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Everything posted by chuckebaby

  1. Yes but you don't have to go fishing through 3 or 4 tabs. This is exactly what Screensets were made for. I leave Screenset #1 for basics This is where Screenset #2 takes place. This is where # 3 takes over. This way you can press numbers on the Keyboard 1-10 to cycle through smaller views. I've studied this Multidock Tab thing for many years trying to find the most productive way to view/work. the Screensets are a great tool. But we all work differently, so what might be good for me, might not work for you.
  2. Totally off topic to the OP. If you have a request for Cakewalk put it here. Though I wouldn't hold my breath on this one as its been discussed to overkill.
  3. I would use the split tool as well. Highlight the clip and place the NowTime at the points which you want to Split. Press "S" as a keyboard shortcut. Delete the portions you don't need (you'll still have the slip edit content incase you need to roll out/roll in). Grab the ends of the Splits to add a gradual fade in/out and call it a day. These are basic tools we all use everyday in the editing world.
  4. Typically Plug ins that aren't playing well at mix down or a failing drive. Happen to me once a while back, I traced it down to a freebie plug in that didn't like Sonar.
  5. Just my opinion here but You shouldn't need to have to go to recent files. You should have a directory pre made for exports. Create a folder called "Mixdowns" in your documents folder. Navigate your exports there. Sounds like where ever your default is set to/where ever your putting them on the export menu, might be sending the files to a place restricted by User account Control. Also make sure the .ext is there... .MP3
  6. put the mixed version in a track and use the quad core eq and look for the offenders (I would look to cut in the 30-90 area and raise the 200-500 range for mud on an isolated bass track
  7. When trying to troubleshoot Audio problems, it is critical to leave details. Ones that are missing from your OP... Like what your using to record Audio with ? Almost nearly next to impossible to guesstimate. We could throw every idea in the book at you but it might not even pertain to you. Leaving info about - Windows OS Version of Bandlab Audio device (interface) Sharing the notion that "Said DAW works fine" wont get Cakewalk working like you want, more details will.
  8. hey lapaso, there should be something for you here on the old forum http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3481456 Check this post, there are AD maps and EZ drummer 2 maps as well. Here is a direct link. hope this helps.
  9. The problem arises when you factor in, where would the frozen content go in a bus ? Buses aren't designed like normal audio tracks but more of a patch point, thus the AUX tracks feature that was introduced a year or so ago.
  10. It would be great I agree. I believe its pretty easy now though using AUX Tracks.
  11. I also use Nero. I have a small version that's light and works very nicely. I haven't used Cakewalks burner in years. Let me try it in a few and I'll get back.
  12. This was happening to me once in a while and I figured out it had something to do with the way I copy/paste clips. I typically drag a selection and then hold CNTRL and drag/paste that to a new section. However if you grab a clip in the wrong section while holding CNTRL you activate the gain automation (I believe). What ever it was, took me a while to figure it out, hope that helps someone else down the road.
  13. Just copy your PC presets to the new CbB folder. I believe that's what I did. TBH, I cant really tell what your issue was because it looks like you edited your post.
  14. Which gen 18I8 are you using ? Im using a 1st gen and have no issues with Latency (I have an I7 6700 using onboard Intel graphics). It could be a problem with the Saffire driver. Have you tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it ? Make sure your using a USB 2.0 port if you have a 1st gen 18i8. Oh and always use the same port you used to install the drivers on.
  15. One thing I haven't heard much about is, to which the extend is that you reached out to Cakewalk about your problems. I know personally, in the past Cakewalk has asked me for Projects that exhibit strange behavior. In some cases worked with me to resolve the issues. I enjoyed the videos produced on your YouTube channel. I found them interesting and helpful. However I believe the way which you are going about this is a bit tacky. <- I hope my comment doesn't end up in your next video with a 20 minute rebuttal. I've done things on this forum in the past that deeply regret. Not that im comparing situations.. but don't be like me. Move on and revisit in a couple months. Trust me when I tell you in 5 years from now you'll look back on this and ask yourself why ? Good luck
  16. Unlike gaming, Sonar has no real moving parts (besides drawing Wave forms, some plug ins and meters being the only real GPU draw). A GPU will only lighten the load on the RAM. Which in my opinion isn't much. I use dual DVI/VGA onboard graphics as well. I see no issues. However that graphics card your referring to is a relic. I would be more conrened about drivers.
  17. If you cant find a drum map, sometimes its easier to just move the drums themselves to a new home. You can easily select any drum kit piece by clicking on the Keyboard/Drum number on the left hand side of the Piano Roll view. One by one you can drag all hits to a new place.
  18. ALT+Z = UNDO view / to undo any zooming. is probably one of my favorites. Because it gets you back to a certain point you want the project to be viewed as. I wont bore you with my CTRL+C shortcuts.
  19. I don't want to be the downer here but some stuff might be impossible to fix even with RX < which I love to use/own it. EQ notch filters will get you 20% there but you might lose some great tonal characteristics in the timbre of the vocal itself. I never go into the studio to record an album and set up an SM 58. I always start with pre production: Choosing Vox mic's, wind resistance, distance to mic, room, exc . Vibrations on syllables like W and V can sometimes be traced to lose parts on a mic stand and or/ shockmount < if its a condenser. Lip smacking is almost always positioning (too close to the mic) or a vocalist bad habit. When recording vocals I always solo the Vox track and listen through good monitors, then headphones to isolate crap coming through. Heres what I would do.. Use a good over all 4 band EQ (like the quadcurve) to get a basic good sounding vocal track (don't use any effects at this point like Reverbs, delays, exc.. just the dry Vox track. Once you have accomplished this, Start notching tight band filters to find the offending sibilance, mouth noises, chewing . This is the point which you will know if you need to re-record the vocal tracks or RX will work for you.
  20. What kind of Mic did you use and how did you record vocals (Pop screen, Distance) ??
  21. Sonar X1 had Layers but I believe used Overwrite mode as the default for recording. What it sound like to me is you are you using Take lanes and the take might be hidden by previous takes (just a guess). What REC mode are you in ? Sound on Sound, Overwrite or Comping ?
  22. Really like this idea A-Cab. Personally myself, I love all the bells and whistles but a bare bones DAW might bring in users who are looking to do basic things. After so many hours, you could move to another level.
  23. That's what I suspect as well ^^^^ Im not sure AUD.INI even contains Save project information. Its geared towards your AI settings. My guess would be along the lines of CJ's (check preferences/Folder locations)
  24. Cant tell you how many articles I have read and things I've learned and they always seem to circle back to that guy.
  25. As Craig said, You want to hold Shift down as well as CNTRL now. This changed about 2 years ago. It might change the clips tempo but it doesn't change the project tempo (which is what I thought you meant reading your OP. Hope this helps and you got it sorted.
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