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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. HOWDY ANDY! and thanks for commenting... you know, i dig 9/8 too.... i must write a cool hook using 9/8 brain cells activated.... 9/8, 9/8, oh look a squirrel! ?
  2. Thanks antler I love that time sig, If I could write more like that I will
  3. https://soundcloud.com/bats-brew/the-day-they-robbed-the-bank-of-england one of 10 original instrumentals from the bats brew album "Elemental" https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/album/elemental-4 this tune utilizes the strymon iridium for all guitar and bass parts.
  4. IF YOU USE a lot of plugins, 96 might make enough difference. otherwise, 48k is enough for 99% of the world. 96 is typically used for high end archiving, mastering, or things other than audio.
  5. new certification from the Recording Industry Association Of America. The album has sold more than 37 million copies worldwide. frickin' wow.
  6. HEY MARK! thanks for listening the acoustics were a Taylor 414, a great big thing that's too big for me! but it sounds nice... miced with a Shure KSM44, pointed at about the end of the fingerboard where it joins the body.
  7. why thanks, treesha! appreciate that. yea, i like talking about the process, but don't put it out there much unless someone asks.
  8. thank you makke! yea, def a 'mood' song. this was a really fun tune to mix. it's open enough to let stuff breath
  9. well thank you antler! western feel, i get that... maybe its the slow slide method, seems almost like pedal steel, but not. interesting observation!
  10. glad you dig it walt! appreciate the comment
  11. definitely more than one take! just as many as it takes to get a keeper!
  12. hi david! interesting question....... when i'm writing, i usually have the arrangement of the song figured out first...and write the drum track. sometimes it will be complete to start with, sometimes, just a skeleton for arranging. i'll sometimes use a click track in open areas where i don't know what i want to do; then, i'll start recording 'scratch tracks' where i literally write as i go. sometimes, i'll bring a song in the studio that is complete in my head... the entire thing, melody, tempo, chord changes, the arrangement. those go quick. the scratch tracks sometimes become the final tracks. then, when i get far enough into it to realize a complete drum track and arrangement, i'll practice all the changes, get my head straight, and try for complete single performances for each and every track. THAT is where the feel comes from. i do not like punch ins, so i avoid them. i'd rather trash an entire track for one mistake, and cut a new one, just to get that loose first take feel. with vocals, i usually have to take multiple passes at it, verse by verse, chorus by chorus, because i'm usually trying out different things every time i do a take, and when i get one i really like, i learn it, rehearse it, then go for a long take. with solos, they are often times one off tracks, first takes, where the entire thing is off the top of my head. when i get solos that are integral melodies, i practice those, and again, try to get entire takes from beginning to end. i have written songs like you suggest, where the whole thing is improvised. just depends on the song. on "Apollo 18", the song began with the acoustic track, and an idea, a bittersweet story, to go along with the bittersweet feel of the rhythm track. i just built everything off of that acoustic track. there was no click, it was all free feel. very free. like floating in space.
  13. well, just for wookiee, and in the spirit of 'newness', i'll post something here i've never posted before: it's a demo, from 1987, done on a small cassette 4-track machine, with many bounced overdubs.. called "Show Some Skin"
  14. it is new, wookiee... to those who have never heard it before!! heheh, god help us if we never get any new blood around here, and posting a halloween specific song, on just halloween each year... where's the problem with that? lord knows, i write new stuff all the time!! and sometimes i post em here, and it's crickets!! crickets, i tell you.... as fun as it is, yes, i would suggest that is is wrong to suggest!! LOL maybe next year, i'll write a mummy song. it will be slow and plodding..... ?
  15. hi makke! thanks for listening... this was a fun thing to do, originally done just for a halloween style song for a collection of tunes to go on a small label release. over the years, i've tweaked it and tweaked it, and in fact, just finished a new mix of this thing, but i didn't get it done in time to release this year. i'll fix the video and put it out next year. nobody cares about werewolves during the 'in between' months. heheh
  16. THANKS TOM, for listening and commenting... just a regular slide, a glass slide at that. i tried to be very calm and nail each note as close to the pitch as i could, that comes from my listening to george harrison, i believe. that ending.... is just the slides going up and out, and a little synth pad that had a real long delay and repeat on it. but it felt very spacey! heheh
  17. ha! space-influenced.... heheh, i like it! i don't do much slide recording, but i really like to play slide, so this is just an attempt at my george influence (lowell, harrison, thorogood, etc) ?
  18. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/apollo-18
  19. hey antler! yea, kind of came at this one with just a basic rock groove in mind. i'm working on a new mix of this, that is a bit less harsh. thanks for commenting!
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