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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. hi nigel! thank you for commenting the mix of guitars on this, is a kind of experiment.... the marshall model i used in the Iridium just made sense using the ibanez with the classic Super 80 pickups. gave it an old school sound. i've been experimenting with a LOT of cabinet IR's to match to the marshall model, with MY guitar setups, and i'm closing in on my very best choices. this song is as much an experiment in cabinet ir's and 'less gain is more' approach than my previous stuff. what's really interesting, is that, i'm using far less gain than i usually do, but in the mix, it sounds pretty saturated. which i'm still coming to grips as to why it is that way. it's a sound i've had in my head for a long time, saturation, but without so much gain, not so much distortion.
  2. i use maxxbass all the time. i know exactly what it does, by personal experience.
  3. thanks dream! i do enjoy playing guitar! heheh, when i don't have stupid cracks in my fingertips, like i do now, from yardwork. LOL, sux gettin' old!
  4. alright eric! thanks so much for listening. real fun tune to track. came together really quickly, couple of days. that bass is pretty aggressive, eh?! i guess i think of the bass as being the pace of the race, and the guitars are like the whining engines. LOL silly netflix, and their 'drive to survive' show, got me hooked in... then i started going backwards in time, looking at previous seasons, and drivers, and history, "Schumacher" "Grand Prix", "Rush", "Ferrari race to Immortality", there are a few more, but man, what a legacy. and so hard core. crazy mo fo's. i used this guitar for all the tracks, instead of switching out, i wanted a more smoother sound; i did switch amps and cabs, but used the same guitar.
  5. "Silverstone" https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/silverstone i became enamored with formula run racing this last year, after watching the british grand prix, decided to write a song that tried to capture all that energy and raw power. this was done using a '77 Ibanez Artist 2618, with a marshall model thru a strymon Iridium.
  6. yea, i don't write and record my stuff for folks that dont really care. so, it will never be an issue for me, translation wise. nothing beats a good ole home stereo for chilling out and listening. listening. listening.
  7. i guess what i was really trying to say, is that Fulltone was not the only game in town. and the Barber stuff, is as boutique as it gets!! fulltone spent a butt load of money on advertising. Barber sells mostly by word of mouth. and they will NOT break the bank! there are lots of 'boutique' pedal makers out there, but i'll keep my fulltone pedals, they work great, sound great, were worth the money i paid for them. i'd say, i use the FATBOOT III pedal more than any other pedal. typically, it's the first stage of multi gain stages with my other pedals. makes the fuzz sound awesome!
  8. i've been using BARBER pedals for almost 20 years now. tho i have two fulltone pedals, i'll not miss a beat.
  9. TNX for the interest, eric. not sure when the album will be complete, i have two other projects going in parallel, so the album work just gets done in between breaks of the other projects. i have a target of 9 songs, i have 4 complete, and 2 in the works.
  10. hey hockeyjx! thanks for listening and commenting yea, bass was too low, i'm working on that one. i have two tracks of bass, summed to mono, and one is clean and midrangy, the other is low... i've placed a tape emulator across the midrangy bass track, which has compressed it slightly, and overdriven it slightly, and when mixed with the other track, has fattened the bass up nicely and made it a bit more aggressive. that should 'beef' it up a bit like your suggesting. i don't want to add any more instrumentation, because i feel it's already busy enough, and i'm looking for skinnier mixes for this particular set of songs to go on a new album. but, if i didn't pan the rythm guitars hard left right, and brought them inwards a smidge, that changes the entire 'thickness' of the track, without quite as much separation... i'm on the fence about that move, because it's so clear right now... but THAT might make the mix seem more thick, without adding anything. food for thought, thanks!
  11. wow, gary thain name drop! don't hear that one very often, and i'm a fan! LOL yea, i wanted the bass to be skinnier on this one, because it's so fat on the other songs from this set... but i did play around with the bass tones some, since i posted this, i have two parallel bass tracks, summed together, and on ONE of them, i put a waves J37 tape saturation effect, and this both fattened and slightly distorted the tone a bit, and brought that track up a bit, which fills out the bass more. definitely NOT a Thain heavy bass track, but more in that direction. thanks for the ideas!
  12. hey nigel! yea, the arrangement things will probably fly right past most everyone, but it will scratch an itch for me.
  13. hey dream!! thanks for the listen. i may work on the drums a bit more, and tweak the arrangement a bit.
  14. ha! tom, this might be the only one you get to hear, til i put it on little shiny disc thingys! but thanks for listening all the same, i typically make changes, add stuff, take stuff away, to my 'final' mixes that i put out for consideration, then they are part of the 'album' which i'll release digitally, because NO ONE buys cd's anymore!! ugh
  15. hey joad! yea, rock and roll! kinda what this is, pretty basic tune, the slide at the end was fun to play, but i think i captured all the harsh of the slide, and none of the richness and prime tone... but it's funny, that's the ONLY thing i heard on the outro of the song, like maybe, i should have played slide thru the whole thing! LOL
  16. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/jezebel first pass on this one, i'll continue working on the mix and some arrangement thingys, til i get to the time to combine this one with the others i have finished, for album #6.
  17. thanks for that mark! i appreciate it. and hope you can rock out a bit to this one...
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