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Larry T.

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Everything posted by Larry T.

  1. Larry T.

    Tight Wire

    Nice flow throughout. Great playing, nice melodies, everything fits so well.
  2. Larry T.

    testmix symph

    Genuine. It all works really, really good: arrangements, mix, playing. Nice guitar solo.
  3. Larry T.

    egd testmix

    Nice collaboration. I'd add some mid and high end to the piece. The outro could be worked on a bit more to achieve more cohesion with the rest of the song. Overall really nice.
  4. Agree on synth, sounds harsh against the breezy piano. Piano playing stays.
  5. Just a quick reply to @Wookiee, @Bajan Blue and @treesha about the low end/bass; everything I tried just wasn't the right fit, so, looks like we're stuck with it as is, lol 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶
  6. Thanks Michael. Appreciate the listen 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶
  7. Thanks so much for the listen treesha, appreciate it. Going to work on bass sections now. Cheers 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶
  8. Appreciate the listen Nigel. Thanks so much. I was saving a bass part for last but when the song got to this stage I decided it might clutter/muddy the sound too much, but now I may revisit the piece and see if I can write some bass parts that can possibly improve the listening experience. Cheers.
  9. Yes, flat response reference speakers will not add any low end, but played through an average system should be enough low bass added.
  10. Thanks Ross. Yeah, this little tune sorted itself a lot quicker than usual. The ideas I tried for interplay mostly worked quickly rather than spending hours or days searching. The textures are a mix of making a bus from a bus and re-eq'ing the new bus to get as much clarity and texture as I could 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶
  11. Thanks Wookiee. Not very much low bass. The sequencer sections contain the only true low bass (around 50Hz). There's also an SI Bass part that I had to add an extra bus set with higher kHz eq to get the melody through the mass of sound that surrounds it. On my reference speakers the low bass is adequate but, of course, to feel the real power of this piece I use a bass boost on whatever system I'm listening on. It's not mixed for cell phone speakers 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶
  12. Larry T.


    Excellent. Falsetto works, groove works, sax works, mix works, vibe works, mix works 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶
  13. Yeah, this really works. The string arrangements are exceptionally tasteful 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶
  14. Thanks so much Mikael. Appreciate the listen. Cheers 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶
  15. Appreciate the listen jack. Thanks 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶
  16. Greetings all. This is The Fall of Raven. Please comment if so inclined. Cheers 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵 link: https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/track/the-fall-of-raven DAW: Cakewalk by Bandlab pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, DI electric guitars, SI bass, SI drums, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab 5 lite reference speakers: M-Audio BX3
  17. this is pretty ahead of its time, imho. you've constructed the various elements together well in some places but other need some tightening up, just my two cents. fascinating piece, good luck 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶
  18. Larry T.

    Slow Down

    Nice flow throughout. Love the key changes. Great mix 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵
  19. Larry T.


    Nice use of the pitch wheel (just my guess), voices come in perfectly, yeah...i like this. Great piece of work. Presets are gold, if nothing else they give a great intro to operation of the software, and some of them sound perfect 🎵 🎶 🎵 🎶
  20. Genuine. Great vocals, mix, performances 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵
  21. Sorry so long to reply. Thanks so much @Bajan Blue, @treesha,@MichaelJohn, @bjornpdx @equality, @jack c. and @AndyB01 for the listens and kind observations 🎶 🎵 🎶 🎵
  22. Larry T.

    Dis Chord

    You are outstanding at writing music with the perfect amount of dissonance in the chord/instrument voiceings, the kind of writing Miles Davis, Wayne Shorter and Donald Fagen excelled at 🎶 👍
  23. Gary, this is a great song with great performances and vocals 🎶 👍
  24. Thanks so much for the listen. I'm always trying to write different arrangements than chorus, verse, chorus etc, or, at least augment them with an unexpected section that fits. I spent days getting the drum timings right from 1:04 to 1:26. I found that by using the bass notes in the track section wave to sync the piano roll view drum hits and midi si-bass notes to was the easiest way. I've never heard of the Audio Transients feature and how to use it so, thanks for the heads up, I'll read up on it 🎶 🎶
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