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Everything posted by chuckebaby

  1. I have to agree with you. Session Drummer is a dinosaur (but one of my favorite dinosaurs). I believe you are correct. And if not need to alter, only minimum changes are necessary (a hi hat, tom)
  2. I haven't looked at the other thread but this is a great tool for doing Hand limiting/De-Essing vocals. After a while you begin to know what the waveform looks like for P's, S's, K's, Exc. Just drag up/down in the tracks decibel area.
  3. Thanks Mike I really appreciate the reply. I read this as well but got confused because I don't have the ADC option (The optional Analog Digital Card is an extra 499.99 bucks). Still confused Thank you.
  4. Give a shout out to Steve's idea as well. Having that Save button in the Browser is a tool I can not live with out.
  5. I typically do it the easiest way possible (note: This way does not save tempo data). 1- Create a file entitled "The name of your song" in a Windows folder. 2-select the whole midi clip and choose "Bounce to clips". 3- Open the Browser and navigate to the folder you created. 4- Drag the midi track to the browser and drop it. Done. I do this for every project I create because if something ever happens to my Cakewalk project, I Can recover the audio files but because the midi files are part of the .CWP.. Your screwed. You cant recover them. you need a fail safe method, one which I outlined above.
  6. It is very strange the way music has evolved over the past 15 years or so, we strived so hard in our recordings that we forgot about the basic, true element needed to create a great song... human feel. Something we over looked in the search for perfection. PS- also might be worth pondering the benefits of take lanes. Punching in is one thing, nickel + diming for the perfect take is another.
  7. Saw another Rick Beto video where he took a few songs from pre 2000 and a few songs from post 2000 and was able to take the post 2K stuff and cut copy paste it anywhere like it was all quantized perfectly. The state of quantized music is very grim now a days, but I can respect the new generation just like once upon a time I asked respect from the older generation. when I looked at them as they were intelligent but somewhat out of touch with newer techniques.
  8. Dude, Your painting yourself into a corner here . Heres the fixes in the past year alone. These fixes and added features for Cakewalk are on par with any DAW in the market right now. Reaper, Cubase, Studio One are on the same pace as Cakewalk when it comes to added features and fixes. There are people who complain about DAW Joe just as much as there are people who complain about DAW Jane. Just ask the pro tool haters. Seriously, I believe its good to have debates and opinions of all sorts, because it levels the playing field in discussions. But its beginning to sounds as if your running low on rehearsed DAW bashing material..lol.
  9. I would agree with that 100%. Also agree with your analogy of Electronic music dreamers. But we all started somewhere, so I have to respect that. The mid life crisis group are almost always musician/songwriters. These are the same people who also know how to save money (and spend). I latched on to Cakewalk early like a slew of others did. Those users have stayed loyal to the product for years.
  10. Me neither . This is what the VC90.CRT turned up though in searches anyway. The cause for this issue could be an unsuccessful install of prior Windows Updates OR Custom MSI(Microsoft Installer) packages. Cakewalk comes with these packages but sometimes don't always install correctly (I give this answer a lot and I could very well be wrong). But a lot of crashes like this seem to be RAM, Failing HD/SSD, or Updates. It could be Cakewalk itself but I cant reproduce that here so I can be no help on that.
  11. Hey gents, im wondering if any of you use the DI portion of the ISA ONE with a DAW. Im confused as to weather or not the DI signal passes through Pre amp or not. I just picked one up, haven't even used it yet. Im very sure on how to use The pre amp section for Mic's, just wondering about the DI. Thanks, Chuck
  12. @mgustavo Thanks for following up on this topic. It helps other people down the road.
  13. "When played" on what ? If you mean Windows media player than forget it. Drag the export back into Cakewalk
  14. You can click in a blank area and choose "Insert track/Bus" You should need to though, a Master bus is added to every project by default.
  15. When was the last time you updated the .Net framework or Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable ? It might help if you list some specs (Windows OS and soundcard).
  16. This is what I do as well. Doesn't mean I use 32x plug ins but I like to know where they are. Like Jim, I put them in C:\Program Files (x86) and call it VST32
  17. I was just about to mention that ^^ not sure if anyone else mentioned it but it has bitten me as well (the punch in button). I can imagine. its hard enough sometimes to get a good take without having to worry about the software. I do miss those days of Tape when all one needed was clean heads, a full reel and good outboard FX.
  18. If those audio sample aren't groove clips they wont hold tempo information and wont follow project. My advise is to mute any audio tracks, if your problem is solved than you've found your problem.
  19. This would also be my first suggestion. my 2cnd would be a question.. Any audio clips in this project ?
  20. This is very true for new users. There was a point in time from the late 90s to 2005 or so where many old school analog users (probably like you and I) were clutching our tape machines resisting the digital realm. Others were simply curious. Then something else happened around this same time, we were introduced to a DAW by a friend, maybe we saw someone use one and it grabbed our attention. A lot can be said for being introduced to a DAW and it being your first DAW. you begin to feel so invested, that moving to another DAW feels like walking backwards (in terms of learning new features, keyboard shortcuts). That's the case for me anyway. Unless Cakewalk rolls out some type of Lego Lanes which totally loses my interest, I'll keep using it because of only 2 things 1- It does what I want it to. 2- I don't have to learn anything new (which lets me focus on the important stuff like the music).
  21. Its an old video but it still apply's
  22. The above is correct, there is no transfer of licenses with Cakewalk products but why bother Bandlab is better than Sonar ever was. And Bandlab is free. Sonar Platinum runs on an online authorization using Cakewalk Command center, He would need your Privy details and your Cakewalk Account. this would give him access to all your Privy data along with all your Cakewalk Products. With Sonar kind of a thing of the past now, I would strongly suggest Bandlab. its the same DAW. Minus a few plug ins.
  23. I would try closing the project and reopening. Don't save any thing, just close/reopen. Its possibly a bad plug in. You might want to list those.
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