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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. this is my 'rock waltz' it's a true story, about a friend traveling abroad https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/the-travel-song
  2. sneaking another new one for folks to hear.... this is my 'rock waltz' it's a true story, about a friend traveling abroad https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/the-travel-song
  3. that so warms my heart andy! thanks!
  4. ha! timbo, another wah lover... wah was my first FX pedal, i had always wanted one, mowed a lot of lawns to get the money to buy one. this wah, after many wahs thru the years, is a Budda Wah. it just seemed to want wah in this song, it's kinda sassy anyway.
  5. go to vegas, for valentine's day?
  6. I GUESS "HIGH TIME" would be appropriate for valentines, eh?
  7. hey jack! yep, that's what we do here in bat land, try to rock to the max. that place (the strip) was rockin' to the max when i was there! holy crap
  8. new tune from the new bats brew 'the time is magic' album- "The Strip" https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/the-strip it's kind of a laid back shuffle, but with a hint of desperation. written after my 1st trip to the vegas strip. all events actually happened ! LOL
  9. thanks so much old joad, glad you caught the vibe on this one. it's kind like going on a road trip. kinda edgy, kinda cool, kinda hopeful.
  10. hey mark! yea, i love the shaker egg, there's a maracas track, and a bongo track as well. sexy guitar, we want sexy guitars!
  11. thanks jackC! it's great to get some feedback on this project. every song kind of leads into the next, with that same level of production. i mixed this as an 'album', like old school song programming. hopefully, folks will get to experience it the way i intended, it really works well.
  12. hey equality! thanks so much for checking it out. yea, that guitar riff is fun to play, it kinda just rolls off the fingers, you slide it around a little bit, it's kinda sexy! LOL
  13. It's called "The Time is Magic" a full length album, old school style, 10 songs are ordered to work as a continuous listen. i thought i'd introduce some of the songs on it, starting with this one: "High Time" https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/high-time it's an acoustic number, has a cool feel to it. hope you dig it!
  14. i see nothing but Plusses for modern daws. it's up to the user to reign it all in. you have to have a vision. otherwise, you are spinning wheels, whether it's old analog gear or modern DAW.
  15. to be clear, i think i saw it on the plant/page collab, and not necessarily zep... those guys are synonomous with 'zep', so it all kinda falls under the same umbrella
  16. thanks lynn!! well, i'm on a mission... to try to define a certain kind of drum kit sound, that would be a 'bats brew' sound. i've got 3 different kinds of kits i want (dead dry 70's style, hard rock modern, and ballad level)
  17. THAT'S SO COOL, the bodhran, i've seen it used quite a few times, even in a led zeppelin context, i'd love to get one and try to learn some basic rhythms. i'm also wanting to get one of those baritone recorder, just cuz of stupid grogu! LOL thanks for listening, the drum parts i program from scratch using superior drummer 3, usually i start with a loop from the library that i close, then i move stuff around and edit, to use it as a main rhythm motif. but i love working with real percussionists!
  18. ok, just published a new version of this with a revamped drum kit, using a lot of suggestions from listeners https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/running-free-ver-3
  19. well, i'm going to stick with superior drummer, and find a good blend of just the right components. i've spent a long time getting good at programming with this piece of kit, and not switching horses in the middle of the stream. but thanks all the same.
  20. louisville slugger...! heheh, yep, i get that, used to play a lot of baseball when i was young. #2 is becoming the standout, for sure. i could work that snare a bit, i was thinking about dropping the pitch just a few cents.
  21. wow, thanks so much for listening, i wasn't sure anyone would bother with the excersice, and i understand... yea, i think i really wanted a more rock modern live kit, but had to create #1 to figure it out! LOL something about the Masshoff kick, with that snare, is just right. still not sure about the toms yet.
  22. im' trying to decide which drum kit between two i've built, work best for this song. i posted the 1st version of the song already, but now i want to try at least one different kit that i've been working on. a more rock sounding kit. both are from the toontracks superior drummer 'rooms of hansa' expansion kit. here's the song: https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/running-free and here's the kit used: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/Gp8bhG94/gonzo-hansa-live-kit.png[/img] 1st version of this song, uses this kit, this kit is a bit unique compared to the usual kit i use: the basis of the kit is a CAMCO set. it's a vintage set. i like it for a dry almost 70's kind of kick and impact. this kit is setup in the "Live" room. ok, here's the 2nd song version: https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/running-free-version-2 2nd version, with new kit: [img]https://i.postimg.cc/TwnGnxVG/hansa-masshoff-marble-room.png[/img] this kit is built around a Masshoff kit: "This is a very special kit, custom-built by Berlin-based boutique drum manufacturer Udo Masshoff. The stand-out feature in these drums is the the so-called “twin shells.” These shells make use of both steel and maple, resulting in drums that produce very warm, powerful and unique tones with an amazing frequency range." this kit is setup in the "Marble" room. room mics used to great affect.
  23. thanks so much for being a fan john! i appreciate it! i've got to do one last pass on this mix, so i'm taking all the review notes i've gotten and incorporating them in the last mix.
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