with the NI drum sample collection I have. I went crazy and bought, Abbey Road Modern Drummer, AR 80'S Drummer, and Studio Drummer. Between those three, I can always find an instrument that sounds real enough--or with a little tweaking, can sound real enough. Sometimes it takes layering, etc. Much more realistic than Addictive Drums IMO. For their cymbals, it has to do with the tails. They drop off like a low-end sample. On the topic of sampling live instruments, I sampled my mom playing a couple violins my uncle made by hand back in the day. Now that they're both deceased, I'm really glad I did!
  21. Gotcha. So it's better for extracting from audio, like loops. Sounds like the way I've been doing it is the recommended method. Thanks!
  22. Hello Forum I've just started using Addictive Drums and like how easy it is to use, but am a bit underwhelmed with some of the instrument samples, like cymbals. In the past when I didn't like an instrument sample from a sample collection, I would insert a whole other soft sampler to play just that instrument. Well, I've never used Drum Replacer and I'm wondering with a little practice if this would be a better way to go to just replace some crash cymbals? I watched the tutorial videos, and they all seemed to focus on the kick, snare, and hihat transients--so I'm not sure it's worth using in my case, for a track that has about 5 crash hits. Also, I want to use the cymbal sample from my NI Abbey Road drums samples. Thoughts? Thanks in advance.
  23. Soundcard/interface would have been my guess too.
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