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Larry T.

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Everything posted by Larry T.

  1. Thanks Kevin. Yes, step by step is 100% the only way to do a decent mix. There are no shortcuts. I can say that two years ago I didn't have the ability to hear music as a mixing engineer does. Then, it was all emotion based as most musicians approach music in that way. To mix a song requires experience and discipline, so, I've got only two years of that but looking forward to developing further. Thanks again for listening and the kind words????
  2. Hi All. Here's a comparison showing the difference two years can make (or maybe not lol). The first song is a remix called a' Reggae Music. The second is the original mix I did a little over two years ago. All done in CbB. Looking back at the way I did things two yeas ago is a real eye opener. The old mix has no buses. A bit of saturation on all the lead guitar parts. And the list goes on. Any comments or questions welcomed. 2024 remix: https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/track/a-reggae-music 2022 original mix: *file removed* DAW: Cakewalk by Bandlab pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, electric and acoustic guitars, DI bass, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab 5 lite, SI Drums by CbB effects reference speakers: M-Audio BX3
  3. Thanks Nigel. The delay effects have really gotten my interest piqued. They really expand the possibilities of percussion as well????
  4. Thanks so much. This one did lend itself to some interesting turns and surprises that keep it moving and, hopefully, interesting and enjoyable????
  5. Hi All. Hope you are all well. This is Sapphire (alternative instrumental). All observations welcomed. Cheers!!???? link: https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/track/sapphire DAW: Cakewalk by Bandlab pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, electric and acoustic guitars, DI bass, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab 5 lite, SI Drums by CbB effects reference speakers: M-Audio BX3
  6. BandLab Hits 100 Million Users https://www.billboard.com/business/tech/bandlab-100-million-users-report-1235637853/
  7. Great overview. At this point a must watch for sure.
  8. Thanks so much. I'm running 4GB of RAM also. It really encourages creativity ?
  9. What are the minimum Windows PC requirements to run Cakewalk Sonar? I looked around but haven't seen them.
  10. Subscribed. Mike's videos are hugely important pieces of DAW information. His teaching ability is unarguably superior to most others doing the same thing.
  11. Thanks Nigel. The guitars on that piece, and on virtually all the songs I do, are on their own individual tracks. This gives me the ability to optimize EQ, delay, reverb, flanger, chorus, compression, etc. for each rhythm or lead/solo section based on what other instruments are happening with it and the guitar parts unique sonic signature as it was recorded. The delay effects and methods on the lead guitars are: 1. using the reverb from the amp as it was recorded. 2. making a copy of the guitar part and pasting it on another track about .35 to .7 seconds off the original. this is usually a process of trial and error as each part is unique. this can give a really sweet echo/delay effect 3. the TH3 delay in CW. 4. the Sonitus Delay in CW. 5. the Sonitus Reverb in CW. 6. any and all combinations of above. Cheers!????
  12. Thanks Mark. I tried to widen those parts by panning but lost volume, balance and clarity by doing so. I will try to download the Infected Mushroom Wider tool and give it a go.
  13. Had not heard of, watching a You Tube video on it now. Thanks!
  14. Thanks Wookiee. I tried to get more wideness on the whole song but I placed the priority on clarity and correct sound levels/balance of all the instruments on those parts that are a bit narrow. If I had more than 8GB of ram I could have probably done it. Cheers????
  15. Just downloaded CW Product Center. I'm running latest update (2024.02). If i choose to update my Cakewalk Studio Instruments will I lose the TH3 VST plug in?
  16. Greetings All. Hope you are all doing fine. Here's "Times Long Past". A rock instrumental whose ending is a homage to The Beatles "The End", specifically the dueling guitar solo's. Nits and crits appreciated. Cheers???? link: https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/track/times-long-past DAW: Cakewalk by Bandlab pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, electric and acoustic DI guitars, DI bass, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab 5 lite, SI Drums by CbB effects reference speakers: M-Audio BX3
  17. Thanks Bjorn. This is a song I wrote back in the early eighties. It's in three different keys so it gives the piece some variety. Cheers.
  18. Thanks Lynn. I used the Harmonizer setting and played with the Efx Refract adjustments awhile on the bass track.
  19. Thanks Treesha. The percussion panning is from a Cakewalk Style Dial FX called Depth. You access it via Pro Channel, Insert Module, Style Dial FX, Depth. Word of caution when using it though, since I only have 8GB of ram whenever I load that FX I get an audio issue (short, loud clipping on the Master bus and whatever track module that it's installed in). At least, that's what i think is causing the audio issue. The afterlife question....who knows???? I wouldn't bet on it but have no definitive proof it does or doesn't exist. Cheers!!!!
  20. Thank You Nigel. This is probably the best sounding mix I've done. It sure took long enough, lol!
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