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Everything posted by chuckebaby

  1. Great to hear ! That Ripple editing has its uses. But when that thing is left on by mistake (Ive done it) It can turn your project to hell within minutes .
  2. If all your audio files are in one folder (not per project folders) and you have a lot of projects... Your in for some time consuming fun. You need to save your projects as per project folders. this can be done using the "Save as" function to a new folder after changing to per project folders. Technically you can move the whole Audio folder with CWP. It just gets messy.
  3. It almost sounds like you have "Ripple Editing" on.
  4. @winkpain This is a great start ! Good video, detailing the exact problem. almost looks like a selection issue. What if you hit CNTRL+SHIFT+A to deselect all, then try to repro again. Again.. Nice work on the video. It does look like a possible bug. @martsave martin s, Is this what your seeing as well ?
  5. And what version are you currently using ? Good advise right there ^ See I look at it this way, I haven't seen too many comments about this issue so it may be very difficult to repro in house, there for you might be able to supply Cakewalk with a project (I suggest each of you) but if they don't have similar hardware, GPU it will be even more difficult to repro in house. the more info, the better.
  6. If you go to "Programs and features in windows it will show you the last downloads of the redistributables. Grab the latest one from Microsoft only and to coincide with your OS type/64 bit. <- you are 64 bit correct ?
  7. That 212 have a mix control knob ? Routing should be re evaluated. Check headphone jack (wiggle it).
  8. Are you using a custom theme as well ? Using the latest Bandlab and haven't seen this. I did however have this issue in earlier versions of Sonar (Sonar Platinum 2017) but that was a bug they fixed.
  9. That looks to me like a typical case of Visual C++ runtime libraries/Microsoft Visual Studio needs to be installed/updated.
  10. I also like the idea of your vector graphic sizes. The mixer views you speak of I believe is the Skylight interface. Its meant for multi configurations using multiple monitors.
  11. Can you post another screenshot, only this time zoom in on that pop up box (the one that's giving you the error). Its too small to read. you can use a housing site for better results but for right now, what that text says in the pop up will shed light on whats going on.
  12. I hope it doesn't sound like I don't want bugs fixed because I do. Im just not sure what the alternative is. I suppose removing the Automation sign (the zipper) when closing a lane tight would do it.
  13. This doesn't look minimized unless you have your automation tracks set a tiny little sliver. The reason its happening is because the meter hits the ceiling of the Automation sign. (That zipper line). I can repro this (now I know how it is replicated) but my default Automation lane height is not this small in its closed position. Pulling the tracks lane open another micro centimeter remedy's this issue.
  14. I was going to suggest the same thing. Trying to route users to your private blog to give feedback wont solve any of these issues, it only displaces them to another site not affiliated with Cakewalk.
  15. Unfortunately no. I hope someday Cakewalk adds a Start/End Marker so we could select project start/end times and have them saved. but the selection process for Start/end times are shared with normal Edit/selection operations.
  16. I can only think of 3 things that would cause this.. 1- Anti virus 2- Windows update (lack there of) specifically the redistributables: C++ and/or visual. 3- Your using an old version of the Bandlab app and may need to download it directly from cakewalk (instead of the app telling you to update with an auto connection. There is a possible 4 too.. Maybe an internet connection failure.
  17. This explains it. To specify the default ProChannel configuration 1. Insert and arrange the ProChannel modules in the desired order. 2. Do one of the following: To specify the default configuration for tracks. Right-click any empty space in a track’s ProChannel and select Set Modules as Default for Tracks on the pop-up menu. To specify the default configuration for buses. Right-click any empty space in a bus’ ProChannel and select Set Modules as Default for Buses on the pop-up menu.
  18. Did you try to add a module (like the eq, exc) ? I know theres a way to set up the pro channel modules as a default (all modules, some modules, no modules) This might have become reset. Can you add a module ? I'd hate to see you reinstall everything only to find out it was a setting that was reset (the PC module defaults).
  19. What version are you using ? If it was a GUI bug, there would be many of us here complaining about it. I tried for 20 minutes to reproduce this and I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried.
  20. Not a bad idea. At first I thought you were going in the direction of a project template (which CbB has). But having a documentation of a projects contents, including tempo, even Markers, exc, would be a nice addition.
  21. If you press TAB or right-click while holding down the left mouse button over the markers, you can toggle through which of the overlaid markers you'd like to move. For example, if the Now Time marker, a regular Marker, a Loop point, and a Punch point are all at measure 5, pressing Tab (while holding down the left mouse button) toggles through T (Now Time), M (regular), L (Loop), and P (Punch). If you want to change the regular marker, simply drag the mouse when M is displayed; if you want to adjust the position of the Loop point, tab through to L, and so on. More can be read here about Markers
  22. Is that a question ? Your right Automation cant be done on Ext devices. I believe what @scook was talking about was internal VST plug in parameters. All you have to do is turn on automation and move any fader, knob, IE- Value and once the transport is stopped, that parameter is now in the lane/on the clip. No need for trying to find parameters. Once you make automation, they are right there.
  23. Its time to upgrade my friend. you can pick up a Focusrite scarlett 212 (1st Gen) used for under 70 bucks. These interfaces have been rock solid (besides some recent driver updates for the 2cnd Gen's). The Cakewalk power station stopped upgrading drivers in Windows 8.1 So Windows 10 would be a no go unless you used WASAPI.
  24. That's fair. What do you use for a quality pre amp though ? While I agree VST plug ins have come a long way they cant compare to quality Rackmount EQ's, Compressors, exc. Though its a little unfair to compare Rackmount gear to a control surface. Rackmount gear will not allow you to control the software you are using.
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