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Everything posted by antler

  1. I'm guessing PA Black Friday starts tomorrow?
  2. Not just that though - there seems to be a new generation of plugins that are GPU powered. Not sure it's the best of ideas as fast GPUs are noisy, which is bad in DAW environments...
  3. If you get one of these, you probably won't need a new case for a while https://www.fractal-design.com/products/cases/define/define-7-xl/black-tg-dark-tint/
  4. All things considered, it's a good deal. This is the last year that they're offering a future discount on newly released libraries too. Too pricey for me though.
  5. Yeah, but the installer itself doesn't need installation - it just downloads and unpacks the files for you. If you want to keep the compressed files for backups, you can uncheck the self-clean-up box.
  6. The 76 is great for parallel compression on drums too
  7. Is there a possibility that this is because the samples are more unprocessed? e.g. a Toontrack EZX might sound 'better' than an SDX, as the EZX has been pre-processed with EQ and compression.
  8. Just a reminder that 8Dio libraries are for (full) Kontakt, and can't be used in SoundPaint
  9. I really like the GEMS. Comp LA, Comp 76, and Dopamine go on practically all of my mixes.
  10. That's an odd/interesting reason to reject. Do they say why they want newer samples? I admit I do this just for fun, but I don't think I've ever thought "wow, this piece is so boring because I've heard that guitar so many times now". Or is it in reference to sampled phrases?
  11. Right - I didn't think about that Agreed. That's also my reasoning for saying Tonal Balance Control would be a more appropriate comparison as that one too is preset and reference track based. TBC has frequency markings on the graph and can also adjust Neutron. IIRC it doesn't have the stereo width comparison though - although you get plenty of metering options with Insight.
  12. I'm not sure I understand that video. Firstly, it mentions that both plugins sell for 100 Euros; Audiolens is a free giveaway (at least for now): Secondly, the comparison doesn't make sense. A more appropriate comparison would be true:balance vs. Tonal Balance Control (which has been out for a while).
  13. Really nice. Lots going on, but everything sounding clean and punchy. Great musicianship all-round too. Loved the effect of the short pause at 3:20. Well done everyone!
  14. This is personal taste, but I think the guitars have a bit too much high end. You could probably roll some off and still have a really nice tone. It's probably beneficial to do some panning. Keep the lead guitar, bass, kick, and snare drum dead centre. Try panning the rhythm and open guitars to the side to keep the centre clean. If you can double track your open strumming guitars it would be cool to pan one left and one right. If you're using samples, that won't work so well but you can try panning one left, one right, and introducing a small delay between them. I think the snare needs a bit of EQ. Try scooping some out at ~150Hz, and boosting at around 7k for a bit more snap. If you can, put a bit of parallel compression of the drums (before EQ) to beef them up a bit.
  15. True, but you can get (in no particular order): Pigments PhasePlant Vital (free) Abyss Hyperion Novum Biotek Avenger And more...
  16. I'm willing to give them a chance too. I have nothing against either 8Dio or SoundPaint; I have a few of the former's libraries. I've always (mistakenly?) been of the belief that 8Dio is for more realistic sounds, SoundPaint is more for sound design (at least for now). My comment about storage requirements stems from the fact that I already have quite a few orchestral libraries. SP libraries seem significantly larger than Kontakt ones, and given the libraries I have, it's probably not a good plan in my circumstances to upgrade to SP versions and buy the additional required storage. SP seems like an interesting technology. From the description, I imagine it's some combination of 'true-legato' style sampling and granular synthesis. I simply don't have the storage means for the libraries though.
  17. I'm good, thanks. I watched around 10mins and decided I didn't like the tone of the video. Not sure I could watch another 20, given I don't want to invest in SP yet. Maybe one day when I can get a full and realistic sounding orchestra in SoundPaint without needing to own a data storage centre.
  18. So it turns out, if you have your browser at a certain size - too narrow for the desktop; too wide for mobile - there's no indication (e.g. a horizontal scrollbar) that there's an important part of the website missing. Thanks for the pointer Dorondon!
  19. Anyone know how to actually get this? I went to the website, clicked Add to Cart, but can't find where to checkout.
  20. I'm not sure that's what it is. I think he's trying to do the sales pitch thing where you mention the problem (using samples), amplify it (saying the tech is old), and then presenting the solution (the SoundPaint engine). If he is criticising old technology, it's a little ironic because he then goes to romanticise about synth oscillators - a technology even older than sampling. Again, didn't watch the whole video so I'll admit upfront that I may have got the wrong end of the stick.
  21. I wonder if this is going to be available at Plugin Alliance?
  22. Audified Audiofier Audiomodern Audionamix Audiority AudioThing <irony>Nah... There's nothing confusing about that</irony> ?
  23. You sure it's ISW? The only cheap string library there seems to be Furia Staccato Strings. The only other contender might be Rhapsody: Orchestral Colors, but it's not really a string quartet (but then neither is FSS).
  24. Hi Lynn. I love the groove in this song! The drums feel a little uneven to my ears. The cymbals seem a bit too loud compared with the kick and snare. Try giving them a bit more power with some parallel compression. Also try giving the snare a small boost around 7k; that'll help it feel a bit livelier in the denser parts of the song. Great vocals and guitar throughout - well done!
  25. antler

    TD 2

    That was a fun listen! I love the slow build up, and the unpredictability in this.
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