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Everything posted by chuckebaby

  1. Im not sure how you are exporting your stems but I typically do most of my stems all at one time/All in one folder. Using the export options. Is there another software that has "Export stems to different folders" that you could show us as an example ? Im guessing not.
  2. This might not be the best method. ^^ Have you tried singing to a stereo mix with some slight reverb/delay ?
  3. I feel the same way about Automation lanes. I open up 10 tracks with Automation lanes and I have to manually increase the height on all 10. Total PITA. Cant expect anyone to do any detail work on a lane that's only 1/8 of an inch (in perspective)
  4. It would be helpful to know what kind of tracks we are talking about. You didn't even mention if they Audio or midi. If Audio then what does the signal look like ?
  5. ARA was supported by 3 that I know of - Melodyne VocAlign Revoice Pro ARA 2 is supported by Melodnye and VocAlign only I believe.
  6. Have you guys gone out on a limb and tried a different mouse ?
  7. Yes, I realized this like 2 seconds after I commented but didn't have time to edit/delete it. Thanks Mark
  8. I just Use the shortcut "*I*"to toggle the Inspector from Show/Hide. Maybe im misunderstanding the question.
  9. I've taken a break from original songs for a while and been having a blast just jamming to some of my old favorite songs. starting a You Tube series called "The wicked Awesomeness of..." Playing songs from amazing guitarist from old and new. This one is dedicated to the late, Great Dick Wagner. For some of you that don't know, Dick, along with Steve Hunter ghosted the solos on 2 songs from Aerosmith's 2cnd album "Get your wings". This song featured here being one of my all time favorites.
  10. Sounds like something is chewing up resources while Cakewalk is being used. I would look at my Anti Virus first. Make an exception for Cakewalk and it relative files (I do the whole Cakewalk Core folder). THIS is the way I use Region FX. Good luck.
  11. I like the start screen. I would agree too that it could use a few improvements/added features/tweaks.
  12. Im still addicted to some DX plugs . The Sonitus suite being my favorite DX. But agreed with what you and @Robert Bone are saying. I also went to VST 64 as much as I could starting a few years back.
  13. Could indicate Windows went into sleep mode. My experience has been (with any software) is if im not using for more than 5 minutes, shut it down.
  14. Just because you drag an audio file to a project doesn't mean it will synch the metronome to it. The audio has to have groove clip property's and the metronome set accordingly. I cant it is of unsupported format. Probably little to do with soundcard, more with the clip.
  15. Time to update your project templates I do it every 6 months or so. Keeps problems from rearing their ugly heads.
  16. And where is this "Available Data" ? Are you going to point me to some Gear Sluts poll ? Or maybe a KVR poll on "What's the most "recognized, popular, widely used, award winning" daw ? You know as well as I do there is no way that data is accurate. Its only accurate to people who use those sites. I don't belong to those sites, a lot of others don't either. So its impossible to say for sure. That's why we say things like "I believe" So we cover our tracks using our opinion. The second you say "Data" your giving a false sense of knowledge that is skewed and far from fact.
  17. He did say "I do believe" (an opinion). So what's your point ? Your opinion Vs. his ? Come on man, don't be that guy.
  18. Make sure you don't have any over lapping notes or duplicate notes on top of each other. IE- Start right clicking on notes in the PRV to see if any duplicates accidently got in there.
  19. Strange indeed Razor. Could be such a fast delay time its over lapping and throwing the signal out of phase ? It would be impossible to alleviate this unless you found out the true offenders (since its only happening 50% of the time). Stereo Delay correct ? Make sure the Signal is dry before running it through the Delay (if AD has a preset reverb/delay)
  20. Its a Microphone pre amp with built in DI/DI Thru support/ The Focusrite ISA (with the Lindell transformers) are some of the best Pres ever made. They were designed by Rupert Neve,
  21. You should have a direct monitoring switch and knob on your interface. Have you tried experimenting with those ?
  22. That link isn't working for me. But this one HERE is. Our legal rights to any purchased software is defined by a "million word contract/EULA" that we skimmed through century's ago. That contract said.. you agree that you don't have any legal rights.”
  23. Hey, ask all the questions you want right here. There's no shame in the quest for knowledge. I'll try to break this down a bit, - Audio and Midi tracks are typically sent to the Master Bus (or a Drum, Guitar, Exc Bus) - The Master Bus is then sent to the Hardware Bus (that's your soundcard). - To control Speaker volume, Use the dial on your Soundcard interface (if you have one). - The Touch is defaulted to use the Master Bus but as Mark mentioned above, you can use the MCU preset menu to make changes.
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