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Everything posted by razor7music

  1. I've only got the SampleTank 3, so it doesn't look like I qualify. Mainly looking for Boogie anyway. Thanks tho
  2. Hello-- You can load multiple instruments into one instance of kontakt, or you can have a dedicated instance of kontakt for each instrument. The separate instances would use a slightly greater amount of your DAW's resources--as I posted a similar question years ago and that's what I was told. Personally, I have found it to be easier to work with separate instances of kontakt for each instruments--otherwise it gets confusing. I don't think you mean 'stand-alone' as that definition means running kontakt outside of Cakewalk--on its own. But I understood what you meant.
  3. Man, I used to get the weirdest results from using those plug-ins. They would morph any input routed through them. I just loved the alien spacecraft GUI of Kantos. I recorded a few tracks with Kantos and Filter. I guess both of them never took off. They both just had v1's or maybe Kantos had one update, and then got abandoned. Does anyone remember those? kantos / filter
  4. OK, so things got a little muddy with the documentation on the upgrade since I bought the original plugin via Cakewalk. Since I only had a short amount of time in studio last night, I just emailed BC support and got my response already. I'll be doing the upgrade tonight instead.
  5. Hey Folks-- Some of you may recall there was a deal where you could purchase Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst tool via your Cakewalk account. I did, and just got a notice that the plug-in has an update with some notable performance enhancements. I'm planning on upgrading tonight, and will post back how the upgrade goes. I absolutely love this plug-in. If you're like me, and sometimes get stuck balancing competing instrument's EQ's in the middle "mud" area, this tool gives you an awesome EQ comparison of multiple tracks in the same UI. A precision tool you may not need to use a lot, but really comes in handy when you do. Anyway, if you already have the plug-in you know what I mean. I'll post back how the upgrade goes.
  6. Wait, are you saying you're using a 13 foot monitor and you are still zooming to 150%? What am I missing here?
  7. Well, as long as it's not the B&H Photo Video catalog, I'm fine. That thing uses 7 hectares of forest to print just one volume!
  8. In this world of online shopping, I don't know what my gift is yet. I've been told it's in the mail. ?
  9. What do you call a guy that hangs around a bunch of musicians? A drummer! (I am one. I get a pass!)
  10. Since the OP asked which audio interface, I won't go back to the prehistoric 4-track analog tape recorder days. My first audio interface was an Echo Layla 24/96. When the headphone volume pot got staticy, I bought a new one, Echo Layla 3G and that's what I use today.
  11. A music retailer, Kit Carson. He worked for a now closed music store in Costa Mesa, CA called, Sightsinger. Then, he branched off on his own and opened a shop about three blocks down the street. That's where he recommended it. Glad he did.
  12. Maybe you already knew this... ...but when looking at a forum list of topics, if you hover your cursor over the title of the thread, after a second the OP will pop-up in a mini screen. Cool. (Firefox on a PC)
  13. Just curious, why are you getting rid of all of your 32 bit plug ins? Is it because you also have 64 bit versions of the same ones?
  14. Hey @Peter - IK Multimedia I don't mean to hijack your post here... When you guys were about to release AmpliTube MESA/Boogie at a greatly reduced price, there was no demo available-so I didn't buy it. Once the demo came out, the sale was over. Do you know if there is a sale scheduled on that product in the near future? Thanks!
  15. Redacting some inaccurate reply I posted.
  16. Not sure of the brand--good quality, but because I'm not really a bass player, per se. (I just use it to record a track and then move on) I love flat wound. They feel great! Mine were about $40, from what I recall.
  17. On my iLok, it says 1 of 2 activations for Tverb. I'm going to say that would mean I have another activation I can use. I also read when your iLok activations are on the USB dongle, you can take it with you--I think you're OK, but I'm no expert on iLok.
  18. Found this on Google: https://community.spotify.com/t5/Android/Music-interrupted-by-quot-avs-media-demo-quot/td-p/830209 "Hi, this message is caused by the artist, or their representation, using a demo version of software called 'AVS Media Player' to edit or save their songs. The demo version inserts 'audio watermarks' into the tracks to prevent the artist from using their software for free. This is not a fault caused by Spotify, however, it may be worth making a note of which tracks this occurs on and reporting them to Spotify staff. If possible, alert the artist themselves through their social media platforms and they may be able to remove the watermarked version of the album and upload a proper version."
  19. Hey cool. There's someone from IK on here!
  20. I was at a Taxi Road Rally where the guest speaker was the famous Beatles engineer, Geoff Emerick. He said John Lennon couldn't stand the sound of his own voice. I can definitely say, I don't like my voice nearly as much as when I was in my 20s. I try to bring back that sound, but then I date my music! Gotta love what you do musically and just roll with it.
  21. As a follow up, I checked out the demo on a project I'm working on and it sounded awesome. I did A/B tests with my other reverb plugs and this one sounded more like a large room--more realistic. I have the MPX Lexicon reverb, Blue Verb, Perfect Spaces, UAD Reflections, and a couple other freebies. None of them sounded as realistic--so I bought it. It's a iLok deal, but other than that, no issues.
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