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Everything posted by antler

  1. A short downtempo tune I put together recently. Hope you enjoy; comments and feedback welcome. If anyone's interested in how I mixed it, there's an article called Case Study: Mixing an Acoustic Downtempo Track, which goes through my thoughts and processes in my blog. Link is in my signature.
  2. Very nice! I admit - I was looking at Cakewalk in the background so got a vague idea as to when the big sections were coming up ? Excellent playing and production all round!
  3. Yup. It's usually in their Summer of Sound promotion, rather than Black Friday though.
  4. Yeah - I admit the UI's a bit quirky. For the longest time I was wondering why there were only four stereo outs and the rest mono. Turns out that if you want more, you have to set it up and then save the configuration as the default config for that operation mode (standalone/plugin). When you open it up again, you magically get more stereo outs.
  5. Some people don't like it because they say it's ugly, and there's a fairly high cost for entry. Other than that, nothing - if you have enough space for the libraries.
  6. https://audioplugin.deals/kinetic-percussion-motion-engine-by-kirk-hunter-studios
  7. MIXROOM is an intelligent EQ that guides you to set the perfect balance of richness and clarity whether you’re working on a vocal, a synth, or mastering your music... https://www.masteringthemix.com/pages/plugins-for-music-producers (scroll down a bit to find Mixroom)
  8. I understand - one SD3 full library and you're maxed out ? (I joke about the size of SD3 libraries, but they are very good)
  9. Thanks, and yes - I wrote it. I think the brass was from Cinesamples, and I used the Twelve Horn Ensemble for the louder parts. The choir is Insolidus. I think I remember you saying you liked glockenspiels (apologies if it was someone else) - that was actually Pianoteq(!). I haven't used Intimate Studio Brass, so can't provide any meaningful feedback on that.
  10. I generally find loading times more of an issue than playability, but that's probably just related to my workflow. This was done with Century Strings, which has lots of keyswitchable articulations. (and no, neither the video nor channel is monetised)
  11. I'm not sure I understand what this is - is it an actual synth? or is it a sample synth, like Syntronik?
  12. Sounds like they're trying to complete with either 8Dio, or Toontrack ?
  13. I've always been a bit confused by Karanyi's sales/marketing strategies. It almost seems like they calculate their sales prices by rolling three dice, multiplying any two together and adding the value showing on the third.
  14. Another important thing to consider is, will any difference in quality be noticed in a mix with other instruments playing?
  15. There's a slight difference though. Unless I become significantly stronger and use my house/car keys really vigorously and inappropriately, there's little chance that the keys will stop working. I hear iLoks are fairly robust these days, and yet many people still buy ZDT; I don't have to pay somebody $30/year for physical key insurance. There's also no risk (if I keep my keys completely safe) that one day I have to buy a new key because my locks auto-upgraded and my old lock doesn't work anymore.
  16. I believe so - from their website (text emphasis is mine):
  17. I think the uniqueness is that it calculates an accurate filter and attenuation through air based on the distance in feet.
  18. antler

    Gone again!

    Take care, and good luck (wherever you're going)
  19. Good thing there's a Cinesamples product with exactly that name (though not on sale yet) https://cinesamples.com/product/soundscapes
  20. My (lack of) free disk space usually helps me with this one
  21. There's a demo if you scroll down a bit https://karanyisounds.com/product/minipol/
  22. Audio Modeling SWAM Cello is currently within that range if you're interested.
  23. A great free entry to the world of Shimmer Shake Strike
  24. You need to be careful when doing drum shootouts though - they'll have different levels of processing and room reverb. One drumkit might sound completely different with a bit of EQ, compression, and reverb. Another aspect is workflow. Some drum plugins might have one channel per kit piece, e.g. a channel for the ride, a channel for the crash. Some might have an OH mic.
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