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Everything posted by razor7music

  1. Hello Yes, these are the stereo on both sides of the tape kind. Since this is a one-off, I was hoping to get a referral to a service that provides 4-track to digital transfers and not buy a deck that I'll never use again. Thanks for the heads up on the NR -I read that. I also read that not all 4-track players record at the same speed. I know my Yamaha MT1X had a pitch slider, so that would have been great the keep. We played my cassettes at the transfer company and the quality is still good. Just half the tracks are on the flip side and backwards!
  2. Hello-- I tried updating the BL Assistant last night and each time I hit the update button it just crashed. I tried a few times and gave up. I thought I saw someone else mention this, but wasn't sure if there was a fix or if there's a crash log someone wants to see?
  3. Hey All I can Google this, but would prefer a recommendation. I've got a few audio masters that are in 4 track cassette formats and want to transfer them to a wav file. I have a company near me that is doing stereo cassette transfers, but they don't have a 4 track player. Any recommendations? Thanks!
  4. The answer? You spoiled me! I get the best answers, from friendly pros here in a fraction of the time as with other forums. Here's my question for those of you working with video software. Prior to Magix buying Sony Vegas, you could integrate functionality between Vegas and Hitfilm Express. After Magix, no mas...(I'm leaving out the details because you already know all this) I'm seeing conflicting posts that there are hacks to make Vegas recognize Hitfilm formats, but then there's a contradicting post somewhere else. So, before I go down a rabbit hole, I thought I'd ask this group since many of you do video as well. What is the current answer and hack for HF Express v 13.1 and Vegas Pro 13? Many thanks! Stephen
  5. I read as much as I could. Did @Craig Anderton decide to write the article or not?
  6. This one puzzled me for a while too and I found out the solution in this forum. If you arm a particular take lane, when you start recording you won't hear anything playing from that track. If you want to hear the other take lane(s) play during recording a new take lane, just arm the track (not an individual take lane).
  7. Thanks, I just grabbed this before the time ran out. It's something I can use, but not really enough to pay for it. Thanks again for posting this! (BTW - a typo in the OP subject ? )
  8. BTW - for anyone reading this for help, I believe that button can be pretty much any color based on custom themes. Better not to list the color of a button, just in case.
  9. Grab a good part. Quantize it. Copy/paste. Done.
  10. I put drum rhythms in one MIDI take lane, and drum fills in a separate MIDI take lane in the same track. Easy to do, easy to edit.
  11. I find the little intro messages when I first launch CbB to be very confusing - even misleading! One read "This one's going to be a hit" and so far that hasn't proven to be true. Basically, false advertising! (jk - of course)
  12. I have a couple egg shakers. Not expensive and you have the option of using one or two in the same hand if you want a slightly different sound. Real shakers also add a human feel to a track, so I'm going to 2nd (or 3rd) that suggestion.
  13. That's a fairly generic question. What do you know already? What equipment do you have? What do you want to record? Check out the tutorials page too.
  14. Thanks all. Looks like I won't be needing the video feature in Cakewalk--at least for the foreseeable future!
  15. That makes sense. I am working with completed, mastered audio tracks and the only edits I do are to video, so that supports your answer too. Appreciate it! Hope you're well.
  16. Hello Group-- I just started producing my own music videos, and I've been using Vegas Pro. I know CW has the ability to import video for editing audio, but I've never used it before or if I even need to use it now. My guess is you would use it for adding or editing audio to a video in sync, but I wasn't sure what other uses someone might have for using the video feature in CW? Thanks!
  17. Cool! A poll where you don't have to register for spam, ah, I mean, register.
  18. I've got my eye on this offer. I've been very happy with my other Eventide plug-ins. I just signed up for the 30-day demo and it's loaded on my iLok. I'll post back my opinion after I mess with it, but I am mainly looking for a good delay--not an audio play toy. EDIT: Seemed to be more of a play-toy to me. Reminded me of the Antares Filter plug-in. Can be fun, even creative, but not what I was looking for and certainly not for $50 = pass.
  19. Izotope RX "can" do it based on frequencies. Of course the best method would be to see if the client can send you the stems or remix the audio and send you a new file. Here's a vid on RX7.
  20. I read recently if you have a track with 1 million streams on Spotify, you would earn about $6,000 (provided you own the publishing too). Now I would be doing back-flips in the air if I had 1 million streams, but I could hardly live on $6,000 to get there. If it was easy, everyone would do it, right!? Congrats on the streams though. That's cool.
  21. The only thing missing from that picture to make it really authentic looking, are a bunch of cigarette burns! ?
  22. Personally, I like the dry signal from the track, with the wet signal from the send/bus (with reverb plug set at 100% wet). I can dial it in or out to taste, but with reverb, I have to watch that I don't lose the definition by making it sound too far back in the mix. This is why I like the mix of signals. Just a matter of preference.
  23. I browsed the responses, so if I missed that someone already mentioned this, my apologies. You can set what the meter is reporting on. Audio Processing/System Performance/Overall App Performance. The details are here. Maybe you changed your meter preference and that's why you're seeing a different level. Just a thought.
  24. Hey All-- This might have fit better under the Coffee House forum, but there isn't a punch line so... It's interesting: I have a catalog of music where the oldest track is about 5 years old, and it goes on up to just about a month ago. I'm currently releasing my own tracks and so I have a chance to preview *one more time before I upload them to the distributor. I've only released two tracks so far, but in each case, I felt like I wanted to tweak the mix before uploading them. Only one tweak I would consider a correction, and the rest were all taste. I wanted more, bass. Or I wanted more backing vocals, etc. I just find it interesting with as much as I put into getting my mixes (and masters) balanced - listening on multiple sources - leaving and coming back later, etc--that over time, I feel as though I "like" certain things differently than when I was doing the original mix. It's almost as if I've matured, or my skill has improved, and I can hear more of what would improve the track than I did when I mixed it the first time. Does this happen to you? Thoughts? *Can't say over time I won't want to remix them again ?
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