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Everything posted by razor7music

  1. Or record each synth to its own track and then bounce them all down to one track.
  2. Hello Group I installed CW by BL over having SPLAT installed. I still have my plug-ins and instruments from SPLAT in CW, but occasionally I get a fail or crash when trying to launch them - like Dimension Pro or V- Vocal. Is there a way to just reinstall those plug-ins that are crashing? If so, how? Thanks! Stephen
  3. Hello All I'll delete this post if it's a duplicate. NI is offering Analog Dreams for free until the end of the month. Here. Demo here
  4. -UPDATE- Now the melodic algo is working normally. So it works and stops working randomly. Between the melodic and the universal algos, I'm able to get my work done. Just kind of strange as it used to work flawlessly with earlier versions of CW.
  5. Hello-- I heard back from Steinberg support and they indicated I can add as much artwork as I want to an MP3 file and it can be viewed from players, like iTunes. I tested having a front and back cover of two different images in an MP3 file, and in iTunes I could see all the artwork under Artwork, and then just scroll to the right. I only tested the front and back, but I could have added more. Very cool to know. If you want to give a little extra something to you fans that actually download your music, this is a good way.
  6. Hello Group-- I haven't used Melodyne since my last project. In the meantime, there have been one or maybe two CW updates. I just tried to create a region from a mono vocal audio clip and the tab with Melodyne opens. Everything performs as it always does, but there is no content in the Melodyne window. Scrolled around. Tried a different clip. Opened Melodyne stand-alone to see if there were any updates. Nope. Nothing. I've got Melodyne 4 Editor 64-bit. ( My default algorithm is 'melodic' for vocals. I just changed my algorithm to 'Universal' and it created content in the Melodyne window - thank goodness. The blobs it creates are all the same pitch, where the actual pitch isn't. I can then manually change the algorithm to Melodic, and that works. Any ideas why melodic isn't capturing any content any longer? Thanks! Stephen
  7. I tried that product at work for some data recovery. Unless something's changed, they say it's most successful if that part of your HDD that the "lost" data was written to isn't written to with new data before you try the restore. Basically, once the data is lost, step away from the computer and try the restore.
  8. Thanks everyone. Sounds like kind of a mystery at the moment. Not sure why Steinberg would offer an option that is of no use. I'm beginning to think that maybe the artwork metadata options in WL are for CD's and the printer grabs the stuff out of the file. Anyway, I still have support for my version of the WL product, so I reached out to their support. If I get a usable response, I'll post it here.
  9. There must not be a lot written on the subject, or you and I used identical search terms, because I read that article too. Sadly, doesn't answer my question. I do see that you said they can view cover art in the player software, so that's great, provided the answer to #1 is yes. Sorry about the becan, US currency only. ?
  10. Hello Group-- Please allow me to clarify my question. I got zero replies from the post I made in the Wavelab (Steinberg) forum since Feb 26th, so I'm coming here for the expert helpful pros to answer my question for them. Let me put my question in context. When I add artwork to my MP3's, I do it in Wavelab. I add the cover art there under Cover art (front). Within WL, there are also options for other locations for the artwork, namely Cover art (back), etc. I've never used anything but the front cover art feature, so here's my question in two parts: 1) Can I add front cover art AND back cover art to the same MP3 file? 2) If yes, how does a consumer go about viewing the front and back cover art from an MP3 file? First person to answer gets a cookie! (It will be deposited into your browser cache) Thanks!!
  11. Those are posted in the Feedback Loop forum.
  12. Had the VS-100 for being able to practice vocals while mobal to my recorded instrument tracks. There was no way to return to a set marker to start playback, so the unit became unusable to me (that's the main reason I bought it). When I reached out to (former) Cakewalk while they were owned by Roland, I reported the bug. After a long wait, and their techs confirming that they could duplicate the issue, the response I got was basically something to the effect of, Roland is in Japan and this bug isn't important enough to them to fix. I ended up selling the unit practically unused for a loss $. So, I have bad feelings toward that unit.
  13. Yes, I double my lead vocals all the time. You would be better off creating an entirely separate track with the takes you want to use to double. It gives you more mixing control. I typically just copy the entire original track and include the audio in it, then delete those takes in the copied track I don't want or are used in the original track. Also, you need to preview the doubled tracks with the main takes. Sometimes the best take isn't the best for doubling, due to timing, etc. A few techniques I learned about doubling vocals are: 1) Preview the takes together when deciding on the keepers (see above) 2) Mix the double at a lower level than the main. They should add body, not compete for the 'stage' in your mix. 3) If a phrase ends with a consonant sound (t, p, etc) slip edit off that sound in one of the takes. Rarely are those timed well enough to sound good, and one will do it. 4) Don't double all your parts. Use the doubling to add dynamics to your mix, keep it interesting, and keep the momentum moving forward. Good luck.
  14. That's what I thought too. I see that with percussion instruments a lot.
  15. I deleted the older version and it wouldn't run after that. Had to reboot and install again, now it's working again.
  16. Hello-- From W7 64-bit. Is it normal to have two instances of BLA showing in your Programs and Features?
  17. If I'm not mistaken, this has been around for many years. I think I messed with a free version years ago. I haven't used outboard midi equipment in years, but still interesting - thanks.
  18. My friend had the Poly 800 and I liked it so much I wanted one but they were gone by then, so I got the Poly 800II. Some great New Wave patches in that thing!
  19. Jonathan Sasor answered that question earlier in this thread.
  20. There's _always_ a chance something will go wrong when you upgrade an OS to an entirely new version, no matter where the upgrade source comes from. I had a pain on one machine and smooth sailing on the other, both during the free upgrade offer period. So many variables, so many lines of code - it happens.
  21. Great. That's what I've seen on other PC's I've upgraded to W10. If there's a hiccup, the install wizard reverts you back to where you were. I just want cover all the bases--especially since I'm in the middle of a track I'm almost done with. Thinking of waiting until after that one's done--but I don't want to have "paralysis from analysis" by over-thinking the whole thing. ?
  22. I have a system restore disc for W7 and will do a file backup to an external drive just before the upgrade. I should be OK. I already make copies of my Cakewalk projects on an external drive.
  23. Both articles are fairly compelling. Sounds like if I do an adequate backup of my files and projects, uninstall my AV software until after the upgrade, and detach my external storage until after the upgrade, I can always do a restore of W7 if something goes wrong. (I'm going to detach my iLOK USB dongle until after the upgrade too--just in case!) I did read on another post that the individual that has the same audio interface as me uninstalled the drivers for it until after the W10 upgrade, and then installed them again. I'm going to do that too. I had a real pain upgrading from XP to 7 because of drivers--so I know how they can cause issues.
  24. Thanks. I appreciate that. I kind of figured I would have read in this forum if the newest update wouldn't work with W7, but it did make me think, it's probably just a matter of time. Just like most upgrades, you can't wait to progress your product for some legacy tool that's already obsolete. I've seen that happen, and at some point you just have to move forward and leave those old tools in the dust--or you never progress!
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